What are the vitamins in peach and nectarine?

What vitamins in peach and what is it good for? You will receive answers to these questions from the submitted article. We will also tell you about whether such a product can be used by pregnant women and how it should be stored properly.

what vitamins in peach

basic information

What vitamins do peaches contain? Before answering this question, it should be said that peach is a sweet and juicy treat that quenches thirst well.

If you managed to get really ripe and juicy fruits, then remember that you will enjoy not only their unsurpassed taste, but also nourish your body with useful substances.

Knowing what vitamins in peach are contained, you can safely use the fetus as a family doctor.

Composition of the product

What vitamins do peaches contain? According to experts, this product has a very rich composition. It contains pectins, water, essential oil, malic, citric and tartaric acids, as well as sugar. In addition, this fruit includes such trace elements as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and selenium.

What vitamins are found in peaches? They are rich in vitamin C, E, A, K, B1, PP and B2.

The healing properties of sweet fruits

Now you know which vitamins prevail in peach. It should be noted that due to its rich composition, this product exhibits high healing properties.

Peaches are not only consumed fresh. They make stewed fruit, jam, jam, jam and more. Fruits and freshly squeezed juice from them are very useful for constipation, as they contain fiber and pectins. This is especially true for pregnant women. Indeed, future women in labor encounter such a problem very often.

what vitamins in peach and what is it good for

Experts say that eating peaches is better when fresh. You can also squeeze juice out of them and drink it several times a day (before meals, 50 ml).

Including peaches in your diet is very beneficial for anemia, as they contain a large amount of iron. Also, these fruits are an excellent diuretic.

Other features of peaches and nectarines

With regular use of peaches and nectarines, you are able to get rid of toxins. Such fruits prevent the development of rotting and fermentation in the intestines. They also help in the fight against harmful microorganisms and microbes.

Peaches have an excellent effect on the human body. They well strengthen the immune system, and also quickly restore strength during vitamin deficiency.

Calorie content of the product

Despite all the sweetness, the calorie content of peaches is not very high. According to experts, 100 g of this product contains about 35 kcal. Therefore, consuming such fruits, one should not be afraid of gaining excess weight.

The benefits of fruits (peaches and nectarines)

What are the most relevant vitamins in peaches for pregnant women? Experts say that the entire vitamin complex contained in these fruits is necessary for the normal bearing of the fetus.

what vitamins in peach and nectarine

Peaches are also very useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. After all, they contain a huge amount of potassium.

The fruits in question are useful not only when they are eaten, but also in the process of their use as a medicine and for cosmetic purposes. Consider a few folk recipes:

  • Fruits and juice squeezed from peaches or nectarine are good for depleted patients with dehydration. This fruit also helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Peach juice is very useful for children and patients as a supplement to dietary nutrition.
  • Peach oil is a real source of beauty. From it, you can make various ointments and creams, as well as just wipe their skin with them before bedtime.
  • Peach juice is ideal for people with urolithiasis, as well as those who suffer from frequent headaches and rheumatism.
  • Patients with a greatly reduced acidity of the body or those suffering from constipation will benefit from taking 50-100 ml of juice (you need to drink half an hour before a meal).
  • After a hearty meal, it’s very good to eat a few nectarines or peaches. This will help your body quickly digest and digest food. In addition, peaches quite quickly eliminate the feeling of nausea.
  • Each nectarine or peach contains a huge amount of potassium salts, so this fruit is especially useful for people with heart disease.
  • Fresh fruits are good for patients with anemia and low hemoglobin.

what vitamins in peaches for pregnant

About what vitamins in peach and nectarine are contained, we described above. However, it should be noted that such fruits also have contraindications for use. They should not be included in your diet for people with diabetes, as well as with ulcers and gastritis.

With extreme caution, these fruits should be given to children, especially in large quantities. After all, they contain allergens and can be harmful to health.

Proper fruit storage

Before you buy peaches and nectarines, they should be selected correctly. Such fruits deteriorate quite quickly, so they are not stored for long in a store or warehouse.

When buying peaches, pay attention to their color and smell. The color of the fruit should be bright, and the skin - without any dark spots, dents or scratches. Peaches should be firm and smooth. At the same time, their smell should be a pleasure.

You should buy such fruits as much as you eat in 3 days, otherwise the fruits will deteriorate.

All purchased peaches should preferably be placed in a plastic bag, and only then put in the refrigerator.

Before consuming a juicy and sweet fruit, it should be removed from the refrigerator. It is advisable to do this half an hour before the meal. So peaches are slightly “warm”, and this will help them become more juicy and tasty.

what vitamins are found in peaches

If you decide to freeze fruits for the winter, then you should definitely remove the skin from them. This is due to the fact that peach skin does not freeze well and also has a bitter taste.

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