year 2014. What animal protects him?

Well, that is the end of 2014. Which animal was its patron and who still managed to succeed in the passing year? Let's try to conduct a small analysis of the outgoing year. Perhaps this information will help someone draw the right conclusions and adjust their behavior.

2014 what kind of animal

No cheating

If you believe the eastern calendar, then the Blue Horse was the patron of 2014. As we all know, a horse is an animal that is used to working hard. It is for this reason that this year, individuals who succeeded in achieving their goals were able to achieve success. The horoscope for 2014 warns that one cannot count on success for people who use lies and deceit to realize their plans. Such a dishonest game, most likely, led, or will lead, to the destruction of everything built earlier.

Job and career

The Year of the Blue Horse brought good luck to the so-called careerists. If you decide to change your job or increase your existing income, then this year was just the perfect time to implement your plan.

In addition to all of the above, in 2014 it was simple enough to realize all of our plans for creative people. The horse always and in everything "supported" designers, musicians and people of other creative professions.

horoscope for 2014

Love success

2014 has almost ended. Which animal patronized him, you now know. Now let's talk in more detail about how love affairs developed under the auspices of this mysterious sign.

In 2014, quite a few new couples formed. But in order to meet and become happy people, some had to give all their best. As for the existing relations, they were accompanied by the most real Mexican passions and scandals. If one of the partners constantly deceived his other half, then, most likely, the love boat went to the bottom. A horse is an honest animal that requires sincerity and truthfulness from its wards.

The 2014 horoscope says that people who marry this year will live happily ever after.


A good future awaits children born in the year of the Blue Horse. When the kids grow up, they will be accompanied by luck and success. Moreover, 2014 is a time that was ideally suited for conceiving a small miracle. Believe me, many couples who have long wanted to have a baby have found what they want. However, there are still a few months ahead, which means that the plans we have planned can still be implemented.

2014 zodiac


As we were able to find out, according to the zodiac, 2014 is the year of the Blue Horse. Each of us probably has among our friends and acquaintances who are used to achieving financial success through hard work and patience. And so it was to such personalities that 2014 brought real success. Loafers could cool further.

If you decide to invest money in any business, then you can still do it in October, November or December. The second half of 2014 is a great time for this activity. But to acquire something, for example, real estate was necessary in the first half of the outgoing year.


2014: we know what zodiac sign this period of time has been and how things are on the love and financial front. But it’s also important to know what happens to our physical condition. Health problems this year were noted in people who are used to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The horse, as we have already said, is a hardworking animal and, of course, can withstand any load. So, precisely for this reason, in order to maintain vitality in 2014, it was necessary to pay as much attention to sports as possible.

2014 what zodiac sign


year 2014. What animal and symbols corresponding to it could bring good luck? As you know, magic talismans help improve your financial condition, enlist the support of one or another animal, and also attract good luck. So, the year of the Blue Horse in this case was no exception. This year it was necessary to wear amulets in the form of the horse itself or the horseshoe. It is these talismans that can attract money, improve love relationships and bring success to your life.

Almost every one of us thinks that this or that zodiac sign comes into its own right on the first of January. As for the Blue Horse, it came to us only on January 31. It is also worth saying that her power and power will last until February 18, 2015. Thus, you have every chance to catch up.

Horoscope of the signs of the zodiac

Speaking separately about each zodiac sign, then, for example, new members have joined the Taurus family. Someone had a grandson or granddaughter, or a son or daughter. The twins will finally be presented with the present they have been dreaming of for so long. Crayfish can forget about the problems. This year, they easily managed to get out of all difficult situations. Lions have finally found, or will still find, a way out of the unpleasant situation they managed to get into in 2013. With all this, they will be able to show that they have a subtle mind and will be able to put their detractors in place. Virgos are completely immersed in household chores. In the first place for them, first of all, will be the family, and only then - work and finances. Libra gained financial stability, which they could not boast of in the past and the year before last. They finally got confidence in the future. Scorpions simply have no equal at work. All previously planned plans will be implemented. They are now favorites among superiors and a role model for colleagues. Sagittarius all 2014 tried to improve themselves and, by the way, achieved considerable success in this. Capricorns, who have no family, in the year of the Blue Horse were finally able to find their second half. As for Aquarius, in 2014 finances themselves floated into their hands. And finally, Pisces. Representatives of this sign can take a break from problems and by the end of the year receive a reward for all their work.

year of the blue horse

Well, here we are talking about 2014 - which animal protects him and what needed to be done this year in order to achieve real success. Do not be discouraged if you were unable to implement any plans during this period. Ahead of us is the year 2015, which is sure to bring no less new than the passing year of the Blue Horse.

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