White cream for the cake: recipes and cooking features

White cream for a cake is, as they say, a classic of the genre. Desserts with this decoration are traditionally considered the embodiment of elegance. White cream cakes are served for celebrations and weddings. Often they become multi-tiered, like towers.

White cream to cover the cake can be made from chocolate or ganache, eggs or butter. It is decorated with icing or mastic flowers. Such desserts are often the pride of confectioners.

But at home, you can cook a white cream for the cake. The recipes for this delicious dessert toppings are given in this article.

The reader will also learn how to make cakes turn out to be of a delicate white color, how to decorate them correctly and what secrets culinary specialists use to ensure that sweets are not only tasty, but also sophisticated.

White cream for coating the cake

Butter cream

This filling is quite easy to prepare. It can be said to be universal. Such a cream is perfect for a layer of biscuit cakes, and as a base for mastic.

They can decorate the cake, because it holds its shape perfectly. But such a white cream for a cake has one significant drawback - it must be kept in the cold.

In order to cook it, you need only butter and powdered sugar. For 100 grams of the first ingredient, it usually takes 4 tablespoons of the second. But keep in mind: the oil must be high quality.

First of all, it should be softened. The oil should have a cream consistency. We begin to beat with a mixer. Gradually add the icing sugar. Beat for a long time. Even after all the powder has dissolved, it is necessary to do this for another 15 minutes. The mass should become airy. Due to the fact that it was whipped for a long time, the taste of the cream will turn out not creamy, but creamy.

This filling has varieties. One of them is a cream of white condensed milk. For a cake it is used very often. It is also quite simple. To obtain such a cream, you need to beat half a can of condensed milk (not toffee!) And a pack of butter.

This must be done carefully so that the mass does not exfoliate, but acquires an even consistency. Culinary experts believe that with such a cream it is good to align all the shortcomings of the cake. It is most often used for desserts.

Butter White Cake Cream


Suitable for biscuits and cupcakes. They can also decorate desserts. Custard for the cake is white, or rather milk, and looks great. He will need not only butter with sugar, as in the previous case, but also milk and eggs. It is done like this:

  1. 6 tablespoons of boil milk. Add 4 tbsp. l sugar and warm.
  2. Beat 2 eggs with a fork or a special whisk in a separate bowl. The mixer is better not to use. At this time, carefully and thinly add hot sweet milk to the eggs.
  3. Put the container on a very small fire. Stir all the time. Bring the mass to a boil.
  4. Remove the cream base from the heat so that it cools down a little.
  5. Beat the butter until lush. It should be almost perfectly white.
  6. Pour the egg into the oil mass in a thin stream.
  7. Beat everything again until you get a lush, beautiful cream.

Choux soaking can be done in English. To do this, instead of eggs, 4 yolks are used, which are ground with 150 grams of sugar before whitening. Then add 50 grams of flour and mix.

Vanilla powder (pinch) should be put in half a liter of milk, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the gas is screwed to a minimum and the egg mass is poured into a thin stream.

Knead until it becomes thick. White cream for the cake is ready. Reviews about him are usually the most enthusiastic.


A protein-based mass is very good for decorating desserts. Many confectioners consider this cream the best. It holds its shape perfectly and is stored for a long time. Now let's see how to make it.

  1. Three protein and 90 grams of sugar are placed in a pan. We put it in a water bath so that the mixture is heated only for a couple, but does not come into contact with water.
  2. At this time, beat the whites with sugar whisk until they thicken a little, and sugar does not dissolve. You can find out by rubbing the mixture silently with your fingers - if grains are felt.
  3. Add a little salt to the mass and beat with a mixer to the peaks. It should become dense and glossy: if you turn the dishes with such whipped proteins, the mass should remain in place.
  4. Beat a packet of softened butter until splendid. It must be of very good quality so that the cream does not exfoliate.
  5. For a teaspoon, add whipped oil to the mass. This is a time consuming process. Such a white cream for the cake needs to be whipped after each tablespoon of butter. It should be completely dissolved in proteins. Only then will a real meringue.

Culinary experts warn in reviews that such a cream is usually used to decorate the top cake, as well as to lubricate the sides of the cake. It is usually not recommended for impregnation.

Cream for white cake coating

Other Protein Cream Options

Italians usually prepare such a decoration for a cake on syrup. This process can be divided into several stages.

  1. We cook syrup from 100 g of water and 200 g of sugar. It is cooked over medium heat, and the output should be a dense mass of caramel color. The main thing is not to digest the syrup. If you can roll a ball from a drop of liquid that you have boiled, having previously lowered it into cold water, then the foundation for the cream is ready.
  2. Beat 4 proteins with salt - first at low speeds of the mixer, and then gradually increasing speed. The mass should be thick, with sharp peaks.
  3. Continuing to beat the squirrels, pour in a thin stream of syrup. It is necessary to be very careful so that the mass does not settle upon contact with hot liquid. Beat until cool.
  4. Check the resulting mass - can it be given any shape. If so, then you have succeeded. Leave her to "rest" for half an hour. Then you can decorate the cake with such a white cream. It looks airy, as if "woven from the clouds."


Confectioners consider cream cheese cream to be extremely popular and beautiful. White, it fits the cake perfectly. In addition, cooking it is incredibly simple, and it is very tasty. They can layered cakes and pastries, as well as decorate them. Now let's start the step by step instructions:

  1. Take 100 g of 33 percent cream and begin to whisk them gently. You can not overdo it with this, so as not to make oil instead of cream. Therefore, cream and dishes, where you whip them, you need to cool very much. They should thicken to sharp peaks.
  2. A pound of cream cheese and 100 grams of powdered sugar is gradually added to the cream.
  3. Beat all this mass with a whisk until it becomes homogeneous. The cream will be liquid, but don’t worry. To thicken it, you need to put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

If you want to immediately get a dense cheese cream structure, use butter instead of cream. It will need 180 grams. The butter must be softened to room temperature and beat in a mixer with 0.5 kg of cold cheese and 150 g of powdered sugar. In reviews, culinary experts advise storing such a cream in the refrigerator.

Garnish the cake with white cream

Butter cream

The taste of this filling for the cake is unusual. It turns out soft, light and airy.

Such a white cream for coating the cake is very good. Like cheese, it is made on the basis of whipped chilled cream, which should be 33- or even 35% fat.

Often this cream is prepared on the basis of gelatin. The easiest way to prepare such an impregnation is as follows:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of gelatin with a small amount of milk. Leave to swell. Then lightly warm over low heat to completely dissolve, and let cool.
  2. Carefully beat a glass of fat cream. Gradually add two tablespoons of powdered sugar. Beat further, making sure that the cream does not thicken too much. You can add a little vanilla sugar to taste.
  3. Enter dissolved gelatin into the mixture. Pour it in a thin stream, continuing to whisk. Cooling down.

Cream with gelatin looks good on any confectionery, but it should be used immediately after preparation. He is very short-lived. It is stored only a couple of hours.

But such layers are very reminiscent of bird milk. They are especially popular with pastry chefs. Some also add eggs there.

Sour cream

This is an alternative to cream-based toppings. Such a cream is less calorie. However, you can use only fat sour cream for its preparation - best of all, homemade or farm, but in any case at least 30 percent. Another cream product will not work. Sour cream just does not beat.

We cool the dairy product so that it is easier to prepare the impregnation. Then we do everything in the same way as in the case of butter cream. It is also used immediately after cooking.

Use such a white cream to decorate cakes. You can also combine whipped sour cream with butter crushed with sugar. This version of the cream is good for soaking sand cakes. It is more stable and longer stored. Sometimes culinary experts advise making sour cream based on gelatin or condensed milk.

What white cream can be used for chocolate cake

Dark biscuits are very popular with pastry chefs and gourmets. A chocolate cake with white cream looks great. What is the best impregnation for such a dessert?

Many believe that a classic custard in milk is ideal. But other confectioners object: they say, it is best to make a layer based on sour cream. Firstly, it is best to cook in a hurry. And secondly, it is such a cream that will be better combined with chocolate biscuit. In addition, sour cream in the process of whipping increases in size. Therefore, the cream should be enough not only for impregnation, but also for decorating the cake.

Chocolate Cake with White Cream

A chocolate dessert with an oil layer will also look great. Her shape is just perfect. Cream of butter and condensed milk is also very good. But before serving it, you should keep such a cake cool from 30 minutes to an hour.

With cream biscuit decoration, butter cream will do just fine. Then the cake will look airy. Well, a protein cream will turn a chocolate dessert into a work of art.

But still, the most suitable impregnation for such a cake, according to the reviews of sweet tooth, is a mass based on cream cheese like mascarpone. Its taste is very neutral and goes well with chocolate cakes.

White Chocolate Cream Cake

There is another kind of dessert decoration. It can also be used as a cream for a cake. This is a white ganache. In its classic form, it is made from ordinary chocolate. But in our case, we use white.

To do this, we take 4 tiles of this specific chocolate and break it into slices in a bowl. Then bring to a boil 600 milliliters of heavy cream (at least 30%). When they begin to gurgle, remove them from the fire. Add cream to a bowl of chocolate. Then we take a whisk and mix gently until the mass becomes homogeneous.

White Chocolate Cream Cake

Let it cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and best of all for the night. After that, beat the resulting mass with a mixer at high speed until it thickens.

So it turns out a very magnificent and tasty cream. It can be used not only for impregnation and decoration of cakes, but also served as an independent dessert. It is very easy to work with such a cream, and even an aspiring cook can grease, even and decorate a cake with it.

It is good to use such a cream and as a basis for mastic. On it you can place jewelry - figures, flowers, hearts. He holds them perfectly.

Some confectioners believe that it is better to prepare such a cream based on butter with condensed milk. To do this, melt the required rate of chocolate. Then prepare the butter cream on the condensed milk, as described above. Then add soft chocolate to the whipped cream. Continue to beat until both masses are combined. To get an amazingly white color, confectioners also recommend adding food coloring.

Tips for decorating

A delicious cream will always emphasize any dough, and the impregnation of white color will also make its look festive. But in order for the confectionery to really look chic, it is not enough to bake and layer the cake. To align the white cream, you can use a fork or knife - this is the easiest way. With these simple tools you will smoothly distribute the lush sweet mass on the surface of the cake.

But if you have a culinary bag, you can also apply a variety of patterns to the white surface. Even if you have only baking paper, make a cone-shaped tube out of it, fill it with cream, cut off the tip and squeeze it onto the cake, as your fantasy tells you.

And if you have a special nozzle or other similar devices, consider that you can make real masterpieces.

Ombre Cake

Completely covered in cream, this is probably the most festive form of dessert. No wonder neither weddings nor anniversaries can do without it. Recently, it began to be made in the fashionable ombre style.

For example, a white and pink cake looks great . A cream is made from the cream, which will give your dessert a delightful and colorful look.

White and pink cream cake

In order to make such a cake, you can use any biscuit. Cream, as a rule, is made on the basis of cream. In addition, you will need pink food coloring.

  1. The baked biscuit cakes should be tinted with pink, and then, when they cool, cover them with the first layer of white glaze. After that, the cake is placed in the freezer. After a while, it is covered with a second layer of glaze. To make the surface smooth, use a special scraper.
  2. We divide the cream into 4 parts. We leave one white, and add more or less dye to the rest to achieve shades of pink.
  3. We take a confectionery syringe with a nozzle "open circle". Fill it with cream. We make four round “points” from the creamy mass of white on the upper edge of the cake.
  4. We fill the confectionery syringe with a pinker cream. We make four "points" under the previous ones. So we do with the remaining two types of cream, so that the top is white, and the bottom is the most pink. There we achieve the ombre effect.
  5. Take a scraper and smooth the points on the sides of the cake from right to left. Then repeat this process the other way. We do this until the surface becomes smooth.
  6. White and pink cake is ready. Now you can do the edging, decorate with confectionery powder and serve.

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