Sweat and odor foot spray: review of funds, description and reviews

Foot odor is a common problem in many men and women. Its appearance does not depend on the time of year. In summer, the skin of the feet sweats due to the heat, and in winter this is facilitated by closed and tight shoes. An unpleasant and pungent smell quite often becomes the cause of the ominous and condemning looks of others. It affects the quality of human life. Help in solving this delicate problem can spray foot from sweat and smell.

Foot deodorants

Why feet sweat

Sweat is an aqueous solution of organic substances and salts. Its evaporation is necessary for thermoregulation in most species of mammals. Also, this liquid transfers various biologically active substances and pheromones.

Immediately after discharge, the sweat of a healthy person is practically odorless. But in a few hours the situation may change dramatically. Many bacteria and various microorganisms live on the body. In a humid and warm environment, they are activated and begin to multiply intensively. Sweat gets an unpleasant odor due to their waste products.

Receptors of the skin are irritated by the action of high temperatures. After that, they give the command to activate the sweat glands. In a person, light perspiration begins to appear on the skin, which may increase depending on the conditions. If the air temperature is low, sweat production is significantly reduced. But in some cases this circuit does not work. A person sweats heavily for no objective reason. This condition is called hyperhidrosis. Botulinum toxin injections or conservative therapy are used to treat the pathology. In some cases, surgery may be required.

The unpleasant smell of leg sweat is far from always the cause of hyperhidrosis. Its appearance can be provoked by such factors:

  1. Inadequate hygiene.
  2. Hormonal jumps. For example, during menopause or adolescence.
  3. An infection that has developed due to an ingrown nail.
  4. Shoes made of synthetic materials, as well as uncomfortable and narrow.
  5. Fungal diseases.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Tuberculosis or pneumonia.
  8. Varicose veins.
  9. Obesity.
  10. Stress.
  11. Increased physical activity.
  12. Renal or liver failure.
  13. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  14. Viral infection.
  15. Genetic predisposition.
  16. Oncology.

It is not worth it to search for the cause of the problem yourself. It is best to consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis. He will tell you how to cure your feet of the smell of sweat and restore the health of the body.

Differences of deodorant for legs from usual

Remedies for sweating feet in the cosmetic market are very popular. They greatly facilitate life and make it more comfortable. Strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene and the regular use of specialized products in most cases allow you to forget about the problem.

Some people use regular body deodorant against the smell of sweat. This is because not all customers understand the difference between products. In fact, ordinary deodorant is not able to provide the necessary effect on the skin of the feet. She will sweat no less, and the smell will appear only a few minutes later than usual. The desired effect cannot be achieved.

A special foot spray for sweat and odor contains medicinal substances. They reduce and in some way control the production of sweat, eliminate unpleasant amber. But most importantly, substances disinfect the skin, killing bacteria and fungi. They also protect the feet from infection in the gym or pool.

Deodorant against foot odor

In addition to antibacterial substances, the components of sweat and foot odor include such components:

  • zinc;
  • talc;
  • triclosan;
  • allantoin;
  • cyclomethicone.

Deodorants designed to combat foot odors have a stronger effect on sweat glands and skin. You can use daily not all of the means. This can lead to irritation. The effect of the use of certain drugs is usually enough for three to five days.

The skin remains dry and fresh if you use a foot spray from sweat and odor. Feedback from users who regularly use these tools suggests that they must be applied correctly to achieve maximum results. The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Use deodorant in the evening, spraying onto clean and dry skin. Medicinal components take time to penetrate the epidermis and close the sweat glands.
  2. Before applying the product, the vial must be shaken. Then spray the preparation evenly and wait about 20 seconds until it is absorbed.
  3. A good remedy for sweat and foot odor withstands bathing and washing, without losing its effectiveness. Therefore, do not apply it more than once every three days.
  4. With very strong perspiration, the drug can be used daily for 10-12 days. After that, you need to take a break. Then use once every three days.
  5. The anti-sweat product should never be applied to the skin of the feet if it is damaged.

Types of Deodorants

Freshening and disinfecting preparations for the feet should always be used according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Only in this case can we expect to achieve the maximum effect. It must be understood that no drug can help if applied to sweaty feet without first cleaning them with soap and water.

All refreshments are divided into three types:

  1. Camouflage. Such products are suitable for people in whom the situation with sweating is not critical, but an unpleasant odor may be present.
  2. Anti-perspiration. Similar products contain substances that narrow the ducts of the glands. Their effectiveness is very high, but there is a chance of a negative effect on the skin. Using them daily is not recommended. You can buy such a foot spray from sweat and smell in a pharmacy.
  3. Comprehensive action. Such drugs mask the smell and affect the sweat glands. But they act less aggressively and effectively than means from the second group.

Cosmetic preparations against sweating can have a different form of release. The consumer has the opportunity to choose a tool that is more convenient for him to use:

  1. Sweat and odor foot spray. Does not leave a film, keeping the skin clean. Most suitable for use in the summer. Prevents slipping of the wet foot on the insole, as it dries the skin.
  2. Deodorizing cream. Does not contain alcohol. Such a tool cares for the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it. It does not have a large number of deodorizing elements, therefore it is suitable for people whose smell is not pronounced. May contain medicinal substances that help eliminate bacteria and protect the skin from fungal infections. The only drawback of the tool can be considered that it is absorbed for a long time.
  3. Gel. The main advantage of such a tool is its disinfectant property. Gels prevent inflammation and kill bacteria. With frequent use, the skin is dried, so they are not used daily.
  4. Talc. It is characterized by weak deodorizing properties, but it narrows sweat glands well and maintains dry skin.

Best aerosol deodorants

In cosmetic stores, you can find many different deodorants for the smell of sweat. Customer reviews allow us to highlight the best of them:

  1. Rexona "Deo-Control." This is a universal deodorant. It can be used by men and women. Despite the fact that the product is intended for feet, it can be used for the body, as well as for the treatment of sports shoes. Deodorant normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminates dangerous bacteria, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It is an excellent prophylactic that can prevent the development of skin diseases. Deo-Control absorbs quickly, leaving no stains on socks and boots.
  2. Ultra Foot Care "Belita-Vitex". This deodorant has antimicrobial and deodorant components. Its menthol not only refreshes, but also relieves fatigue. Spray the product on clean and dry skin.
  3. Deodorant Green Pharmacy. This product contains tea tree oil, which copes with the destruction of pathogenic flora. Menthol, which is part of, refreshes the skin and relieves fatigue.
  4. Deodorant Scholl Fresh Step. It is most often recommended by dermatologists and beauty consultants in stores when they are asked about how to get rid of the smell of sweat. The tool completely neutralizes the unpleasant amber for 24 hours. It prevents the release of excess moisture. The deodorant is evenly sprayed onto dry and clean skin, leaving no residue.
    Foot deodorant

Effective Sprays and Gels

Sweat and odor foot sprays do not clog pores, have a light aroma and are easy to apply. However, their effect is short-term. Sprays are suitable for people with slight sweating of the legs.

Means in the form of a gel are economical to use and are able to reduce the activity of sweat glands for a long time. After using them, there are never any marks on shoes or socks. The use of such products for a long time can dry and irritate the skin.

The best products include the following:

  1. Spray for legs Domix Green. It relieves odor and sweat for a long time. This product does not dry or irritate the skin due to its unique composition. In addition, it contributes to the destruction of pathogens. The spray is suitable for rough and dry skin. Its application - thanks to the cooling and soothing effect - gives a pleasant feeling. Domix Green is very quickly absorbed.
  2. Rexona Foot Gel This drug is designed to combat sweating, suitable for people with hyperhidrosis. The product is applied before bedtime on clean skin. The consistency of the gel is quite dense, so it is consumed very economically. The product is completely absorbed into the skin of the feet in 3-4 minutes and does not leave stickiness. So, within 48 hours you can enjoy the dryness and freshness of the legs.
  3. "Mikostop Green Pharmacy". There are no sharply smelling aromatic substances in the spray. It only slightly refreshes the skin. But an unpleasant odor does not appear after its use, since the drug completely destroys the causes of its development - bacteria and fungi. Spray can be applied daily after washing the feet. You can buy a remedy for the smell of sweat in the pharmacy and not worry about the appearance of discomfort.
  4. SUPER DRY Foot "Dry legs for 5 days." This tool is able to create aluminum-protein plugs in the ducts of the sweat glands that inhibit their work. As a result, a complete lack of smell. Dryness lasts for five days. At the beginning of the spray, it is recommended to use it for three days in a row. Then you need to take a break for 24 hours. Subsequently apply once every five days.
  5. DryDry Foot Spray. The product has a refreshing, cooling and antimicrobial action. This is a hypoallergenic spray that has no aroma at all.

Cream deodorants

Good remedies for sweat and foot odor are also available in the form of a cream. They not only refresh the feet and destroy the pathogenic flora, but also take care of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. The following products have proven themselves well:

  1. "Deo-Control" - cream from Rexona. The drug is sold in a jar with a spatula, as well as in a tube. It reduces sweating by 42%, protecting against odor for seven days. This cream can even be applied to damaged skin, as it promotes the rapid healing of scratches and wounds.
  2. Cream Yves Rocher 12 hours. The product has a lavender flavor and is quickly absorbed. After applying it to the skin, a plaque similar to talcum powder forms. The product keeps the feet fresh and dry for 12 hours.
    Deodorant Foot Cream

Pharmacy preparations

In complex cases of hyperhidrosis, the usual cosmetic product in the form of an aerosol or gel may be ineffective. This also applies to foot sprays from sweat and odor. In the pharmacy you can buy special drugs. They include medicinal substances that can affect the functioning of sweat glands more effectively than conventional cosmetic deodorants.

Pharmaceuticals against sweating

The following drugs can solve the problem of hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor:

  1. Pasta Teymurova. The product has a slight pleasant smell. It contains boric and salicylic acid, zinc oxide. The paste normalizes the production of sweat during hyperhidrosis, eliminates unpleasant odors and destroys fungi. This medication can be applied two to three times a day. It is contraindicated to pregnant women.
  2. Formidron. The tool is available in the form of a solution. The composition includes formaldehyde and ethanol. The solution is applied to the skin with a cotton pad twice a day. Do not use for children under 14 years old!

The smell of sweat in shoes

You can take a shower several times a day and use the best sprays against sweating, but if the shoes have already absorbed unpleasant odors, all this will be useless. Favorite sneakers or sneakers are able to retain specific aromas even a few days after wearing.

Deodorants for shoes

You can defeat the smell of sweat from the shoes using the following tools:

  1. Salamander Shoe Deo. The deodorant is able to maintain the freshness of any shoe for a long time: it contains silver ions, which easily destroy bacteria and fungi.
  2. Scholl Fresh Step. The product is suitable for all types of shoes, regardless of material. Processing is recommended to be repeated at least twice a day. Do not wear shoes until the deodorant is dry!
  3. Kiwi antibacterial spray. This product eliminates all unkempt odors and keeps shoes fresh for 48 hours.
  4. Deodorant "Dividik". The composition of the aerosol includes triclosan. Deodorant reliably protects shoes and foot from pathogenic microorganisms. The product can be used daily.
  5. Deodorant for shoes Domo. The tool works effectively even in extreme conditions. For example, at temperatures from minus 20 to plus 50 degrees. The product is popular with cavers, fishermen, climbers and climbers. The substances included in the deodorant do not cause destruction of the material from which the shoes are made. In addition, the aerosol inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria for several days, when there is no way to change shoes.


Prevention is the best way to deal with bad breath, sweating and foot diseases. Regularly adhering to simple rules, you can minimize manifestations of hyperhidrosis to a minimum:

  1. Dry shoes after each use. For this, special electrical appliances and ultraviolet lamps are used. If you can’t buy such a device, you can use regular newspapers.
  2. Shoes and socks should be selected only from natural materials.
  3. Wash feet with laundry soap at least twice a day. Oak bark baths help reduce sweating.
  4. It is recommended that you walk barefoot from time to time, allowing your skin to breathe.
Foot sweating


In cosmetic stores and pharmacies today, a huge selection of products from the smell of sweat. Reviews about the drugs are very different. A remedy that turned out to be useless for one person can show an excellent result for another.

Most of the positive reviews received products from the Rexona line: cream, deodorant and gel. The manufacturer has an excellent reputation. For many years he has been producing various drugs to combat excessive sweating. Deodorants of this brand reliably mask odors and regulate the activity of glands. Another manufacturer that customers trust in the health of their feet is Scholl (an English brand). In their reviews, consumers note that the use of this product allows you to forget about the presence of an unpleasant odor.

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