Love spell for the Old New Year: reviews. Old New Year: signs and rites

Old New Year is a special holiday, which appeared due to the discrepancy of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian. Often the night of January 13-14 is also called Vasiliev evening in the name of St. Basil the Great. For most of our compatriots this holiday is a family holiday. On the evening of January 13, it is customary to gather at home at a festively set table in the circle of the closest people. Since time immemorial, this night has been considered magical. How to make a money or love spell for the Old New Year so that it works?

Simple rites to attract well-being

Love spell for the old new year
Want to bring good luck for the whole family in the new year? Just gather with your relatives on the threshold of your own house at 12 o’clock, open the door and say a simple conspiracy: “The old year is leaving, it carries away the problems! New Year is coming, bears luck! ".

You can conduct another no less effective and simple rite. After the festive meal, collect, as usual, all the remaining dishes from the table. It remains only to correctly shake the crumbs out of the tablecloth: carefully fold it, trying not to spill anything. Then go to the balcony or to the street. Shake the tablecloth well and say three times: “How many bread crumbs on the tablecloth, so much happiness and wealth in our house!”.

How to make a wish to make it come true?

Old New Year omens and rites
One of the most popular New Year traditions in our country is making wishes for the battle of New Year chimes. But not everyone knows that it is possible to ask for the fulfillment of dreams from fate for the Old New Year. The signs and rituals associated with this holiday prove that the night of January 13-14 is also full of magic. The most important thing is to correctly formulate your desire.

January 13, take a small piece and write on it the most secret dream. It is important to perform this ritual alone, so that no one else reads what is written except you. Fold the note with a tube and tie it with a red ribbon. Put the message under the Christmas tree. January 14, the note must be pulled out from under the tree and hidden in a secret place. At least once a month, get your message and re-read it, thinking about the mystery. As soon as your wish is fulfilled, burn a note and try to forget about the ritual.

Rite to attract finance

Love spell for old New Year
We bring to your attention an effective love spell for the Old New Year. Take a long candle and melt it. The wax should solidify in the form of a flat pancake. Using a sharp object, scratch your full name on one side of the resulting workpiece, and the birth code (number from 1 to 9) on the other. In order to find your own figure, you need to add all the numbers of your own date of birth, starting from the format: “dd / mm / yyyy”. At the first addition, you should get a two-digit number. Add the numbers it consists of again among themselves. As you perform the ritual, think of your own increasing material well-being. In order for the money spell for the Old New Year to work, you need to glue a few coins to the wax plate. Money must be carried with you all day the day before. Put the finished amulet in the place where your savings or jewelry are stored.

Love spell on a greeting card

Old New Year is a great time to attract love into your life. On this glorious holiday, you can try to bewitch your beloved or beloved. Get a beautiful birthday card. With the other side of the pen “write” a spell on it: “From this night and forever and ever, you are mine / mine! You will love me and wish for nights without me you can’t sleep! Only with me will you be happy! May it be so!". Then write on top of the "invisible" real wish. The pen must be turned over and written with a rod. In order for the love spell of your beloved on the New Year’s Eve to work, the card should be handed in person to the addressee.

Powerful New Year ceremony for mutual love

A spell of money for the old New Year
Women who are still in search of their beloved are sometimes especially sad on big holidays. So why not try inviting love into your life by celebrating the Old New Year? The signs and rituals associated with this holiday, say that it is great for good magic.

Prepare three identical candles: golden, red and white, as well as a red thread. The ceremony should be carried out after 22:00 on January 13. Fold the candles close to each other and tie them with thread. Put the resulting bunch in a glass filled with water, and set fire to the wicks. Look at the flame of candles and read the conspiracy: “I draw the love of the narrowed to me, by the power of magic fire! Like the flame of candles, let his love be fiery and bright, pure and bright, like water from a spring, bottomless and deep, like a mirror surface. Only the magic flame of a candle of pure water touches, all my wishes come true and all my labors are crowned with success! My words are strong, they cannot be changed or changed! ” At the last words, remove the candles from the glass and extinguish them in water. Please note: this love spell for the Old New Year (January 13) is designed to bring new love into your life. It will not work if you do it with thoughts about a specific person.

Leave all the worst last year

Love spell for the old new year reviews
If the past year turned out to be difficult and was remembered by an abundance of problems, you can try to make a love spell for the Old New Year, which helps to leave all the negativity in the past. To conduct it, you will need a sheet of non-lined paper, a black pen and a candle. Write down with a single list all the problems that brought you the most number of experiences. Try to write neatly and clearly. Then twist the sheet with a tube and set it on fire from the candle flame. While the paper is burning, think that all bad things will disappear from your life forever.

Is it possible to make a love spell for the Old New Year? Real reviews

Love spell for the old new year January 13
Children and adults are looking forward to the New Year holidays, because it is at this time that we all begin to believe in miracles. So why not try to do good magic with your own hands? All the rituals given in this article are completely safe and quite simple to perform. Resort to New Year's magic with good thoughts and in a good mood. It is widely believed that it is unacceptable to talk about the rites performed to third parties. It is for this reason that it is very difficult to find reviews from real people about a specific love spell for the Old New Year. But be sure, sincere desires made on this holiday will come true. Magical conspiracies and rituals have been used by our ancestors since time immemorial. Many modern people also resort to them. On thematic forums, you can find many anonymous stories about how a timely love spell helped build personal happiness or solve financial problems. Try and you will find good luck in business and true love.

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