How to be different from everyone else? Find yourself and be yourself

Many people are afraid to stand out from the crowd, they are afraid that they will think something wrong, that they are not like everyone else. But there are people who, on the contrary, want to be different, special and original. There is nothing wrong with that, but the question arises of how to be different from everyone else. Let's try to figure this out together.

Every person is unique

First you need to know that each person is unique in itself. There is not a single person like you on the planet. Naturally, there are people who stand out among others in that they have unique characteristics and skills, so they have a different perception of the world and people pay attention to them. But even if you do not have this, then you are still unique, because you are a person.

No need to put labels on themselves, they are completely meaningless. These include even the desire to be different. It must be remembered that each culture, each person has his own ideas about what is good and what is bad, so first of all you need to understand that you are no longer like everyone else.

The girl looks out the window.

Look for yourself

"What should I do if I want to be different from everyone else?" This question is also relevant for guys. To do this, just find yourself. No need to try to be like someone else, you need to understand what exactly you are, because this is where your uniqueness lies. If you still can’t answer your question about who you really are, then this can scare you, but don’t be upset, because finding yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • "What am I?"
  • "What I want?".
  • "What am I when there is no one next to me?"

These questions will help you figure out finding yourself. Only in this matter is it important to love yourself. This is because if you don’t love yourself, then you don’t like who you are, therefore you will want to become someone else’s copy and will try to please other people, not yourself.

The man in a suit.

Spend time alone with yourself

How to be different from everyone else? Spend a certain amount of time alone. In our century, we are constantly surrounded by other people who influence us not only in the outside world, but also from the screens. If you want to really understand yourself, then you need to step aside from all this. Only in this case you can get to the point. Think carefully about what exactly matters to you, and is not imposed on others.

We constantly hear about what is now fashionable, cool, how you need to look and talk, but this does not mean that you should like all of the above. Being alone, you will be able to understand exactly what things have been imposed on you and which ones you really like.

Girl reaches out to the sun.

Think about your desires

Do you want to become a tough guy? How? What is needed for this? The answer is only within you. Think about what you want. Perhaps you do not want to become different, but simply are surrounded by the wrong people that you need, so you think that you need to change yourself. But what does this mean for you? What do you think is the norm? What do you think is in the people around you?

Each bang implies something different by distinction. Think about what it is for you. Are these any other actions, dreams, tastes?

You need to understand for yourself what exactly you want to be different from other people. Having dealt with this issue, you need to think about how to implement it and emphasize. For example, the people who surround you are engaged in the hall and eat sweets on Thursdays. How can you stand out among them and what do you really want?

Follow your tastes only

Having dealt with the main important issues, you should proceed to action. The most important rule in this business is to do what you like. If you like to wear things that are out of fashion, then there is nothing wrong with that, you absolutely do not need to chase fashion trends. Even this will already be your difference from the others, because you will look different, in your own way, unique.

You never have to hide and be shy about what you like. It can be anything, and the opinions of other people may differ from yours, but do not imitate them and abandon their desires. If you like to look for unusual things in a second-hand, then do it. Do you like to sing karaoke even if you know that you do it badly? Well, let, sing, the main thing is that you feel good and that this is not an imposed desire.

From an early age we are taught to be part of a group. Because of this, it turns out that we are surrounded by things approved by other people. This does not mean that they are bad, but nobody forbids you to try something else. Therefore, look for something that brings pleasure directly to you.

Girl with an unusual hair color.

Being abnormal is normal

Since childhood, we have been brainwashed. This is done so that we merge into society. We have to wear things that are determined not by taste, but by gender. We attend school, eat on a schedule, and strive for an imposed ideal. Because of this, we do not notice our true desires and do not understand that there are facets beyond which we can go.

Think about what your behavior would be like if you put on a crocodile costume. You are not visible, no one will know that it is you. You can scare people in your own way, swing your long tail, and you only do this because you can. In the same way, you can behave in reality. However, for some reason you are not doing this, why? Is this not the answer to the question of how to be different from everyone else?

If this example did not help you understand the essence, then we will try differently. Suppose you want to walk the streets, listening to music on headphones and dance to it as if you were Jennifer Lopez. Why not? The fact is that you really can do that. Do not be afraid to be absurd, just be yourself.

A boy in a superhero costume.

Yes, of course, there will be people who do not like your abnormal, in their opinion, actions, so you need to be prepared for resistance. Think about whether you can handle it. If your answer is yes, then do not waste time, but proceed to action.

How to be different from everyone else? The answer is very simple, although it seems complicated. First of all, you are already unique and this is your difference. Find yourself, understand your desires and set goals. Throw away all the imposed labels and stereotypes. Go beyond the borders of others. Do only what pleases and pleases you.

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