What are the car alarms? Alarm installation scheme on a car

The choice of car alarms is a serious matter and worries all drivers, especially beginners. Undoubtedly, you can put the same as your neighbor, friend or the most advertised. But it is not known whether it will meet all your wishes. It would seem that it is difficult to choose and install an alarm? After all, the main thing is that the car is not stolen. But it is not so.

What kind of alarm to put on the car

The process of selecting a security system should begin with the elimination of all kinds of advertising booklets and tips "experienced".

car alarms

In order for the alarm selection to be successful, answer the following questions:

  • Is the vehicle at risk? To find out, you just need to look at the statistics of stolen cars in the region. It is clear that there will be no complete certainty, but the overall picture will become clear.
  • What requirements did the insurance company put forward? A specialist consultation is needed here. To do this, visit the insurance agent, ask all your questions, and also specify who and where will install the alarm on the car.
  • What operating and storage conditions will your vehicle be in? Remember where and for how long you leave the car unattended more often. Is there a guard nearby? After all, no matter what modern alarm your car is equipped with, it will not save you from theft if you throw your vehicle on the street, one and a half kilometers from your location.

What alarms are

In the market before the owners of vehicles presented many accessories for the "iron horses". Including car alarms.

car alarm system

Conventionally, they are divided into:

  • One sided.
  • Bilateral.
  • Alarms with satellite warning system.

Each type has its pros and cons. That is why it is necessary to independently decide what kind of car alarm you need. Prices for them, respectively, are different. So, one-sided costs from twenty dollars and more, and bilateral - from seventy.

Single sided

Alarm data on cars are considered obsolete. Their main minus is that there is no possibility of notifying the owner of attacks on his vehicle. The principle of the alarm consists in the supply of sound and light signals that begin to manifest themselves when the thief tries to get the car. In open areas, it is effective at a maximum distance of 200 m.


More advanced and practical are car alarms with feedback. It is the two-sided type that has a liquid crystal display on the remote control of the vehicle owner.

installation of an alarm on a car

This alarm is also equipped with sound and light alerts, like the previous one. However, the second additionally has the ability to notify about attacks on the car by transmitting information to the car alarm panel from the owner. The LCD displays all the actions that are performed in real time with your vehicle.

In addition to the properties listed above, two-way alarms have special sensors that respond to the inclination of the vehicle.

For this type of vehicle protection, the maximum distance for normal operation is four kilometers in the open.

Alarms with satellite alerts

In an era when the Internet rules almost everywhere, the development of vehicle protection was not left behind. Alarms for cars with a satellite warning system are unsurpassed in functionality.

car alarm remote

The range of their action is not limited by distance, like its predecessors, but only by the presence of satellite communications at the location of the vehicle and owner. An important function of this type of protection is the ability to display the location of the car at any time, it is also possible to obtain information about its movements.

What functions can be in the alarm

Each type of vehicle protection has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most important car alarm functions:

  • Communication with the owner. Present in two-way and satellite alarm systems. The first, unfortunately, has a small range. On an open area - two kilometers, and in the city, in the presence of high-rise buildings and other interference, it is almost halved. Also, noise and noise affect the work and distance. It is clear that in the city it is more polluted, and even on an open flat area, the range is reduced to one kilometer.
  • Autostart. A very convenient feature for our climate. Alarm with start allows you to activate the engine with a manual or automatic transmission at a distance from the remote control. The function is very convenient, therefore its presence significantly affects the price of the security system. The advantages of autostart are that the owner has the opportunity in winter, without leaving home and without wasting extra time, to start the engine and thereby prepare the car for work. In the summer, on the contrary, cool using an air conditioner. This feature allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in your vehicle. It is worth noting that autostart can be programmed to a specific temperature, and the engine will be activated independently. For example, you set the lower indicator to minus ten degrees. Consequently, the engine will start and warm up the car as soon as the temperature overboard drops below ten degrees. And then it will turn off independently after a certain time (you must also set it - it must be equal to the interval during which the engine warms up to the minimum operating temperature). In addition to autostart by temperature, it is possible to program the engine start by time (for example, every two hours). You must admit that the function is very useful, especially for those who like to soak up their warm bed for as long as possible on a winter morning.

car alarm prices

  • Turbo-timer is a device that is ideal only for some car owners. Namely, those who have turbocharged vehicles. This gadget allows you to increase the service life of the car turbine.
  • Programming functions. This is an additional opportunity to configure the alarm for the convenience of the car owner. For example, you can program so that the trunk is accessible without opening the doors, or search for a vehicle in the parking lot, or automatically close the doors when a certain speed is reached.

Alarm Requirements

Undoubtedly, the first thing that machine protection must do is to alert the owner of an attempt by an outsider to take possession of the vehicle. The next thing you should pay attention to is the range at which the car's alarm system has the ability to function normally. The larger it is, the more convenient it is for the driver. After all, it’s not always possible to park close to home after a working day.

Autostart is a nice bonus to any alarm. No one will argue about the indisputable positive additions of this function.

what kind of alarm to put on the car

The most important thing when choosing a protection system for your vehicle is to remember that you should not demand too much from it. Its function does not include opposing attempts to hijack. First of all, she should notify the owner of what is happening with his car. Therefore, if you need to simply open and close the doors, you should give preference to the simplest one, and, as you know, it is the cheapest.

Alarm installation scheme on a car

Installing an alarm on a car is a rather complicated and accurate process. You need to approach him with all responsibility. Indeed, the integrity of your property depends on the quality of the work performed. Installing an alarm on a car must be done by a specialist. Many nowadays are trying to do this on their own. But will you feel your vehicle is safe?

car alarm installation diagram

If you still decide to engage in amateur performances, you must carefully study the instructions. And already according to the scheme to do the connection. Each brand of car alarms has its own, so it makes no sense to describe the process. But if in general terms, then the algorithm will be as follows (using the Starline security system as an example):

  • Decide on the future location of the central unit. Best of course, of course, if it is near the driver's seat. The best place is under the dashboard. Attach it with screws - self-tapping screws. Place the paging decoder next to the unit.
  • Secure the siren under the hood of your car. Water can collect in the mouthpiece. To prevent this, lower it down. Also note that it should not be placed near wet or warm parts. Recheck where the wires are, and if there is no way to pick them up from the outside.
  • Inside the car, install a motion sensor, LED indicator, service button. Place the latter so that strangers do not see it, but somewhere at hand. With the LED indicator, the opposite is true - it must be in a conspicuous place.
  • Install push button switches in the boot and under the hood. Check their performance.

Keep all wires away from moving, heating elements in the vehicle. Refer to the diagram in the instructions.

It is quite possible to install alarms on cars yourself, but it’s better to trust professionals. Remember that repairs can be more expensive than the initial installation.


Cost should not be a priority point when choosing. Protection and practicality - this is what a car alarm should have. Prices, as already mentioned, are varied. Therefore, each car owner has the opportunity to choose not only his own wallet, but also the most functional for him. Any experienced driver will tell you that you should not chase the high cost or, conversely, low cost. It is better to give preference to the most practical purely for you.

Car alarm repair requires skills and special equipment. And even if you have the latter, you still should not engage in amateur performances. Car alarm repair is also best left to professionals.

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