Children's interior for boys: ideas and photos

The growing baby in the house is a great happiness! However, parents are well aware of how boys during the game can sweep and destroy everything in their path. Therefore, they really need their own well-equipped room. Thinking over the children's interior for boys, one should take into account the basic requirements that are put forward for the room. The room should be comfortable, safe, comfortable.

Primary requirements

Nursery interior design for a boy is a very difficult matter. After all, as you grow up, the room must constantly change and acquire new functionality. It is recommended to change the children's interior every three years. Then the room will fully meet the needs of the child, consistent with his age and development. It is natural that the teenager’s room is quite different from the interior needed by the tomboy boys.

children's interior for boys

However, there are basic rules that should be strictly observed when making a nursery, regardless of the age of the child.

Let us dwell on them:

  • The materials and objects that make up the room must strictly comply with all sanitary standards. Today's market provides the buyer with the widest choice. But you should dwell on natural, safe materials that do not provoke the development of allergies in boys.
  • Choose comfortable furniture that matches your age. It is very important that it is safe, does not cause injuries.
  • One of the important conditions is good lighting. In the daytime and in the evening room should be filled with light. It is advisable to take the most lighted room under the nursery.
  • Do not choose curtains from flammable fabrics. It is preferable to purchase curtains made from natural linen or cotton. They perfectly transmit light. Use the blinds for the desired dimming of the room.
  • Any designs in the nursery should be very firmly fixed. Fabrics used for decoration, pick up strong enough that will not tear.
  • Divide the room into thematic zones. This can be achieved by applying various wallpapers or styles. The main thing is that they blend harmoniously.
  • Small decorations are not recommended in abundance. And in the kid’s room they are completely inappropriate.

Creating a children's interior for boys, listen to their wishes. Guided by the preferences of the guys. Connect your imagination, and the room of a boyish dream will appear before you.

Color spectrum

Loving parents, while decorating a nursery, are wondering in what colors to create the interior. Psychologists say that human thinking directly depends on visual perception. That is why the right choice of color palette for walls, textiles, furniture will allow the baby to develop faster and feel cozy and comfortable in his room.

The baby in the early years of life is more suited to soft unsaturated shades. For an older kid, a room can turn into a bright fun fairy tale. From the age of four, children begin to prefer cheerful and contrasting colors - yellow, blue, red.

children's room for a boy photo

It is completely undesirable to use dark shades. They cause a depressing effect on a small organism. Children's interior for boys, selected in light shades, on the contrary, improves mood, stimulates development.

When choosing a color scheme for a room, it is important to consider the temperament of the child. Psychologists advise a little phlegmatic or melancholic to harmoniously include small red objects in the design. Such bright “spots” on a light background will unobtrusively stimulate the child’s activity.

An unruly baby - choleric or pronounced sanguine - suitable shades of blue and blue palette. This color scheme can strengthen the body and stimulate the development of the child. Bright orange colors do not fit at all. They are very exciting psyche.

Newborn's room

Preparing for the birth of a little boy is fraught with a lot of exciting and enjoyable chores. One of them is creating a room for the baby. This is both an interesting and very crucial moment. After all, the interior of the nursery for a newborn boy must be correctly and correctly planned.

Modern psychologists offer a quiet range of rooms to diversify a little with bright colorful drawings. According to pediatricians, the presence of contrasting elements will stimulate the development of visual focus and color perception in a child. It is very important not to overdo it. And the main thing is that mom would like the room, because she will have to spend a lot of time in it.

interior nursery for a boy photo

Of furniture are required crib, cot, changing table. It is very convenient if the latter is combined with a chest of drawers. Place the crib away from the window. Better to choose her place in the center of the room. But just not opposite the door. This is a zone in which a draft is always present. Another important attribute is a comfortable chair for mom. Sitting in it, it will be much more convenient for her to feed the hero. And if the area allows, a small sofa will be the best option. Indeed, sometimes, for example, when the teeth grow, parents have to spend whole nights at the cradle. It is much more convenient to do this on the couch.

The floor in the room can be covered with natural carpet. However, it should be remembered that it is a real dust collector. Therefore, some designers recommend making a heated floor and laying comfortable pillows on it.

It is very important not to use small objects for decoration. A little boy starting to crawl can get hurt or, even worse, swallow them.

Room for a boy from one to three

At this age, there is a need for the first transformation of design. Children's room for a boy (the photo clearly demonstrates) should be slightly modified. After all, the baby learns the world, it begins to attract interesting pictures, a bright palette. However, do not paste over the entire room with bright prints, otherwise the child will be constantly distracted by them and fall asleep badly.

An interesting option is to cover the ceiling with light-absorbing wallpaper. Asleep, the little boy will see a calming starry sky above his head. The walls of a calm color scheme can be varied with cartoon characters or animals.

interior design nursery for a boy

The changing table is replaced by a low chair and a table, at which the young talent will be able to engage in art classes. It is better to place it near the window so that the boy does not feel a lack of light. A mandatory attribute should be a locker for children's toys. Thus, you can accustom the baby to order.

For the floor, choose a good quality artificial carpet, because children will definitely transfer their games there. Think carefully about the lighting. Some areas require additional light sources. A bedside lamp should be placed near the bed, so the child will not be afraid to fall asleep.

Room for a child from 3 to 5 years

The kid enters a wonderful age, which is characterized by the desire to imitate his beloved heroes. So, changing the interior of the nursery for the boy (the photos posted in the article show how the designers realize this issue), you should design it in the appropriate style.

A pretty good option could be a bed that simulates a car or a ship. You can place a railroad or a mototrack in the game zone.

At this age, the boy will need a wardrobe or chest of drawers for clothes, a chair for things. It is worth considering shelves or allocating space in a bookcase. An important attribute is the Swedish wall. She does not take up much space, but she accustoms the future man to sports.

Room for a boy 6-7 years old

This age is associated with the school. The pean becomes more serious, in his character there is a certain responsibility. Loving parents will greatly support their tomboy if they create the necessary nursery interior for a school boy.

The desk takes the place of a small table for art. Be sure to take into account the size of the child when choosing it. Competent coverage becomes an important issue, because lessons sometimes have to be done in the evening. A bookcase or shelf is an equally important attribute.

And the wall design can already be safely discussed with the owner of the room. Perhaps he himself had come up with something.

The child is 8-9 years old: how to decorate the interior

The age when interests and inclinations are already clearly manifested. They should be the basis for the redesign of the interior. Children's room for a boy (photo of examples is located below) should fully reflect his inner world.

nursery interior for 2 boys

If your future boxer is growing up, be sure to equip the room in this style. Wallpaper children's themes, as a rule, confuse the real "man." Choose solid color options for a neutral palette. The gaming area can be reduced. In a vacant place, a bookcase or computer fits perfectly.

10-12 years old

Boys at this age, as a rule, decided on their hobby. They already have an idea of ​​what the interior of a children's bedroom should look like. It is very important for the boy that his opinion be taken into account when making out.

Of course, some desires can outrage or irritate. However, comrades parents, you are adults! That means you can find a compromise solution.

One wall can be pasted over with interesting wallpaper. Choose items to decorate together. It will give you both pleasure. And the room will meet the wishes of the child and become his real pride.

Design a room for a child 13-14 years old

This is the age when idols appear in boys. You can pick up cheaper wallpapers. In any case, the children's interior for boys 13-14 years old implies a lot of posters. Let him hang on the walls the "most necessary" things. Do not worry about this, trying to explain that many attributes are clearly superfluous. After a couple of years, he himself will understand that living in the "art gallery" is completely uncomfortable.

interior of a children's bedroom for a boy

Young man's room

The child has grown significantly. Design should also change rapidly. Designing the interior of a nursery for a teenager boy of 15-16 years old, more precisely, already almost young men, is the easiest task. The owner of the room already clearly understands what he wants to change. Sit down with the teenager at the negotiating table. By the way, oddly enough, but now it is becoming easier to reach a compromise. After all, the child already understands a lot.

As a rule, adolescents are attracted to the modern style - the high-tech trend. It is characterized by simple lines, a minimum of furniture. Primary colors - gray, white, black. They are diluted with a bright palette. For walls, pick photos in stylish, simple frames. Maximum lighting. It is better to replace the bed with a modern sofa. Instead of curtains, you can choose fabric blinds.

interior of a nursery for a schoolboy boy

Everything is strict, simple and tasteful. Your teenager will be satisfied.

Room for two

Any child is a unique person, with his interests and needs. He needs a personal space for dreams or games. For one boy, solving the problem is quite simple. But what if there are two tomboys in the family?

The interior of the nursery for 2 boys should be functional and harmonious, and most importantly - like the kids. That is why you need to take into account the wishes of everyone. A good solution is the zoning method. The room can be divided into two parts with a color scheme or even a small partition. If the area allows, it is better for each child to allocate a separate bedside table and a locker.

In order to save space, bunk beds can be used. The old solution does not lose its relevance today. A more ergonomic version is a retractable bed option.

nursery interior for a newborn boy


As you can see, it’s not difficult to design a children's interior for boys. Take into account the age, character, wishes of the owner of the room. And the rest depends on your imagination and ability to find a compromise solution.

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