The problem of very dry facial skin is familiar to many of our contemporaries from different parts of the world. The troubles caused by this condition of the skin, a lot, all and do not recall immediately. The skin is pulled together, small pores appear that greatly disrupt the appearance, some areas itch, others peel off. Due to dryness, the skin loses its normal color, irritation is disturbed. The problems are significant enough for a person to begin actively looking for ways to solve them. To correctly eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon, you need to figure out why it bothered.
Is there any trouble?
Before finding out the root causes of the condition, it is necessary to assess what the covers are. It seems to some that their trouble is dry, problematic facial skin, but a visit to a dermatologist shows that in fact the type of integument is combined, and the majority of the inconvenience in everyday life is due to the wrong choice of care or reaction to the climate. However, you do not always need to run to the doctor. There are simple home-based ways to gauge how dry your skin is. It is necessary to press the fingertips onto the skin and monitor how long this area will restore its original shape. The longer the process takes, the worse things are.
If the skin on the face dries and peels, this leads to a feeling of tightening of the integument. The pores become small, it is not easy to notice them without special examination, while there is no mention of skin elasticity. If the covers are dry, they are characterized by the ability to crack, peel, irritate. A person with dry skin is often concerned about foci of redness.
Manifestations: nuances
If the upper skin layer dries up, the integrity of the tissues protecting the human body is violated. Microscopic cracks that form in this case are the โentrance gateโ for infection. Through them, pathological bacteria and aggressive chemical compounds can enter the body. Normally, the skin should protect the internal systems from pollution, but through small cracks, dirt particles can penetrate inside. Aggressive factors, infectious agents provoke a local reaction, the skin itches, is irritated, turns red.
What provokes?
The causes of dry skin include exposure to sunlight. The more often a person is under direct light without proper protection, the higher the likelihood of severe manifestations of dryness.
Dryness is at least due to the inadequate generation of sebum. This phenomenon is explained by several factors. Inefficient iron can be triggered by genetic factors. According to doctors, at a young age, persons whose close relatives suffered from a similar misfortune more often face problems of excessive dryness. Genetics is the most typical explanation. As they grow older, the proportion of other factors increases: exo-, endogenous.
Reasons: more detailed
Among the causes of dry skin of the face, the influence of the external environment is highlighted. Climatic features and excessively dry air in the room in which a person spends most of his time play a role. Similar effects are associated with the influence of low temperatures and prolonged exposure to solar radiation. Water can become a cause of skin dryness: either too cold or very hot. An equally important external factor is incorrectly selected care. Cosmetic formulations may include aggressive components. The more often a person uses soap when washing, the higher the likelihood of dry skin.
Internal: what are they?
Among the causes of dry skin, endogenous ones are distinguished. The first and key is the dehydration of the body. It is due to insufficient fluid intake and malfunctioning of the digestive system. Dehydration is observed against a background of elevated body temperature.
Internal causes of skin problems include hormonal disruptions. Such are due to diabetic diseases, menopause. Sometimes examinations show hyper-, hypothyroidism. To clarify what kind of problems with hormones there is, you need to visit a qualified doctor and take a blood test.
Among the common causes of dry skin are lack of vitamins, stress factors, and improper metabolism. The deficiency of rutin and tocopherol is most pronounced. Skin diseases can play a role. Most often they are diagnosed with infectious lesions, fungal infection, psoriasis, dermatitis. Many of our contemporaries have foci of eczema, keratosis worries, the body has allergic reactions that manifest on the skin. All this leads to its drying out.
Some nuances
As the researchers found out, very dry facial skin is more common in older people. The older the person, the higher the likelihood of encountering the problem of desiccation of the skin.
Strongly affect the quality of the skin and the state of health, the body as a whole bad habits. Smokers and people who overuse sweetened coffee and tea are more likely to experience dry skin. Negative effect on skin condition is the use of soda.
Equally important is nutrition. If a person eats irrationally, unjustifiably adheres to a strict diet, probably soon the skin will respond to this with negative manifestations. To minimize the danger, before switching to a diet you need to visit a qualified doctor. The doctor will select the appropriate diet for the case and determine what additional measures should be practiced to protect the skin. So, if the integument is prone to dryness, even the most suitable diet will not save you from its manifestation, and you need to level the risks with special care. He will be chosen by a beautician. You can trust a dermatologist.
Problem scale
Sometimes dryness is general. More often, the phenomenon is observed in individual skin areas. Before choosing what should be the hydration and nutrition of dry skin, it is worth analyzing the location of disturbing foci. The nuances of zoning can tell what reason was the decisive factor that worsened the condition of the skin. Based on this information, choose a strategy for correcting the state. Treatment involves not only cosmetic measures, but also an examination of the body, the selection of therapy based on the diagnosis.
Where to begin?
If your skin is bothered by dryness, you should try simple home remedies, time-tested. Sometimes the root cause is a genetic factor, at least external aggressive phenomena. In both of these options, a balance of care is needed, leveling out uncontrollable causes. If the skin glands generate less fat than it should be normal, probably the cause was stomach disease, a lack of vitamins, you need to consult a doctor who will choose the right correction program. Doctors prescribe the main percentage of people in need to take vitamin A. Retinol is available in almost any pharmacy, is dispensed without a prescription, and is one of dietary supplements.
In order for the vitamin course to be more effective, external conditions should be adjusted. The more successful the care is chosen, the weaker the influence of climate and dry air, the greater will be the vitamin course. Developed care products that moisturize and nourish the skin. There are creams and masks. For washing, it is better to use gels and foams created for these purposes.
About the masks
Perhaps the most popular method among our compatriots is a mask that is quite convenient to use at home. Dry face skin cannot be cured by this measure, but the condition will improve significantly, especially if you have the patience to repeat the procedure regularly.
A fairly reliable and proven option over the years is a mask made with jojoba oil. To make it, you need melon, plum. Components are taken in equal amounts. Products are carefully ground into gruel. You can use a fork. Oil is introduced into the mixture, the components are mixed. The mask is applied to the face and left for a third of an hour. The next step is a thorough washing.
Simple and reliable: what other masks are there?
If you ask the healer what kind of oil for dry skin will be useful, a specialist in traditional medicine can advise herbal. It is combined with chamomile extract and egg yolk. Chamomile tincture can be bought at any pharmacy. Among vegetable oils, a variety of oils are suitable: squeezed from almonds, flax, sunflower, olives. Beat the yolk with a small spoonful of oil, add a large spoonful of chamomile extract to the product, then beat it again. The finished home-made drug is applied to the skin and left for a quarter of an hour. Then you must carefully remove the product using warm water. Do not wash your face with too hot or icy liquid.
Since vegetable oils for dry skin are useful, and this has been known for a long time, there are so many recipes for making all kinds of masks with such ingredients. For example, you can try oatmeal for the procedure. First, the oat flakes are boiled in milk, then an equal volume of olive oil is added to four large spoons of the obtained porridge. Beat the ingredients, apply to the skin, trying to make the layer as thick as possible. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Then the homemade product is washed off with warm water. The final step is to rinse the skin with a cool, clean liquid.
Simple and affordable
As you can learn from traditional medicine, it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics for dry skin: you can use affordable products. In particular, potato shows a good effect. Root crops are boiled in a peel, which is then removed, and the inside is turned into mashed potatoes. A large spoonful of natural milk is added to the pulp from one root vegetable and the mixture is applied to the skin while it is still warm. It is recommended to keep the mask for a third of an hour. You can do this procedure several times a day, but not more than three.
Sour cream is considered beneficial for skin condition. One cup of fatty dairy product is combined with the yolk of one egg and lemon juice. Gauze is dipped into the obtained home-made medicine, applied to the skin and fixed on top with clean cloth. After a third of an hour, the compress is removed, the remnants of the home-made preparation are removed with cotton wool, washed thoroughly. It is recommended to make such a mask shortly before going to bed several days in a row.
Dryness Measures
In addition to moisturizing masks for dry skin, it will not be superfluous to practice simple measures to protect the skin from aggressive external factors. In particular, cosmetologists advise to always apply a sunscreen before going out. There are not only creams, but also aerosols containing protective components. You can use industrial milk created for this purpose. When choosing, make sure that there are no components in the tool that potentially provoke sensitization of the body.
It is equally important to review the diet and stabilize it. The task of a person struggling with the problem of dryness is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin compounds. Vitamin A is especially important for the skin. Do not forget about tocopherol. Known products enriched with these compounds, and if it is impossible to fill them with your diet, you should resort to pharmacy complexes. True, you first need to consult a doctor.
And if the problem covers the whole body?
More often, such a disaster is caused by external factors and hypovitaminosis. It is advisable to minimize the aggressive effects of living conditions. When taking a shower, adjust the water so that it is not too hot. Aggressive chemicals, including those used in washing, are prohibited. Limit exposure to sunlight. It is important to eat right. In the diet should be a lot of nuts and seafood. Useful broccoli, dairy products, vegetable oils. Indispensable red fish. It is worth contacting a doctor who will pick up vitamins useful for face skin in tablets. Special complexes are on sale, but not everyone needs them. Sometimes only vitamin A or a combination agent containing retinol and tocopherol is sufficient. When choosing cosmetic formulations, they focus on containing ceramides, fats, fatty acids.
Do not underestimate the phenomenon. Dry skin is also cosmetic troubles, and an indication of some phenomena that require correction. This can be a disease, poorly selected care, an incorrectly selected diet or genetic features. To correctly compensate for dryness, you need to determine exactly why it came from, and only after that choose options for the deterioration of the skin.
Basic care rules
To minimize the appearance of dryness, you should review the daily routine associated with facial treatment. The first and most important thing is washing. In the morning, tap water removes fat generated by the glands from the face at night, that is, deprives the skin of its natural protective layer. Without it, the skin cannot function normally in the daytime. Experts recommend using washbasins for dry skin, and leave thorough thorough cleansing in the evening. When washing, use a liquid whose temperature is close to room temperature. Bath, shower should be taken with a warm liquid. Water quality is a factor that largely determines the course of a case. To provide yourself with a good liquid, it is first boiled, then allowed to cool. You can defend water or filter. Another option is melt water.
For people with skin prone to dryness, soap is strictly prohibited. If necessary, resort to washbasins use foams, gels, designed specifically for such cases. A wet face is soaked with a paper towel, but not rubbed with a cloth.
About cosmetics
It is not easy to choose the best cream for dry skin - there is a huge variety of cosmetics on the market, but not all of them are really good. The drier the skin, the more responsible it is necessary to select cosmetic products. Experts recommend the use of goods from well-known manufacturers. You need to choose formulations created specifically for dry skin. Some believe that it is wise to use the same series of products. All cosmetic formulations in which alcohol is present are strictly excluded from everyday life - this substance is additionally dried.
Choosing the best cream for dry skin, you should try different products from an affordable price category. Most manufacturers make special probes, testers. They are quite inexpensive, but they allow you to quickly assess how useful a particular person is. In recent years, Japanese and Korean moisturizing products have been very popular - the first more expensive, the second more affordable. Do not neglect the American brands, although otherwise they seem unreasonably expensive.
Daily routine
In order to have less problems with dry skin, you need to responsibly choose decorative cosmetics. All creams should include moisturizing ingredients. There are BB creams on sale. These products are designed specifically for skin care while tinting. They hide flaws well. If earlier these were represented only by eastern manufacturers, in recent years many European brands have released their lines. There are goods of domestic manufacturers. Such are most affordable. Modern powders contain special components that protect the skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight. People whose skin is prone to dryness should only use such cosmetics.
It is important to responsibly remove makeup in the evening. To do this, use specialized compounds. There are many gentle products designed for dry and sensitive skin. They not only quickly and effectively remove all cosmetics, but also take care of the skin and eliminate irritation. Leave decorative cosmetics at night is not recommended.