The drug "Holisal." Reviews Instruction manual

The Cholisal medication, the reviews of which are only positive, is a combination agent used in dentistry that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects.

Pharmacological properties

The composition of the drug includes choline salicylate, at the place of application it produces an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. This component inhibits the functional activity of macrophages, neutrophils, cyclooxygenase activity, production of interleukin-1, synthesis of prostaglandins. In the acidic and alkaline environment of choline, salicylate exhibits antimicrobial, antifungal activity.

The antiseptic cetalkonium chloride included in the composition of the drug is effective relative to gram-positive organisms, fungi, viruses, and to a lesser extent - gram-negative organisms. The methyloxybenzoate and propyloxybenzoate contained in the gel base of Holisal (reviews give the drug a good rating) also produce antibacterial and antifungal effects. Due to the gel base, the drug is firmly fixed on the oral mucosa and is not washed off by saliva.

Quickly absorbed and penetrates to the ends of the nerves, the medicine “Cholisal”. The reviews indicate that already two to three minutes after the application, the pain disappears, and the analgesic effect persists in different people from three to eight hours.

Indications for use

In dental practice, this drug is used to treat infectious, inflammatory, inflammatory, trophic, ulcerative necrotic diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Such pathologies include stomatitis of various etiologies, oral candidiasis, cheilitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, allergic reactions, and injuries of the mucous membranes of the mouth. To stop the pain, the Cholisal remedy is prescribed for teething in children, wearing dentures, surgical interventions.

Release form, composition

The medicine is in the form of a gel. 1 g of the drug contains choline salicylate (anhydrous) in a mass of 87.1 mg, cetalkonium chloride in a mass of 0.1 mg. Auxiliary components are ethyl alcohol, methyloxybenzoate, glycerin, anise oil, propyloxybenzoate, hydroxyl cellulose, and purified water.

holis for children
Mode of application

For local use, the medication "Holisal" is intended. Reviews report that he is well tolerated by patients. Rub the medicine into the affected area of ​​the mucosa twice or thrice a day (before / after meals, before bedtime). For adults, it is enough to apply a 1 cm strip of gel, for children - 0.5 cm. For the treatment of periodontal diseases, you need to rub the gel into the gums, insert it into the gum pockets or use it as a compress 1-2 times a day. The doctor individually sets the duration of treatment.

Side effects

Usually, Holisal medicine does not cause side effects. Reviews of individuals report that they had a burning sensation at the place of application, but it was short-lived and passed on its own.

holisal reviews

People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the composition are not prescribed Holisal. For children in the first year of life, pregnant and lactating women, this drug is indicated, however, it should be prescribed with caution.

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