What discharge should be after childbirth: color, smell and duration

Any woman is looking forward to the birth of her baby. In each case, the birth process takes place in different ways: the natural passage of the fetus through the birth canal (with or without gaps) or the baby can be born with the help of doctors who have a cesarean section. But regardless of the course and result of the process, representatives of the weaker sex have discharge after childbirth. How long, color, smell - the article will tell about everything. You will learn about the signs of pathologies that occur in women after the birth of a child.

discharge after pregnancy what should they be

What is postpartum discharge?

The final stage of the birth process is to separate the placenta or the baby's place. This happens almost immediately after removing the child and cutting the umbilical cord. The place from which the placenta separated remains a wound surface, which, accordingly, begins to bleed.

Postpartum discharge is called lochia. They have a slightly different nature of origin than regular menstruation. The duration of the Lochia also differs from the monthly. While in the maternity hospital, specialists examine women daily. Attention is drawn to the color and texture of the discharge, as well as to the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor.

Immediately after childbirth

What discharge should be after childbirth in the first hours? Immediately after removing the placenta, a woman begins to actively contract the uterus. To enhance the effect, obstetricians apply the baby to the chest. Sucking movements and stimulation of the nipples contribute to the compression of the body.

After giving birth, the woman is in the maternity ward for several hours. On her stomach they put an ice warmer and a press. This is necessary to prevent severe bleeding. The volume of outgoing blood should not exceed 500 milliliters. Allocations during this period of time have a pronounced bloody character with an admixture of mucus and clots. So the remains of the placenta and fetal membranes that have not been removed come out.

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The smell of discharge in the early hours

What should be the discharge after childbirth by smell? In the early hours, a woman can feel the stench. In many respects, the influence of the hormonal background contributes to this, because after removing the baby, the active production of oxytocin and prolactin begins. Therefore, the newly mummy becomes more sensitive.

Do not worry about such secretions. Until you have been transferred to the postpartum ward, doctors are carefully monitoring. If something goes wrong, then the doctors will definitely take action. But in most cases, the discharge is normal, and the woman is in her house 2-3 hours after the natural birth without complications.

what discharge after childbirth is abnormal

First few days

Many women wonder: what is the discharge after pregnancy, what should they be? During the first few days after the appearance of the child, an intensive discharge of lochia is observed. During this period, the woman's birth canal is open, so regular hygiene procedures must be carried out to avoid infection. If the infection occurred, then the woman will definitely notice it. What discharge after childbirth is abnormal, you can find out more.

Lochia in the first 5-7 days have a rich red or burgundy shade. They are quite thick and there is an admixture of mucus. Some women find pieces or clots. This is also the norm. When the baby is applied to the breast during the first week, the mother may feel slight pain in the lower abdomen. These sensations vaguely resemble fights. Thus, the uterus contracts - this is the norm.

To improve the allocation of Lochia, doctors recommend that the first days more often lie on your stomach. A postpartum brace is also welcome . The device effectively supports the abdominal wall and prevents the uterus from bending, retaining blood.

how much discharge goes after childbirth and what discharge should be

After discharge: first days at home

What color should be discharge after childbirth in a week? Immediately upon arrival, a woman may notice a change in the nature of the discharge. After the birth, one week has already passed. The bleeding wound that was in place of the placenta is gradually healed. The uterus returns to its normal size, but still extends beyond the small pelvis.

In the second week, the lochia becomes smaller. They gradually brighten, and there is no longer that intense red color. There is also a gradual thinning of the mucus. If in the maternity hospital the newly minted mother had to change the gasket every 2 hours, now a disposable hygiene product is enough for 4-5 hours. Subject to personal hygiene, there is no unpleasant odor in the discharge.

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By the end of the month

Many are interested in: by the end of the fourth week, what should be the discharge? After childbirth, lochia lasts for quite some time. It would seem that a whole month has already passed, and the discharge does not end there. This is normal. Worse, if the lochia stopped after two weeks or even earlier.

During this period, a woman can use thin sanitary pads. The volume of discharge continues to decrease. They brighten, approaching the sacred color. The uterus has almost completely returned to its normal size. A woman does not feel pronounced contractions and pain. Discharge by the end of the first month is odorless. The birth canal is completely closed, but, as before, you need to observe regular personal hygiene.

End of period

How much is the discharge after childbirth and what should be the discharge? It is rather difficult to answer this question immediately and unequivocally. Much depends on the woman herself: her individual characteristics, the course of childbirth, physical and emotional state.

Lochia usually lasts for 6-8 weeks. But normally they can be completed within 4-5 weeks after the birth of the baby. In the last 7-10 days, the discharge acquires a brown or yellowish tint and mucous consistency. They have no smell with a timely change of hygiene products. After only a few days, the lochia completely becomes transparent mucus, which turns into normal, natural discharge, corresponding to the day of the menstrual cycle.

what color should be the discharge after childbirth

Caesarean section: features of postpartum discharge

What discharge should be after childbirth performed using cesarean section? Doctors say that the way the baby appears does not affect the character of the goof. But after a caesarean section, blood volume can be increased, since the vessels of the uterus are injured. That is why, after such an operation, a woman with a baby is discharged only for 7-10 days.

After a cesarean section, the newly-made mother needs to especially carefully monitor her well-being and secretions. This group of women is more likely to develop complications and pathologies. If you are worried about the color or consistency of the suckers, as well as about their volume, talk with the doctor during a daily examination.

what should be the discharge after childbirth

Pathological process

What should be the discharge after childbirth, you already know, but it will not be superfluous to find out everything about the pathological processes of this period.

  • If a premature cessation of lochia is observed, then this indicates the presence of interference. Perhaps there is a large clot in the uterus that blocks the mucus outlet. An uterine kink can also occur, as a result of which blood accumulates in the area of ​​its bottom. In the presence of a septum, adhesions or neoplasms, such cases are more common.
  • Excessive secretion of mucous secretions may indicate uterine perforation or poor blood coagulation. This phenomenon is life-threatening, therefore, requires timely intervention. Any damage and tears of the birth canal should be repaired immediately.
  • The appearance of curdled clots and a sour smell indicates thrush. Recently, women who have recently given birth often have to deal with this phenomenon. Candidiasis is not particularly dangerous, but brings a lot of discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy.
  • Inflammatory processes often occur in women in childbirth. What discharge should be after childbirth in this situation? Mucus takes on a cloudy tint. At the final stages, purulent inclusions can be detected. Also, a woman notes the presence of an unpleasant odor, itching or pain.

All pathological processes should be immediately eliminated. Some of them require medical treatment, others require surgical treatment. If you are concerned about unusual discharge: very scarce or, conversely, copious, having an unpleasant odor and color, consult a gynecologist. You should immediately call a doctor in case of weakness, fainting, fever, low blood pressure.

what discharge should be after childbirth

Draw conclusions

Every woman has discharge after childbirth. How much they go, types, norm and pathology are described for you in the article. Doctors recommend using special sterile pads for women in labor in the early days. Throughout the entire period of presence of Lochia, it is forbidden to use tampons, since these hygiene products can cause infection. Observe hygienic conditions after childbirth, monitor your health and the amount of secretions.

After the end of the goofy, the discharge becomes habitual. Subsequent menstruation can begin both in a month, and after the cessation of lactation. Be sure to specify what discharge should be after childbirth, at your gynecologist even before the baby appears. I wish you success and easy delivery!

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