Any woman who wipes her face with mineral water will say that thanks to this approach, balance in the tissues is restored. Which water is best washed depends on the type of skin. If it is weak or sensitive, then low-mineralized soil is suitable, for problematic or oily - water with a high salt content will give an excellent result. For normal skin, some types can be combined. If you need to soothe the skin after cleansing your face or peeling, you can also use mineral water. Effective will be home cosmetics, which are prepared on the basis of such a liquid.
The benefits of water for the skin
Mineral water brings many benefits to the skin. It improves its color, relieves swelling, strengthens capillaries, saturates with moisture and oxygen, removes toxins. The composition of water, as a rule, includes chlorides, sulfates and bicarbonates. They are not harmful to the body, so you can use water without any concern.
Water composition
The composition of water includes fluoride, which helps to heal wounds. Potassium will make the skin smooth, reduce its dryness and reduce peeling. Magnesium is needed in order to produce collagen. Thanks to him, the number of wounds, abrasions, cracks and cuts is also reduced. Calcium regulates the production of sebum, relieves allergic manifestations and inflammation on the skin.
It must be remembered that water will bring effect only if you use it regularly.
Water selection
To say which mineral water is the best for the face is impossible. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. If we are talking about teenage skin and people who have a lot of blackheads, then you can use a mineral water with a lot of salts. It will help cleanse the pores by regulating the amount of fat produced. You can use Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan and some others.
For withered skin and one that is prone to dryness, water is needed, where there is less salt. Suitable "Morshinskaya", "Truskavets."
Premium drinks, such as Perrier, Evian, are suitable for those who want to make their skin supple and velvety.
Ways to use
Mineral water for the face can be used in various cosmetic procedures by adding liquid to masks or other formulations. It is important to choose the composition of water depending on the type of skin. If carbonated liquid is used, it is best to pour it into the bowl and wait a while until the carbon dioxide evaporates. Water can be added to masks, scrubs, peels, lotions.
Face wash
In order to narrow pores, improve complexion, remove makeup, you can use ordinary mineral water without gas. Mineral water should be washed with a moistened cotton pad. They need to be carried out strictly along the massage lines. If desired, it is allowed to enrich with vitamins. For example, grape, peach, or rice oil are suitable for dry skin.
Ice cubes
Thanks to cosmetic ice, you can maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin, as well as reduce the number of wrinkles. The procedure should be carried out in courses so that the skin does not get used to the cold. Otherwise, efficiency will noticeably decrease. Together with mineral water for the skin, you can use herbal decoctions, plant extracts, add essential oils. Use ice before bedtime. Movements should be made along the massage lines, and then moisturize the skin with gel.
Mineral Water Lotion
Such a mixture will improve the restoration of the skin, and also improve the condition of the facial capillaries. Many cosmetologists note that irrigation of the face with mineral water with lotion is much more effective than using tonic. It perfectly cleanses and refreshes the face. If the skin fades, you can add cucumber to the water. If the skin is oily and problematic, then a few drops of salicylic acid will do.
Mineral spray
In order to soothe the skin after exposure to the sun, you can use mineral water. For the face it will be useful. In addition, such a spray will be useful at low temperatures. It can be sprayed 3-4 times a day. To do this, just pour non-carbonated water into the spray bottle. If desired, you can add vitamins. In order to apply on the face, you do not need to spray water on yourself. It should be sprayed in front of you, and immediately enter the cloud of liquid.
Mask for dry skin
Reviews of mineral water for the face are positive, since on its basis useful masks can be prepared. They allow you to remove peeling and sagging skin. The recipe described below can save you from swelling and pigmentation. It will also restore oxygen breathing, accelerating skin regeneration.
The mask contains 5 drops of tocopherol, 10 g of sour cream and 10 ml of mineral water. In order to make the composition, it is necessary to connect the last two components, beat with a whisk until a homogeneous structure. After the vitamin solution is added. The mask should be applied only to the steamed face. It must be distributed with a brush and left for half an hour.
Mask for normal skin
Mineral water for the face will help maintain youth, elasticity. In order for the skin to be velvety and delicate, the mask described below should be done. It is suitable only for dry skin type. All components used moisturize the skin, prevent wrinkles from appearing.
The composition includes 5 g of henna, 20 ml of water, an ampoule with vitamin B2. It is necessary to combine henna with water, stir until a homogeneous consistency. After the paste, enter the vitamin. After cleansing the face with a spatula, the mask is distributed and held for 15 minutes. Washed off with warm water.
Mask for oily skin
If you use mineral water for a person with problem skin, then you can prevent the formation of ulcers, relieve irritation, narrow pores. Due to the elements of the mask, the skin condition improves, and the face looks healthier than before.
The composition includes 2 ml of lemon juice, 10 g of clay, 20 ml of mineral water. Clay needs to be combined with a liquid, add citrus juice. Before applying the mask, skin should be steamed with a hot compress. After application, the paste should be distributed over problem areas, paying attention to zone T. Leave the mask for 12 minutes, and then wash with cold water.
Moisturizing mask
If you want to moisturize your skin, you can use mineral water. It will strengthen blood vessels, relieve peeling. The mask described below can be used for all face types, especially if there is irritation on the skin. All components that go into the mask improve regeneration.
The composition includes 20 drops of grape oil, 2 strawberries, 10 g of rice starch, 10 ml of mineral water. You need to stretch the strawberries, add starch to it. The resulting mass is mixed with water and oil. The face must first be cleaned of cosmetics, steamed, and then the mask evenly applied to the skin. Keep it should be half an hour. The mask should be removed with a damp sponge.
Refreshing mask
If the skin began to fade, then you can use the following mask based on mineral water. It will help relieve fatigue, whiten the skin, make it supple. In addition, the mask protects against low temperatures and sunbathing.
The composition includes 5 ml of aloe juice, 2 drops of mandarin ester, 10 g of oatmeal and 20 ml of water. It is necessary to turn the oatmeal into powder, add hot liquid, combine with aloe juice and add citrus drops. On the face, you need to distribute the mask along the massage lines in a thick layer. Leave on skin for 20 minutes, after washing.
Many women who previously bought expensive face masks and fluids were delighted to taste mineral water. It really allows the skin to look better, reduces acne and blackheads. In addition, the girls note that water allows you to heal smaller wounds faster, strengthens blood vessels. You can use mineral water for both representatives of oily skin and dry. The main thing is to choose the right fluid. Girls also note that it is not worth rubbing your face with sparkling water. The bottle must be opened and held for about 40 minutes. Then all the gases will come out, and the effect of the water will be much better. And if you use the fluid regularly, then skin problems should disappear after a while.