Belief in the transmigration of souls

Throughout its history, mankind has refused to believe that death is the complete end of life, after which there is nothing. People have always cherished the hope that everyone has something that does not die - a substance that will continue to live after the death of a mortal body. Such faith, in particular, served as the basis for many superstitions and even caused the emergence of certain religions. In particular, many believe that after death in a different world they will be able to meet with deceased relatives, friends and loved ones. As you know, even the ancient Egyptians believed that every person has a "Ka", or the immortal soul, which is responsible for everything that is perfect in life. In another world, she will either be severely punished or rewarded.


Resettlement of souls is one of the teachings that are part of the belief in the afterlife. To this day, many wild peoples of Africa and Asia believe that the essence of the deceased person passes into the body of a newborn. There are more exotic types of faith in reincarnation. In particular, faith in the transmigration of the soul into another body of a still living person, as well as in an animal, tree, or even an object. With the development of culture, the doctrine of retribution (karma) came into this doctrine. Thus, in the next life, each of us should get what he β€œearned” in the previous one. Hindus believe that a good soul can be reborn in divine forms, and an evil one in the form of a person or an animal. According to the doctrine of karma, all the troubles, sorrows and troubles that befall someone is a reward for actions that he did dozens and even hundreds of years ago, while in another body. And vice versa, luck and success is a reward for good deeds created in a past life. Whether a person is born a prince or a pauper, stupid or smart is predetermined by his actions, which he committed long before. However, in this life he gets a chance to correct his previous mistakes, if he does the right thing.

soul relocation facts

Thus, the transmigration of souls as a process implies that the present is already determined by the past, and the future by what is happening at the moment. This teaching is characteristic not only of Hinduism, but also of Buddhism. Often there is a belief that before dying completely, the soul goes through many animal life forms. In particular, Buddhists believe in the so-called "wheel of being." According to this theory, the transmigration of souls has such a chain of reincarnations: gods, titans, people, animals, spirits and inhabitants of hell. A number of Greek philosophers shared a belief about the reality of reincarnation. Belief in the transmigration of souls was also reflected in the mystical teachings of Kabbalah.

relocation of the soul to another body

In general, this theory, to put it mildly, is not entirely scientific. Naturally, no one has yet recorded the transmigration of souls. The facts, however, are such that human flaws and vices are largely due to heredity. This is mainly due to the nature and basic qualities. Thus, the essence of man, moral and mental, in a sense passes through generations. And this means that, although the transmigration of souls is unprovable, but it is not completely absurd. After all, this theory clearly does not come into sharp conflict with scientific data.

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