Ishikawa fish bone diagram. Cause and effect diagram: description of the method and application features

One of seven effective project and quality management tools is a fish bone root cause analysis chart. The method came to us from Japan. And it is this tool that is believed to have helped Japanese goods enter the world market and take a stable position on it. But today the fish bone diagram, which is also named after its pioneer Kaoru Ishikawa, is used not only to study product quality or improve sales.

General information

The Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram is one of the graphic methods or methods that are applicable in determining the most significant (root) cause-effect relationships in a situation or problem study.

This is a method of visualizing a problem: a graphical representation of the relationship of non-compliance (problems) with the causes that affect it.

This graphic diagram is named after one of the most famous management theorists - a professor from Japan, Kaoru Ishikawa. He developed this method and introduced it in the mid-19th century. Graphically, the diagram is similar to the skeleton of a fish, and that is why it is called the "fish bone".

fish skeleton

Work stages

The Ishikawa diagram for managing product quality, resources or projects involves several stages of work, namely:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to identify and collect all the factors and causes that may affect the expected result.
  • Next, you should group them into blocks in accordance with the meaning, causes and effects.
  • Next, the ranking of factors is carried out already within each block.
  • Then you can begin the analysis of the picture. As a result, there is a release from those factors that are not possible to influence.
  • At the last stage of the analysis, factors that are of little or no importance are ignored.
    ishikawa chart

Graphic rules

When drawing a fish-bone diagram, large first-order arrows are drawn to the main horizontal arrow that represents our object of analysis, which indicate root factors or their groups that affect the object. The arrows of the first order are drawn by the arrows of the second, the arrows of the third, and so on until all factors affecting the object or situation are taken into account.

Moreover, each next arrow in relation to the arrow of the previous order is the cause, and each subsequent arrow is the result.

The size of the picture and its shape are absolutely not important. The main thing is to correctly distribute the subordination and mutual dependence of factors.

At the same time, the clearer the “fish bone” is, the better the diagram looks and reads.

Ishikawa quality management chart

Rule of Five "M"

Despite the apparent simplicity of construction, Ishikawa's “fish bone” requires thorough knowledge of the object of analysis from the performers, a clear understanding of the mutual dependence and influence of factors on each other.

To facilitate the construction of such a scheme, you can use the rule of five "M", which was proposed by its author. It lies in the fact that when analyzing many real situations, the primary (root) reasons are the following:

  • Man (people) - the reasons that are associated with the human factor.
  • Machines (machinery or equipment).
  • Materials - The reasons associated with resources or materials.
  • Methods (methods, technologies) - the reasons associated with the organization of processes.
  • Measurements (measurements or finances).

That is why the Ishikawa diagram is sometimes called the "5M analysis diagram."

fish skeleton diagram

Brainstorming tool

So, let's start building the fish bone diagram.

Take a large sheet of paper or a blackboard. On the right side in the middle we write a problem and draw a horizontal line from it. We write down the reasons that affect the problem, and draw the segments connecting them with the main line. We start work on the arrows of the second order.

The same reason may appear in different branches of the diagram. Its elimination will lead to the solution of several problems at once.

And the relationship between factors and causes is clearly demonstrated by the hierarchy of arrows.

It is such a "fish bone" that is an excellent tool for teamwork, or brainstorming. At the same time, the attention of the participants is not focused on complaints and regrets, but on specific constructive proposals to address the causes that led to the situation.

The basic principles of working with the circuit

When compiling and analyzing the Ishikawa diagram, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to consider all, even the most insignificant factors and problems. Only in this way it becomes possible to search for the root cause of the situation, and, therefore, to find the most effective solution to it.
  • In the course of the analysis, it is important to evaluate factors by their significance. So, the root factors are identified - those that affect the situation most.
  • When the most complete information (names of reasons, dates, names of participants, names of products) is entered into the diagram, the situation or problem becomes clear and obvious.
  • Important! The process of searching and analyzing, interpreting problems and factors is a fundamental part in creating a holistic picture and those specific actions or directions of movement that can solve the problem or solve the situation.
    charting ishikawa

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of this graphical analysis are:

  • Disclosure of personal and collective creativity.
  • Identification of all interrelated causes and factors that lead to a problem or situation.
  • Detection of unusual ways to solve the problem.
  • Simplicity and easy applicability.

But this method has its drawbacks:

  • Lack of validation rules. Thus, it is not possible to trace the logical chain in the opposite direction - from the result to the root cause.
  • A compiled fish bone may turn out to be too complex without a clear structure. This will only complicate the analysis and exclude the possibility of correct conclusions.
    causal chart

The Golden Key of Success

Ishikawa diagram is applicable not only in the field of management, trade and quality management. This is an understandable and accessible form for structuring all possible causes of the real situation that has arisen, identifying the most significant of them and determining ways to correct them and exit the problem zone.

This method of graphical analysis found its followers in education and in medicine. And besides, it is applicable in simple everyday situations.

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