Wedding signs and superstitions. Signs for the bride and groom

Absolutely everyone and even small children know that the groom should not see the wedding dress of his bride. But the signs associated with the ceremony of marriage, as well as various superstitions, do not end there.

In addition to general, so to speak, global superstitions, there are also local signs. In each culture, they have their own, associated with the traditions of the ritual. For Catholics, this is one thing, for Orthodox - another. Moreover, the same “incident” is often interpreted differently. For example, in our country, a black cat that crossed the road is a bad omen that can stop the wedding procession. But if this happens in the UK, it will be interpreted as a good sign promising happiness and good luck to newlyweds.

Everything related to rings

In ancient times, when the institution of marriage itself was still in its infancy, the insignia, whose function is now performed by wedding rings, had a deep sacred meaning. Their significance was not only in outwardly highlighting the status of a person, but also in the energy protection of the family and much more. Of course, not a small number of superstitions has developed around such an object and the largest number of existing signs are associated with rings.

For example, the fact that wedding rings cannot be given into the hands of other people without a protective tray or box, and also should not be allowed by strangers, is known to all. But this is not a complete list will accept.

According to the signs of stones on the rings should not be

All over the world, regardless of traditions and religion, it is believed that the rings should be smooth, without patterns and notches, stones from the outside. The meaning of this sign is deep enough, it is not only that the life of the newlyweds went smoothly and evenly. The main significance of the absence of irregularities is that all the unfriendly intentions of other people slide off the young family.

Superstition associated with the fall of the ring before it is put on the finger is also widely known. This is considered an unkind sign. But this sign, unlike many others, has a scientific justification. Many psychologists are convinced that the excitement leading to the fall of the ring from the hands indicates a person’s lack of confidence in the fidelity of the action he performs.

Bad wedding signs associated with rings include wearing on the fingers of other jewelry on the day of the wedding. However, in the Catholic tradition, the wearing of an engagement ring is allowed.

But the worst of all the existing signs is the loss of the ring before the wedding. Even if the rings are simply forgotten at home - this is already bad. This superstition promises both separation and family hardships, and in the modern world, where divorce has become the norm in society, the sign is interpreted as its premise.

What is associated with the dress

Wedding dress omens gathered different. For example, it is considered to be a bad sign if a snow-white outfit with a veil is worn by a woman who is not a virgin. The rest need to choose dresses of various shades - ivory, beige or some other.

Girlfriends should not be allowed to measure the dress

The cover may include only the wedding dress of an innocent girl. Not virgins should be limited to hats, a diadem, flowers or something else.

The essence of this superstition is that family life begins with deception. The sign itself is quite controversial. For example, what about a girl who has lost her innocence with the person with whom she goes to the altar? In Italy, this question was decided as follows - a virgin uses cover, and a woman who has already tasted an intimate relationship with her fiance goes to the altar in a veil, but with an open face.

Wedding signs and superstitions forbid a woman to look in the mirror in full dress. You can look only in part of the outfit, for example, without a veil. It is believed that if you look in full, the ceremony will not take place.

What should not be a dress

In addition to superstitions regarding the attire worn by a woman, there are signs that relate only to the thing itself.

Dress should not be open

For example, a dress should not consist of separate parts that are not sewn together, that is, a bodice and a skirt. If they are worn separately, then the life in the family will be the same, each one has his own.

Wedding signs and superstitions require the dress and shoes to be as closed as possible. It is believed that open parts lead to "holes" in the budget of the future family. It is also assumed that an open low-necked dress “opens” the bride to evil eyes.

What can not be done to the bride

The future wife should never cross the road on her wedding day. There is also a sign that tells a woman to get married in worn shoes. Therefore, many brides wear new shoes on the eve of the house. It is impossible for the future wife to correct the fully worn dress until the end of the ceremony.

Such wedding signs for the bride only at first glance seem nonsense. In fact, they are dictated by the banal worldly experience.

Shoes must be closed

For example, a girl runs across the road for something and finds herself under the hooves of a horse galloping, twisting because of a turn. In modern life - under the wheels of a car. Or slips and hurts his face or ankle - all the troubles that may happen when crossing the road, not to list. Therefore, it’s easier not to really cross over.

As regards shoes, the meaning is the same. New shoes can erase the legs, turn out to be uncomfortable after some time. And after spreading them, such problems can be avoided.

As for pulling the dress, the girls are always nervous. And endlessly yanking your outfit, which is actually impeccable, they can just ruin something. For example, loosen the veil. As a result, an embarrassing situation may occur.

Do I need to follow signs

Absolutely all wedding signs and superstitions are based on, even those that at first glance seem ridiculous. An example to prove this may be the above prohibitions for the bride.

Therefore, even if the meaning of superstition is not clear, do not dismiss it. Signs are essentially a summary of statistical data that has been processed and collected for centuries. Treating traditions with respect and listening to them is necessary.

What is connected with glasses

If the wedding glass has broken, the signs associated with this incident vary. For example, a glass that broke before the wedding indicates a disappointment in the future life of the one whose dishes fell. If the bride accidentally touches and breaks the groom's glass, it is considered to be an omen of the fact that the young wife will prevent her husband from achieving success and fulfilling dreams. Accordingly, it is possible and vice versa, when the groom breaks the bride’s glass, nothing good will come in her future life.

Wedding glasses

However, wedding glasses are broken and specially. Although this ritual cannot be called a full sign, rather, it is fortunetelling. The bottom line is that the fragments determine who the couple will be the firstborn - a boy or a girl.

A very bad omen is considered to be a non-broken specially thrown glass. Wedding signs and superstitions interpret it this way:

  • only the bride’s glass did not break, which means that the children of the groom will be on the side;
  • the whole glass of the young husband remained intact - the offspring of the wife “cheated”;
  • both were not harmed - they will remain lonely.

Considering that at modern weddings, glasses are thrown on the street, glass that has not broken after being hit by asphalt is nonsense, which speaks more likely not about what children will be and from whom, but that wine glasses are made of plastic.

What is connected with the bouquet

According to traditions, until the end of the ceremony, a woman should not let out a wedding bouquet from her hands. Signs say that a bouquet laid aside or handed over to someone means personal happiness that has been given away or pushed back.

In the old days, in Europe, a special ribbon was attached to bouquets, allowing a woman to simply wear it on her wrist, similar to a bracelet or bag.

All superstitions associated with flowers, including the well-known sign that whoever catches the bouquet, he will soon get married, came from Western Europe. In Orthodox rites, flowers were not involved.

What is connected with the loaf

After the ceremony of registration of relations and before the solemn celebration of the newlyweds, invariably meets a wedding loaf. The signs associated with it are also widely known.

Wedding loaf symbolizes the house of a young family

The most important of these concerns leadership in the future family. He who bites off a larger piece will begin to rule, as they said in the villages. Now this word is mentioned only by the master of ceremonies during the conduct of the ceremony in the Slavic style. Many guests at the same time begin to look displeased at the presenter, believing that the host said something swearing. Although the meaning is an old verb - drive the top.

And it is precisely with this, that is, with the question of who will become the main thing in the house and signs are associated with the loaf.

If the bread seems too salty, it will be difficult for someone who has bitten more to eat in the new house. And if it’s fresh, then the one who “bit off” the rule will be bored.

If the loaf cracked before the arrival of the young - this is a sign of trouble. The sign was interpreted both as a symbol of imminent discord in the family and as a sign that someone jinxed the bride and groom at the ceremony.

In general, all the signs in which the loaf appears are related to the home and the lifestyle of the young family.

Signs for the groom

Wedding omens for the groom are much less diverse and numerous than those related to the bride.

It is believed that the number of buttons on a man’s wedding dress should be even, unlike the number of guests. Wedding guests must be in odd numbers.

At the ceremony, the groom must put on the ring in one motion and all the way. It is believed that how many obstacles a man overcomes, putting a ring on a woman, he will meet so many difficulties in a life together with her.

It is considered a bad omen the light color of the groom's outfit. This promises his coldness in an intimate life with his future wife.

The blue flower in the buttonhole must not be worn by either the groom or his best man. We have a witness. The blue color of the plant means future adultery.

To attract prosperity to the future home, a coin should be put under the heel of the groom’s toe. The money should have been copper and in contact with bare skin. This superstition came from Eastern Europe, where he was taken very seriously.

What is connected with photos

Such a tradition as wedding photography, signs were also not spared. Unfortunately, they are most often not taken seriously, regarding them as prejudices not so long ago invented and unverified by time. Actually this is not true.

Of course, each wedding photographer has his own signs, based on personal observations and experience. However, most of these superstitions have a long history. The signs associated with photography are nothing more than the transformation of superstitions regarding the first family image of the couple.

It is considered an unkind sign on the day of the celebration to capture the future spouses in one frame before the ceremony of registration of relations. Also, nothing good is promised by photographs in which the newlyweds were photographed separately after they were registered.

In olden times, this sign looked different - a bad sign was the appearance in the house of young portraits with their images alone before the picture on which they are painted together.

Are there any good signs

To know and notice good wedding signs is very important. It’s not even a matter of what meaning they have in themselves and what exactly they promise to the newlyweds, but the fact that with their help a joyful happy festive mood is created both for the bride and groom, and for all the guests present.

This is the most important good omen - a cheerful joyful wedding. A celebration full of happiness and smiles, according to superstitions, promises an easy and joyful life.

It is considered a good sign if the bride goes up to church or to the registry office without holding her dress with her fingers. This is an omen that she will not have to make an effort in a married life. This nuance should be taken into account and the tailor should be asked to sew the hem so that the front part is slightly shorter than the back.

A good sign is the simultaneous arrival at the registration of newlyweds traveling separately to the place of the ceremony. It is believed that one who arrives earlier and waits a long time for the second will do this all his life.

If a cloud or cloud appears from a clear sky on the day of the celebration, from which a small rain will pour, then this phenomenon is considered to be a very good omen. Water washes away all sorrows and anxieties, while refreshing and giving strength. Such rain is the best thing that can happen on a wedding day, according to superstition.

A good omen is that the newly-married spouses hold hands all day and, in principle, are close to each other. It is believed that this is an omen of the closeness of people throughout life.

Do I need to follow the traditions of the wedding

Like the signs associated with marriage, the traditionally accepted rituals are not random and have an explanation, even if they seem not quite necessary.

For example, many young couples tend to go on a trip right from the registry office in order to avoid a feast, circling around memorable places and everything else. Of course, if even the very idea of ​​a traditional celebration is unpleasant, then it can be avoided. However, there is nothing wrong with the usual celebration.

For example, the ritual of driving through various memorable places of the year. This tradition is not one century old. Such a voyage is not done at all so that the newlyweds and guests can show themselves. The purpose of the detour is to bring evil spirits off the trail, dissipate the energy of the views of ill-wishers and get rid of other negativity before the celebration.

The celebration begins with a loaf, symbolizing the home and life of a young family. Accordingly, the main reason for driving around the city is not to take bad energy and the rest negative into a new home.

The decoration of the motorcade with ribbons, balls, flowers and other decorating elements in the old days was also made in order to scare away evil spirits and people's envy.

Long wedding feasts in the old days meant not only that the longer the walk, the longer the family life, but also had a very prosaic explanation. At the wedding, the parents of the groom, however, and the bride, too, must have called the local witch, or a healer, or one of the discerning elderly relatives. Such guests stayed a little away and watched the triumph.

The goal was not to reveal something bad in one of the young spouses, but to notice which of the guests was unfriendly. And having noticed, take appropriate measures, for example, whisper a quick slander to send the evil eye back. The longer the celebration lasted, the more difficult it was for the guests to hide their true feelings towards the young family.

Dress Kate Middleton

Other traditions, rituals, superstitions and signs also have a clear and quite everyday explanation. Therefore, neglecting them for the sake of fashion trends or a momentary mood is not worth it.

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