Step-by-step drawing of Gorodets painting: description and recommendations

Gorodets painting is a wonderful painting technique that was created precisely in Russia. Often, even in kindergartens, art classes are held to depict objects and animals in unique vivid colors with elements of a fairy tale.

History of Gorodets painting

Usually wooden items were decorated with Gorodets painting. Since it was originally a folk craft of drawing on wood of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

It got its development in the second half of the 19th century, not far from the village of Gorodets, hence the name. There were a lot of forests in that area, so the material came out cheap. And from it, in turn, children’s toys, furniture, houses and much more were made. To decorate wooden objects used painting, which could not do without bright garlands of flowers.

So Gorodets painting gradually transferred to almost all household items. And the images of various fairy tales and colorful flowers gave the paintings a special, memorable plot.

phased drawing of Gorodets painting

Now this technique is still popular. You can easily find pieces of furniture, especially children's furniture, decorated with lush flowers. And since the elements are large enough, the teachers in kindergartens began to use phased drawing of Gorodets painting during their creative activities.

Elements and techniques for their execution in Gorodets painting

The true masters of Gorodets painting, first of all, pay attention to the setting of hands during work. It is only necessary to hold the brush vertically so that it can rotate between the fingers (thumb, index and middle) without obstacles. With the correct formulation, all elements of the painting are given without much effort.

phased drawing of Gorodets painting

The painting is carried out in two stages:

  • undermining;
  • come to life.

For undermining use large brushes, fill immediately the entire figure. For example, all horses are completely covered with black paint, except harness. Performing this technique is available even for a five year old child. The main thing in it is to smear the paint with an even and thin layer so that there are no gaps.

Vivivka is a technique by which a sketch of a drawing turns into a picture. In this case, brushes use thin (artistic) ones. They work only with black and white paint, unlike undercoat, where any color is acceptable. Only the tip is dipped, and all details are done carefully.

Various dots and curls are applied with animation, which help to revive the picture. But they have strict rules of execution. For example, you can apply only arcs, points, strokes and droplets. The main thing is to touch only the end of the brush, so that the strokes are smooth and beautiful.

Absolutely all the elements of Gorodets painting are applied without prior sketch in pencil. That is why each work is individual.

How to portray flowers in Gorodets painting

To make the paintings work especially well, consider the phased drawing of Gorodets painting on the example of flowers. They are considered a symbol of health.

Gorodets painting step-by-step drawing for children

In order to master the technique of Gorodets painting well enough, it is enough to learn how to draw four flowers. The work is carried out in three stages, unlike other elements:

  • undermining;
  • pointing the petals;
  • come to life.

While you are studying, as well as if the kids are doing the work, you can use a pencil in the Gorodets painting technique. Phased drawing for children, and for adults, will look like this:

  1. Draw four circles on a piece of paper with a pencil (three identical and one smaller)
  2. Take a thin brush and put round spots with cherry paint (in the first two - on the side, and in the remaining - in the middle)
  3. Using the same paint, on the first circle we draw an arc with an edge. To aim it correctly, hold the brush perpendicular to the sheet of paper. As soon as you touch, start drawing, then press, and finish again with a thin line.
  4. On the second circle, draw the same arc, but not along the edge, but inside. And on the edge, place the petals. Make them the same as the previous element, only with a smaller size.
  5. On the third circle, distribute the petals around the circle.
  6. In the fourth, paint the droplets by blotting. They must be located along the radius around the central spot.

When you have learned to draw elements separately, we move on to making the flower:

  1. First, draw the undermining - large spots of paint in the form of a circle. We take any color, usually it is pink or blue.
  2. On these circles we apply one of the selected patterns that learned to draw - this is the stage of pointing the petals.
  3. Now we complete the work with animations. They are performed on the colors of white paint. We make accurate drawings or put dots to revive the pattern.

The image of flowers is the basis of the Gorodets painting style. Stage-by-stage drawing in the kindergarten of such patterns will bring children a lot of joy and teach them neatness, since everything needs to be done without a sketch, and arcs and animations should be done with great accuracy.

How to draw a horse in a kindergarten group

As we have already said, Gorodets painting is perfect for children. Let's consider how to conduct phased drawing of Gorodets painting in the senior group of kindergarten.

step-by-step drawing of a horse gorodets painting

First, tell the children what Gorodets painting is and show illustrations. To make it easier for them to do the work, do it together, drawing on a sheet attached to the board. Getting started:

  1. Draw a body that looks like two droplets that look in different directions and are connected by a wand.
  2. Next, draw a head. You do not need to complicate it, take an oval, draw ears and an elongated muzzle.
  3. Now legs. Small triangles in the right places, sticks from them and triangles (hooves) at the end.
  4. We depict the mane and tail with yellow paint, using semicircles in the work.
  5. Draw a saddle (children choose the color themselves).
  6. Draw the eyes, bridle and decorate the saddle.

It was a phased drawing of a horse. Gorodets painting will help children to become more accurate and develop their creative abilities. And also you can familiarize young artists with geometric shapes.

We paint a board with Gorodets painting with children

Particularly interesting for children in kindergarten will be the phased drawing of Gorodets painting on a wooden board as a gift to parents. You can ask students in advance to bring home workpieces from home. And the lesson itself is constructed as follows:

  1. We tell a little from the history of Gorodets painting.
  2. We determine the center of each item, put a point there with a pencil.
  3. Draw a circle with the selected color.
  4. When it dries, we apply the petals on top (choose one version of the flower for all).
  5. After waiting a bit, take a thin brush and apply the veins in white.
  6. The remaining space can be supplemented with curls.
  7. The contour of the board is painted with a solid strip of the same color as the flower.

phased drawing of Gorodets painting in the senior group

Such an activity will bring a lot of impressions to the children, and the memory will remain for life. Recommend varnishing the board at home with your parents so that the paint does not crumble over time.

Tips for working with children in performing Gorodets painting

If you plan to conduct phased drawing of Gorodets painting with your pupils, do not forget:

  1. First do all the elements yourself.
  2. Choose the same pattern for everyone.
  3. If you see that someone is failing, help.
  4. Do not forget to praise the guys in the process.
  5. Remember that the basis of Gorodets patterns is the undercoat, which is done in one color, and there should be no gaps, and the animations are done with a thin brush.

Gorodets painting is a drawing of the elements of a fairy tale, so children will definitely like this work.

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