MGPI them. Yevseviev. FSBEI HPE Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute

MGPI them. Evsevieva is a modern university that is dynamically developing in various directions. He can tell about his long history, as well as offer an extensive scientific and educational program. The educational institution actively introduces and uses innovative technologies.

Brief introduction

The Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev was created in the summer of 1962. The name received in honor of Makar Yevseviev - a famous teacher and scientist of Mordovia. Today, this university is the focus of science, culture and teacher education in the republic. The rector of the educational institution is Vasily Kadakin, and the total number of students is approximately 6 thousand students. The university is located in the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. The educational institution received a state license, thanks to which it can carry out training of students in 18 specialties of a university education. He prepares professional staff for work not only in the republic, but also in the surrounding regions. In Moscow, the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, as well as in the Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Penza and Ulyanovsk regions, this educational institution is the center of the diaspora of the people of Mordovia.

MGPI named after Yevseviev

Scientific activity

MGPI them. Yevseviev, whose faculties are open to everyone, is famous for its scientists who create unique projects and popularize the university. On the basis of the educational institution, a whole scientific and educational complex operates. There are 12 research laboratories where not only students are trained, but also fundamental and applied experiments in the field of natural sciences and humanities. The regional scientific and practical center of physical education and the acmeological center are actively developing. An innovative unit operates on the basis of the university, which is engaged in the education and training of children of preschool and school age. The educational institution is basic for training and advanced training at the expense of the federal budget.

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev

Organization of the educational process

MGPI them. Yevseviev conducts full-time and part-time studies. Applicants should know that the range of directions is growing regularly. Many faculties study young people from all over Russia. The duration of full-time education is 5 years, and part-time - 5 and a half years. You can also study under the reduced program. In total, the university offers training at 10 faculties. There are all conditions for international students.

The curriculum is selected in such a way as to ensure the maximum level of specialist training, harmonize the theoretical and practical parts, and combine educational and upbringing principles. Regularly implemented modern achievements of Russian and foreign universities, as well as the latest techniques for working with students. The university creates all conditions in order to provide scientists, teachers and students with excellent working conditions.

MGPI named after Yevseviev Saransk

Material and technical base

For teaching students there are 6 educational buildings, three dormitories, laboratory buildings for practical classes and an agrobiostation. In 2010, a sports and fitness center for students and teachers was opened at the university, which is equipped with modern equipment and high-quality sports equipment. All the buildings necessary for training are located very compactly and thoughtfully, which allows to simplify the learning process as much as possible. In different buildings there are halls for sports. The main building houses an assembly and conference hall with a total number of seats of more than 240. There is also a stadium and shooting range.

The departments are equipped in accordance with sanitary standards. Many classrooms have the necessary amount of educational literature. Each student can study the necessary source, as well as get acquainted with examples of diploma and other works. The computer park of the university contains 1371 computers. Each of them has access to the Internet. There are 44 computer classes, a local area network and 11 servers. The computer equipment is such that there are 3 computers per student.

MGPI named after Yevseviev selection committee


FGBOU VPO Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute offers students a huge number of literary sources with which you can work in the library. Here, students are provided with all the necessary educational, educational, methodological and scientific literature that meets the necessary standards of state control. For comfortable work, three reading rooms, one reading room of electronic resources, a department for acquiring and processing literature, and five subscriptions were created. The library has 63 personal computers, 10 printers, 3 multimedia equipment, 2 scanners and 10 MFPs.

MGPI named after Yevseviev faculties


The Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev functions at the head of Kadakin Vasily Vasilievich - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. The rector’s reception is open from Monday to Tuesday, from 9 am to 12 noon. Also on the website of the university is the personal mail of Vasily Vasilyevich. Vice-rector for academic affairs is Marina Mironova, who works at the Department of Music Education. Her reception is open from Tuesday to Friday, from 14:00 to 16:00.

For applicants

Applicants should know that MGPI them. Evsevieva (Saransk) cooperates with a number of educational institutions. Joint work is being carried out with the Southern Federal University on the development and implementation of new modules of innovative mechanisms for improving the training program for future teachers. MGPI also collaborates with the Northern Federal University named after M. Lomonosov, the Moscow Pedagogical University, the Russian University named after A. Herzen and the Kazan Federal University. Each student can be involved in scientific activities for cooperation with other educational institutions, suggesting their own developments and ideas.

MGPI named after Yevseviev hostel

MGPI them. Yevseviev: dormitory

What is the level of hostels in this developed university? MGPI them. Yevseviev, whose admissions committee is open to all comers, offers applicants comfortable housing for the duration of their studies. In recent years, the buildings of student dormitories have been significantly improved. The modern campus for students contains everything you need for productive study and outdoor activities. An interesting fact is that the university twice participated in the All-Russian competition of higher educational institutions and twice won in the nominations for the best self-government and the rational organization of public catering. The total area of ​​the hostels is 16 thousand square meters. m. On average, one building is designed for 400 places (160 rooms). In addition to the necessary premises, there is a mini market. A student can invite his friends or parents to Saransk, where they will be provided with housing for several days in a comfortable detention center. Dormitory No. 1 was built according to the corridor type, and buildings No. 2, 3 - according to the sectional type. Each hostel is equipped with modern kitchens that facilitate the cooking process and make it completely safe. There are also several washing machines that are available to students at any time.

FGBOU vpo Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute

Museum complex

MGPI them. Yevsevieva conducts excursions to museums for applicants and students. The following museums operate on the territory of the higher educational institution: archeology and ethnography (historical materials of the 6th-3rd millennium BC are presented), the history of education and education in Mordovia (the oldest textbooks, decrees, books are collected), the history of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute, which tells about the life of the first founders and the Yevseviev Memorial Museum, which is the oldest and was created back in 1983 by Professor E. Osovsky.

Summing up the article, it should be said that the university considered above is an opportunity to get a quality professional education and become a sought-after specialist who can independently choose a job.

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