How to increase breast milk lactation? Effective Ways

The value of breast milk for a small organism is difficult to overestimate. It is the key to the harmonious and full development of the baby. Even the most expensive and good mixture can not replace a baby with breast milk.

But unfortunately, many women for several reasons to encounter the phenomenon of partial or complete absence of breast milk in the postpartum and other periods. If timely measures are not taken, it will be impossible to restore lactation. The only way out for mom and baby will be artificial feeding.

That is why it is important to know how to increase the lactation of breast milk of a nursing mother.

What is lactation?

how to increase breast milk lactation

But first, a few words about lactation. This term refers to the multifaceted process of the formation of milk in the glands located in the female breast, with its subsequent isolation.

The beginning of lactation is considered the second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, a woman may notice that white discharge appears from the chest. This is the so-called colostrum. Its production ends at 4-5 days after birth. It is replaced by transitional milk, and after a while - real milk.

The formation of breast milk in every woman proceeds differently. This is due to the individual characteristics of the female body.

The volume and formation of milk, as well as the presence of nutrients in it, directly depends on the woman’s lifestyle and on her emotional state. Lactation is significantly influenced by the features of the course of childbirth, the state of the hormonal background, the balanced nutrition of the expectant mother.

Breast milk or mixture?

The question of which method of feeding a baby to give preference remains relevant for a long time and excites more than one generation of mothers.

The composition of breast milk differs significantly from its artificial counterpart. Its main advantage is the fact that the balance of the beneficial components that make up milk changes with the age of the baby, depending on his needs. The baby's body receives all the necessary nutrients at all stages of development in sufficient quantities.

It has been scientifically established that the nutrients that are part of mixtures for artificial feeding are absorbed by the child's body worse than mother's milk.

The essential properties of breast milk. Benefits of Breastfeeding

breast milk lactation enhancers

So which is better: mixture or breast milk? Any pediatric doctor will answer that for any baby there is nothing better and more valuable than mother’s breast milk, provided that the nursing woman is absolutely healthy. That is why breast milk has a number of undeniable advantages over an artificial analogue:

  1. All the necessary substances are in a more accessible form.
  2. Breast milk for a complete satiation of the infant requires much less compared with mixtures.
  3. The probability of regurgitation as a result of the baby’s stomach is full is minimal.
  4. Mom's milk strengthens the baby's immunity, improves bowel function.
  5. Subject to certain nutritional rules, breast milk does not contain allergens, which means that it is not able to cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  6. There is no need to spend time on the manufacture of the mixture, on the sterilization of containers and bottles for storage.
  7. Breastfeeding helps strengthen the emotional bond between mother and baby.

With natural feeding, there is no need to give the baby some water, since breast milk contains a sufficient amount of liquid. In addition, breastfeeding does not require financial costs from parents, while packaging dry-mix for artificial feeding is not cheap.

It is worth noting that breastfeeding has a positive effect on the female body, especially in the postpartum period. Lactation contributes to a faster uterine contraction in the first days after delivery and significantly reduces the risk of the appearance and development of mastopathy and cancer.

However, in some cases, it is preferable to be artificial feeding. Among the main ones:

  • the presence of a woman's contraindications to breastfeeding;
  • the presence in the baby of congenital metabolic disorders that interfere with the absorption of breast milk;
  • the presence of malformations that make it difficult or impossible to suck.

Artificial feeding is the only way out in case of lack of breast milk or in the complete absence of lactation.

When does milk appear?

Milk in a woman appears on the 2nd-4th day of the life of a newborn baby. Until this moment, colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands of the newly minted mother. It is not enough, but this amount is enough for the child.

Signs of a lack of breast milk

What foods increase breast milk lactation?

Four main symptoms point to a shortage of breast milk.

  1. Inadequate weight gain or weight loss. Just do not confuse the physiological weight loss that occurs in the first 2-5 days of a newborn's life. This completely normal phenomenon should not be cause for concern. In the first six months of life, the baby gains an average of 450-900 grams, and the increase in height is 2-3 cm. It should be borne in mind that the increase in weight and height of the baby partly depends on the type of physique of the baby.

  2. Restless state of the child, constant crying. This behavior of the baby can be associated with hunger only immediately after or during the feeding process. In all other cases, baby crying signals any inconvenience or is a protective reaction of the body of a small child (in the first time after birth, the baby experiences severe stress).

  3. The delay of the chair. This phenomenon does not always indicate malnutrition. In the first months of life, this may be due to problems in the digestive tract.
  4. Inadequate urination may indicate a lack of breast milk. From the second week of a baby’s life, their average amount is 12-25.

If you have one or more of the above symptoms, it is recommended that you contact your pediatrician.

Causes of Inadequate Production of Breast Milk

products that increase the lactation of breast milk Komarovsky

There are many reasons that affect worsening lactation and reducing the amount of milk produced. These include:

  • improper feeding of the baby;
  • the use of a nipple;
  • dairy babies with water;
  • improper technique of applying to the mother's breast;
  • saving breast milk in order to accumulate it;
  • stressful situations.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the only way out will be feeding the baby with mixtures or completely transferring the baby to artificial feeding.

Effective ways to increase lactation

To improve lactation and increase the volume of milk produced, you need to properly compose your diet, exclude smoked and spicy dishes. You need to know exactly which products increase the lactation of breast milk, every mom should have a list. More about this later in the article.

In addition, the following will be effective:

  • the use of dietary supplements and medications;
  • the use of traditional medicine: the use of drinks and decoctions;
  • breast massage;
  • physical activity (physical education, gymnastics);
  • proper feeding regimen;
  • frequent attachments to the chest;
  • decantation.

The above methods are best used in combination, and not separately. Thus, you can establish lactation and strengthen your own health.

Drinks to improve breast milk production

how to increase lactation of breast milk to a nursing mother

In addition to the use of products that increase the lactation of breast milk after childbirth, it is advisable to use drinks and decoctions prepared at home:

  • decoctions based on caraway seeds, fennel and anise;
  • compote of rose hips;
  • barley drink ;
  • weak black or green tea;
  • carrot juice.

It is recommended that in the first four months of the child’s life, dilute berries-based drinks with water so that they are better absorbed by the baby’s digestive system and do not cause digestive problems. It is important to remember that the daily intake of fluid should be at least two liters.

Do not forget that the above decoctions and drinks consist of their components, which in exceptional cases can cause allergies in the child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby and at the first sign of such a drink to exclude from the diet.

Foods Needed to Improve Lactation

which foods increase breast milk lactation list

Every new mother needs to know what foods are available that increase breast milk lactation. A list of them must be known to every lactating woman in order to prevent a shortage of milk production. A prerequisite of the menu is its high calorie content. In addition, food should be rich in protein. After all, it is they who are the building material of the body of any person, including the newborn crumbs.


  • cottage cheese;
  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • a small amount of hard cheese.

Dairy products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, not only beneficially affect lactation, but also improve the condition of the nails and teeth of a nursing woman.

It is worth noting that products that increase the lactation of breast milk, Evgeny Oleg Komarovsky, a pediatrician of the highest category and the host of the Dr. Komarovsky School program on the proper development and upbringing of young children, recommends it to be consumed in moderation.

The diet of a nursing mother should include:

  • soups and broths made from veal, chicken, rabbit, beef;
  • porridge from rice, oat and buckwheat;
  • vegetables, berries, greens;
  • spices, for example, caraway and fenugreek;
  • nuts rich in potassium and magnesium.

Similar recommendations on how to increase lactation of breast milk, Komarovsky presents in various sources.

Smoked foods and spicy dishes, some herbs (sage, hops, mint, lingonberries) are not recommended for use. They retain fluid in the body.


how to increase lactation of breast milk of a nursing mother

Currently, there are a huge number of drugs that increase lactation. The following are effective:

  • Apilak
  • Lactogon;
  • "Femilak";
  • Mlekoin.

Over the years, they have proven their effectiveness. In addition, the price of drugs is available to everyone. The cost of "Apilak" and "Mlekoin" is 110 - 160 rubles. Lactogon and Femilak are a little more expensive, 230 - 290 rubles.

The composition of such funds, as a rule, includes plant components, minerals, vegetable oils, vitamins, royal jelly or powdered cow's milk.

How to increase breast milk lactation folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy for increasing lactation is carrots, or rather juice from it. The root crop must be thoroughly washed, peeled and prepared. To improve the taste of the juice, you can add a little cream or milk. Take three times a day for half a glass.

Carrot porridge will also help increase lactation of breast milk for a nursing mother. Grate the carrots, add half a glass of milk. Take three times a day.

Walnuts have a beneficial effect on milk quality. The high content of carbohydrates and fats makes it more high-calorie. But do not get carried away - walnuts can cause allergies in infants.

Instead of a conclusion

The problem of lack of breast milk is familiar to many nursing women. It is very important in such cases to take measures in time to restore the production of breast milk and increase lactation.

Every nursing mother should be aware of products that increase breast milk lactation. Currently, there are a huge number of them, the main ones are indicated in the article. Also, do not forget which products increase the lactation of breast milk, as well as remember the list of drugs that stimulate its production.

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