Delicious cottage cheese dishes: recipes with photos

Cottage cheese is a product obtained by fermenting milk with subsequent squeezing of whey. It is rich in easily digestible protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other useful substances. Due to its valuable composition, it is widely used in cooking. In today's publication, we will consider some interesting recipes for cottage cheese dishes.

Glazed Cheese

This delicious and healthy homemade dessert will be a good alternative to store counterparts. Due to the fact that its composition contains only natural and healthy ingredients, they can be safely treated not only with adults, but also with small sweet tooth. To independently prepare delicious chocolate-coated cheeses, you will need:

  • 250 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 20 g of cocoa powder.
  • 100 g of chocolate (black, milk or white).
  • 40 g sour cream.
  • Sugar, vanillin and cherry.
cottage cheese dishes

Having figured out the products that make up this dish of cottage cheese, a photo of which can be found a little higher, you can begin to consider the technology of its preparation. To begin with, sour cream, sugar and vanillin are combined in one container. The resulting mixture is complemented with cottage cheese, whipped with a blender and halved. Cocoa is added to one part, the second is left as is. The white mass is laid out in tins smeared with molten chocolate. Fresh pitted cherries are placed on top. Then the berries are covered with cottage cheese, filled with cocoa, and gently level it. All this is again poured with melted chocolate and briefly put in the freezer.

Stuffed with cottage cheese

A quick and tasty dish of cottage cheese is thin pancakes filled with sweet filling. It will be a good option for a Sunday family breakfast or friendly gatherings over a cup of fragrant tea. To prepare such cloaks, you will need:

  • 450 ml of cow's milk.
  • 1-1.5 cups premium wheat flour.
  • 4 selected chicken eggs.
  • 70 g of sugar.
  • Large ripe orange.
  • 30 ml of any refined oil.
  • 1/3 tsp table salt.
  • 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.

First of all, you need to do a test for pancakes. To prepare them in a deep container, combine three eggs, salt, a couple full of large spoons of sugar, milk and flour. In the resulting mixture squeeze the juice of orange and pour citrus zest. The finished dough is poured in portions onto a heated skillet and fried for a minute on each side. Browned pancakes are filled with cottage cheese, mashed with egg and sugar residues, and wrapped in envelopes. Before serving, the plaques are watered with honey or sour cream.

Royal cheesecake

This is one of the most delicious cottage cheese dishes, the preparation of which does not require the possession of special culinary skills. It is an extremely successful combination of loose dough and juicy sweet filling. To bake a royal cheesecake, you will need:

  • 100 g of fine sugar.
  • 240 g of white wheat flour.
  • ½ pack margarine.

All this is necessary for mixing the bulk base. To make a filler, you will additionally need:

  • 200 g of cane sugar.
  • 500 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 4 selected chicken eggs.
  • 1 g of vanillin.
  • Salt and soda.

Cold margarine is cut into small pieces and ground with flour and sugar. Part of the resulting crumbs is laid out in a heat-resistant form. Top with a filling made of cottage cheese, sweet sand, chicken eggs, vanillin, soda and salt. All this is sprinkled with the remaining crumbs and put in the oven. Prepare a royal cheesecake at 200 degrees for at least half an hour.

Stuffed champignons

This recipe for cottage cheese is likely to be useful to young housewives, who often arrange dinner parties. To repeat it in your own kitchen, you will need:

  • 500 g large mushrooms.
  • 100 g of quality butter.
  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 2 selected chicken eggs.
  • Dill and salt.
cottage cheese recipes

Mushrooms are washed, cleaned and freed from the legs. The resulting hats are laid out in a saucepan and stewed briefly over low heat. The champignon legs are cut into very small pieces, fried in melted butter, salted, sprinkled with dill and mixed with mashed cottage cheese. The resulting mass is carefully placed inside the mushroom caps. At the final stage, the stuffed champignons are spread on a baking sheet and covered with small pieces of butter. Bake them in a hot oven until lightly browned.

Stuffed peppers

This is one of the fastest cottage cheese recipes. It is interesting in that it assumes a complete absence of heat treatment of the components. To repeat it in your kitchen, you will need:

  • 150 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 2 large bell peppers.
  • A clove of garlic, small salt and parsley.
quick and tasty cottage cheese recipes

Washed peppers free from stalks and seeds. Vegetables prepared in this way are filled with salted cottage cheese mixed with crushed garlic and chopped parsley.


This is one of the most popular Russian cottage cheese recipes. A photo of the syrniki themselves will be available a little later, but now we find out what components are necessary for their preparation. In this case, you will need:

  • 560 g of dry cottage cheese.
  • 4 selected chicken eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l baking flour.
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara.
  • Salt and vegetable oil.
recipes with photos of cottage cheese dishes

The cottage cheese is ground through a sieve and combined with eggs. The resulting mass is salted, sweetened and mixed with flour. With wet hands, not very large pieces are nibbled off from the finished dough and round cakes are formed from them. Each of them is breaded in flour and browned on a hot greased frying pan. Cheesecakes are served with jam or sour cream.


This recipe for a delicious dish of cottage cheese will be a real find for most young mothers, whose children do not want to eat this sour-milk product in its pure form. Even the most fastidious kids will not refuse a casserole made on it. To prepare it for a family breakfast, you will need:

  • 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • According to 4 tbsp. l fine sugar, semolina and soft butter.
  • 2 selected chicken eggs.
  • Salt and slaked soda.
cottage cheese dishes with photo

Pounded cottage cheese is combined with sugar, semolina, eggs and half softened butter. All this is salted, supplemented with quenched soda and mixed well. The resulting dough is distributed along the bottom of the refractory tank, lubricated with the remnants of soft oil, and sent to a hot oven. Cook the casserole for forty minutes at 180 degrees.


Fans of homemade sweets are advised to pay attention to another popular and quick recipe for a delicious dish of cottage cheese. Donuts made on it are obtained rosy outside and soft inside. To prepare such a dessert yourself, you will need:

  • 500 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 8 tbsp. l fine crystalline sugar.
  • 4 selected chicken eggs.
  • 4 cups of wheat flour.
  • 2 tsp natural lemon juice.
  • 1 tsp baking soda.
  • Salt, vanillin and refined oil.

The eggs are combined with sugar and beat intensively with a mixer. Rubbed cottage cheese, soda, quenched with lemon juice, oxygenated flour, a little vanilla and a pinch of salt are carefully injected into the resulting mass. All mix well until smooth. They roll identical balls from the finished dough, immerse them in boiling oil and wait until they are browned. Fried donuts are transferred to paper towels, and then watered with maple syrup or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Curd Cookies

This delicious homemade pastry is a great substitute for store desserts. Due to the fact that in its composition there are no artificial additives, it can treat even the smallest sweet tooth. To prepare this simple dish of cottage cheese, you will need:

  • A pack of butter.
  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 2 cups premium wheat flour.
  • Selected Chicken Egg.
  • 1 tsp baking soda.
  • 1 tbsp. l natural lemon juice.

Interestingly, in the composition of this dish of cottage cheese, sugar is completely absent. You need to start cooking it with oil processing. It is crushed with a sharp knife and combined with cottage cheese. Into the resulting mass is carefully introduced oxygenated flour, egg, citrus juice and soda, quenched with vinegar. The finished dough is rolled out with a layer, whose thickness is about five millimeters, and the same circles are cut from it. Bake them at 170 degrees until a golden crust appears. Before sending the blanks into the oven, they can be dipped in sugar.

Dried Fruit Meat Salad

This delicious and extremely healthy dish of cottage cheese has a very presentable appearance and can become a worthy decoration of any feast. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 300 g of boiled veal.
  • 250 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 150 g of prunes.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 150 g of mayonnaise.
  • Salt and dill.

Boiled meat is cut into cubes and combined with thin strips of prune. Then, cottage cheese mixed with crushed garlic and mayonnaise is added to beef and dried fruits. All this is salted and sprinkled with chopped dill.

There is another way to serve this salad. To do this, lay a portion of prunes in a plate and grease it with curd cream. Top half of the available beef and fermented milk product are distributed. The layers are repeated again in the same sequence.

Fish cakes

This unusual and juicy dish of cottage cheese is equally tasty both in hot and in cooled form. It goes well with many side dishes and, if desired, can be a great option for a family dinner. To feed your family with such patties, you will need:

  • 800 g fillet of any white fish.
  • 250 g of cottage cheese.
  • Small onion.
  • 2 selected chicken eggs.
  • 3 tbsp. l semolina.
  • Salt, dill, pepper and water.
quick cottage cheese recipes

Thawed and washed fish is passed through a meat grinder along with peeled onions. Grated cottage cheese, eggs, salt, spices, chopped dill and semolina are carefully introduced into the resulting mass. Small cutlets are formed from the prepared minced meat, put them in a baking sheet, on the bottom of which a little water is poured, and baked in a heated oven for about twenty minutes.

Unsweetened pie

The basis for the preparation of this dish of cottage cheese is the purchase of puff pastry. Thanks to this, the whole process takes a minimum of time. To bake a delicious savory cake, you will need:

  • 500 g of puff yeast dough.
  • 450 g of cottage cheese.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • Salt, dill, flour, a mixture of ground peppers and vegetable oil.

The package with the dough is removed from the freezer and briefly left at room temperature. After some time, it is rolled out on a table sprinkled with flour, and divided in half. The first layer is laid on a greased baking sheet and covered with a filling made from chopped eggs, cottage cheese, salt, a mixture of peppers, chopped dill and crushed garlic. Spread the remaining piece of dough on top and gently pinch the edges. The resulting workpiece for a couple of hours is placed in a warm place and only after that is sent to the oven. Bake a cake at 220 degrees for about seven minutes. After the specified time, the temperature is reduced to 180 about C and wait a little more than a quarter of an hour.

Lazy Dumplings

This easy-to-cook and very tasty meal is a great option for a Sunday family breakfast. To feed your home with lazy dumplings, you will need:

  • 500 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 2 selected chicken eggs.
  • 60 g of sugar.
  • 150 g of wheat flour.
  • Salt.
recipes for delicious cottage cheese dishes

Pre-mashed cottage cheese is combined with salted eggs, sugar and oxygenated flour. From the resulting sufficiently soft dough, dumplings are formed and immersed in a pot filled with boiling water. Just a few minutes later they are carefully caught using a slotted spoon and served with sour cream or any sweet sauce.

Stuffed tomatoes

This bright and very tasty dish will be a worthy decoration of any buffet. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 10 medium-sized dense tomatoes.
  • 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 30 ml of olive oil.
  • Salt, coriander, caraway seeds and herbs.

Washed tomatoes gently release from the top and pulp. Each of the resulting cups is filled with a filling made of mashed cottage cheese, salt, finely chopped herbs, ground spices, crushed garlic and olive oil. Stuffed tomatoes are served on a large flat dish or on egg racks.

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