We care for things correctly: labeling clothing

A familiar picture, isn’t it: you bought a thing, you were very happy, wore it with pleasure, and then they rubbed it and ironed it. Oh God! Instead of a wonderful update, you now have a shapeless rag in front of you, no longer suitable for anything. The reason for this metamorphosis, most often, is not manufacturer defects, but improper handling.

Character Decoding

Before you send a thing to wash or put on an ironing board, you must carefully study the designation of labels on clothes. They will tell you in detail how to prolong the life of a skirt or blouse, to keep a wonderful dress in its original form and not to reduce to zero the seductiveness of underwear.

Signs related to washing and cleaning

labeling clothing
The designation of the labels on clothes associated with washing is conveyed by the symbol “basin with water”, it is very easy to recognize it.

  1. If the figure shows the number 95, this means that the product can be boiled. Typically, such a label is placed on cotton and linen, that is, natural fabrics, dyed or pure white.
  2. The numbers 60, 40, 30 are also degrees, that is, the maximum temperature of the water into which things can be immersed. 30 degrees is already a cold wash, for example, it is used for woolen products (machine mode - gentle). Such designation of labels on clothes shows that products require delicate handling and the use of neutral detergents. Usually they relate to fabrics made of viscose, polyester, melange, some varieties of cotton. And if a palm is drawn on the “basin”, washing things is permissible only by hand. You can’t rub the thing, unscrew it too. Never send to the washing machine! The crossed out “basin” means a complete ban on washing. Such designation of labels on clothes, as simply “basin” and “basin with stripes at the bottom”, indicates that the product can be washed, but the process should be delicate, with plenty of water, a low temperature, and with an easy extraction.
  3. labeling of clothes
    Drying and push-ups - both processes also have their own pictograms. So, an empty square (contour) allows drying, and a crossed out one does not, as well as washing. The designations on the labels of clothes “washing and drying” are expressed in a circle inscribed in a square. It explains that a thing can be washed mechanically, as well as squeezed, dried in a machine or electric dryer. The same symbol, but crossed out, prohibits mechanical spinning and drying. A rectangle crossed out strictly forbids machine spinning. The “circle in a square with one dot in the center” icon allows electric drying, but in a low temperature mode. The same, but with two points allows drying at medium temperatures, and with three - at high. The same pattern, but instead of the points of the line below it, delicate, soft spinning and drying are allowed. Such designations on clothing labels as a square with an arc or dashes recommend different types of drying clothes: vertical, horizontal, without spin or in the shade.
  4. clothing labeling
    The signs of chemical cleaners and whitening are associated with a circle and a triangle. An empty circle - dry cleaning is allowed, crossed out - no. The Latin letters A, P, F in a circle indicate various kinds of bleaches and stain removers that can be used when cleaning things. An empty triangle allows whitening, crossed out - no. If the chemical sign of chlorine is depicted inside the triangle in small letters, it is permissible to add preparations with its content during washing. And the stripes inside indicate that bleach without bleach is suitable for the thing.


Iron icon. If just his image, iron clothes without fear. Crossed out - do without an iron. Dots inside are indicators of possible maximum temperatures. And strikethrough steam means that the product must not be steamed.

iron the product correctly

That's how simple it is, just be careful. And let your favorite things serve you for a long time!

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