Very often in the female body hormonal disruptions occur, against which various diseases can appear. During pregnancy, the body undergoes restructuring, as a result of which various pathologies are possible. For its normal course, a healthy endometrium is necessary, and with hormonal imbalance it grows unevenly. That is why women develop a polyp during pregnancy. Whether this condition is dangerous for the baby, and how to treat it, is described below.
The effect of the disease on pregnancy
It is best if the expectant mother takes care of her health in advance so that during treatment during pregnancy she does not harm the fetus. Any polyp must be removed before conception, because for this doctors will have to use anesthesia. Very often, the disease prevents pregnancy (does not allow the fertilized egg to pass), however, it happens that conception provokes its appearance.
Usually, a polyp during pregnancy does not harm either the mother or the baby. If the baby was able to attach to the wall of the uterus, then the polyp is not touched until the baby is born. In some complex cases, emergency removal of the neoplasm will be required. Such measures are resorted to only if it threatens the life of the embryo. If the pathology was detected and removed before pregnancy, then it is necessary to be examined again, because its reappearance is possible.
Can I get pregnant with a polyp
As mentioned above, polyps prevent pregnancy, but there are cases when conception occurred with such a diagnosis. A lot depends on their location and growth characteristics. For example, a weakly growing small cervical polyp during pregnancy does not have any negative effect. However, a woman needs supportive therapy, because of it, infections can penetrate the fetus.
If a small neoplasm appears in the uterus, then a fertilized egg can still move to the right place and attach. However, you should not expose the risk to the life of the future baby. It is possible that the disease will progress and provoke premature birth or stop the development of the embryo. It is worth noting that a woman is able to get pregnant with a polyp, but the forecasts of doctors are usually extremely unfavorable.
Most often, polyps in the uterus, the symptoms and treatment of which are described below, do not manifest themselves and do not cause any discomfort. Usually they are found by a doctor or they make themselves felt after inflammation or injury. Symptoms may appear such as:
- menstrual irregularities;
- difficulties with the onset of pregnancy;
- spotting and discomfort after intercourse or gynecological examination;
- fever and general malaise;
- discharge with an unpleasant odor;
- cramping or pulling pains in the lower back or lower abdomen;
- inflammatory processes in the pelvis (due to injuries and infection).
Quite often, doctors can see a polyp on the cervix during pregnancy during the examination of a woman on a chair. Over time, erosion, tears and other unpleasant changes may appear on it. The sizes of the neoplasms are small (with a pea) or quite large (reaching the genital gap).
Reasons for the appearance
As mentioned above, the main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance. However, there may be other reasons:
- chronic infections of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system;
- excessive amounts of estrogen or lack of progesterone;
- hypertension;
- rapid conception after removal of the polyp;
- violation of metabolic processes in the body and the presence of excess weight;
- bacterial infections;
- poor condition of the endometrium associated with incomplete detachment of the placenta during childbirth or abortion.
Too long use of the intrauterine device (it sometimes grows) can lead to the formation of polyps in the uterus. During pregnancy, they will manifest themselves and, possibly, grow rapidly.
Uterine polyps
Such an education as a uterine polyp during pregnancy is considered benign, that is, it does not provoke cancer. However, its growth causes serious consequences, for example, infertility. The embryo will not be able to get into the uterus and attach to its wall, because the quality of the endometrium suffers from the neoplasm. If pregnancy does occur, then most likely it will end in a miscarriage.
Uterine polyps are usually small in size, which range within a few millimeters-centimeters. Therefore, they do not often threaten the reproductive ability of women. Large formations are considered dangerous.
Polyp in the cervical canal
If such a polyp does not grow, does not mutate, then it is not dangerous. Serious complications with inflammation are associated with trauma or necrosis (circulatory disorders). Such a manifestation threatens normal bearing, therefore, treatment that relieves inflammation will be needed. The cervical polyp during pregnancy is not removed, so the operation is performed after childbirth.
A similar neoplasm is located in the cervical canal (between the vagina and the uterus). It should be remembered that without treatment, it can acquire a malignant form. Doctors treat the disease in accordance with the condition of the cervical canal, which is very sensitive to any changes (so a miscarriage is provoked). They also pay attention to the complaints of the pregnant woman: unusual discharge, pain and cramping, fever, etc.
Disease complication
The course of the disease can be complicated by bleeding (usually this is characteristic of the formation in the cervical canal). What should a woman do if a polyp bleeds during pregnancy? Blood is released during sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist. In the absence of mechanical influences, it can be distinguished only in the presence of large formations.
A large cervical polyp can cause smearing spotting with an unpleasant odor. They can disappear and reappear, amplify and weaken. If a woman has such symptoms, then she needs to: consult a specialist, reduce physical activity, stop living sexually, more often carry out hygiene procedures. Even with a bleeding neoplasm, a healthy and strong baby is able to be born.
Polyp removal
Most often, polyps are removed using hysteroscopy, curettage, or hormone therapy. Hysteroscopy is performed with a special device in the form of a tube, equipped with tools and a camera. It is introduced into the uterus through the genital tract and the neoplasm is removed. Curettage is an outdated and dangerous method of surgical intervention, since the doctor performs blind manipulations. Hormone therapy is ineffective and can lead to the formation of malignant formation.
Pregnant can not do curettage and prescribe hormonal drugs if she wants to save the baby. Treatment is postponed until the postpartum period, but if severe pain and bleeding occurs, doctors suggest an emergency operation with a surgical or medical abortion.
It will be better if the polyp during pregnancy is removed in the early stages. It should be remembered that such an operation is an extreme measure. In this case, medical support and constant monitoring by doctors will be more beneficial.
Pregnancy after surgery
Pregnant women should not remove the neoplasm, but surgery may be necessary if anxious symptoms appear. If the neoplasm still had to be removed, then the health of the pregnant woman will be monitored in a hospital setting. When the condition stabilizes, the woman will be discharged. In the future, most likely, you will have to take medications that exclude relapse and stop bleeding.
In the fight against the disease, it is important to take responsibility for your own health, because the life of the future baby depends on it. As soon as there is a suspicion of polyps in the uterus (symptoms and treatment were affected above), it is necessary to consult a specialist in a short time. It doesnβt matter whether the disease first manifests itself or if the state of health worsens after surgery. The most important thing to remember is that even a benign neoplasm can lead to the loss of a child or a violation of his development.