The vestibule is what an overture is.

Among the numerous orchestral works, an overture takes its place. The meaning of the word in translation from Latin (apertura) is "discovery" or "beginning".

The appearance of an overture on the musical horizon

what is an overture
Since the first appearance of this musical form at the beginning of the XVII century as an introduction to the opera Orpheus by the Italian composer Monteverde, the term has gained such popularity that it has become a household word. The threshold of something to come is what an overture is. Most often, this term is considered as a translation from the French expression ouverture, which means "introduction". After the first appearance, the fashion for such anticipation, which explains the subsequent piece of music, was quickly picked up by the musicians of Europe, especially France. There was even the concept of a “French overture” in contrast to the Italian. They differed from each other in the pace of execution of individual parts - initial, middle and final. The dispute was not won by either side, and both types of this orchestral piece got the right to exist.

A vivid example of a domestic overture

overture examples
Developing and improving, the musical introduction turned into an independent work, and not only orchestral. An example of an overture of this kind is the grandiose work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, dedicated to the fateful event of Russian history - the victory over Napoleon. In addition to the orchestra, bells and a choir sound in it, and cannon-shots are concluded with a “Solemn Overture in Memory of 1812”. This was the only way to determine and emphasize the popularity of the victorious army in the world and the significance of victory itself. In this case, a grandiose piece of music is what an overture is.

The Necessity That Caused

And such an introductory part was originally conceived as the third call. That is, providing the audience with the opportunity to take their seats and internally, focusing on the sounding music, prepare to listen to the work. Of course, the composer's talent defines everything, and some overtures are so beautiful that they live an independent life in the "Popular Classical Music" section. Vivid examples are the eve of the operas of Bizet "Carmen" and Leoncavallo "Pagliacci". A story about the tragic fate of heroes, about the cruelty that unrequited love and jealousy can transmit through very beautiful music is what an overture is in this particular case.

Musical introduction to works of art

overture meaning of the word
The list of musical things that serve as an introduction to purely dramatic works is supplemented by the music for Goethe's drama Egmont, written by Beethoven. His other overture to Collin’s play “Coriolanus” gained world fame. Equally noble is the musical introduction of Balakirev to the Shakespeare tragedy “King Lear” and Mendelssohn to the comedy “A Midsummer Night's Dream”. In general, the overtures of the last named composer overshadowed many of the dramatic works to which they were written.

Contribution of geniuses to the popularity of the overture

All musical authorities, Lully, Scarlatti, Gluck, Mozart, Rossini, worked on improving the form, accuracy of conveying the meaning and mood of a subsequent opera, ballet or other work. All is simply impossible to list. Domestic composers Glier, Khachaturian, Shostakovich - authors of solemn, festive, welcoming overtures. The musical beginning of any major work that clearly conveys its essence is what an overture is. All music deserves a separate word, including the introductory part, by Robert Schumann to the work of Byron “Manfred”, as well as the preliminary parts to the operas of Cherubini, the introduction of the Ukrainian composer Lysenko to the opera “Taras Bulba”. Even if you casually mention all the great musical masters who have contributed to the development of this genre, there will not be enough allotted time and place.

Musically intro to films - rebirth of overture

movie overtures
But movie overtures deserve separate words and attention. Who of the people living in the post-Soviet space is not familiar with the music for the film "Children of Captain Grant", which was released in 1936? This overture is so good that it was preserved in the series (1985), dedicated to the search for the same captain. And who doesn’t know the overture to the Phantom of the Opera? At the beginning of the 70s of the XX century, the Soviet audience was not able to view the sensational musical West Side Story by Bernstein. But very many people knew music, especially overture. There are a lot of domestic films that have become famous thanks to the musical accompaniment to the credits. Overtures in cinema create a special atmosphere, make the film more memorable. What is the introductory music for all Harry Potter series!

Very often lately this term is found in the names of popular animated films, feature films and documentaries. An example is the anime about the heroes of the Galaxy. It is found in the headings of articles, especially political ones. Given the features of our time, we can say that we all live on the eve of something grand, that our whole life is an overture.

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