The expulsion of a demon in Latin: text. The exorcism spell in Latin from the movie "Supernatural"

The expulsion of the unclean has always been associated with certain magical rituals and rites. And although many of their details are not known for certain, you can clearly see them in the amazing youth series “Supernatural”, which captivates the audience with its plot, wonderful acting and incredible special effects. A special place in the epic is reserved for such a rite as exorcism. Moreover, the demon is exiled in Latin. About what this rite is, and about the text of the spell we will tell in this article.

exorcism in Latin

Brief information about the series

Supernatural, or "Supernatural," is a well-known American television series with bright elements of science fiction, mystery, mystery, horror and comedy.

In addition to fictional characters and a peculiar plot, the series has a lot of real. For example, the ritual of the exorcism of the demon regularly performed by the brothers in Latin. According to the creators of the epic, the text of this spell is taken from a real ceremony for exorcism.

A few words about the heroes of the series

The main characters of the series are charismatic brothers Sam and Dean. These are hunters and real fighters with evil, each time forced to pronounce the words of exorcising the demon in Latin when fighting with representatives of the underworld, using a variety of potions, spells and other methods.

Messrs. Winchesters carry out their work while driving in a spectacular Chevrolet Impala car, packed to the eyeballs with aspen stakes, holy water, silver bullets, a machete, knives and other weapons for hunting monsters.

Throughout the series, the brothers carry out such a rite as expelling a demon in Latin, save families from chasing ghosts, save the innocent, which is why they repeatedly get into bindings.

Angels and Demons: Traditions and Tales

Demons are the same fallen angels who were cast down from heaven and forever imprisoned underground. These are amazing and at the same time creepy characters who come to earth in the form of smoke, a dark shapeless shadow or a terrible creature with horns and hooves. Angels, on the contrary, were the standard of all that was bright and pure. Therefore, if they went down to earth to people, they acquired the image of incredibly bright sunlight.

exorcism of the demon in Latin from the supernatural

Where did the obsession on earth come from?

Since the demons were doomed to stay forever in "fiery hell", they did not stop dreaming of running away. According to legend, one of the demons decided to penetrate the human body and, using cunning, forced him to call himself. But when the deceived individual turned to him, he assumed the form of black smoke and moved into it. So the obsessed appeared.

words of exorcism in Latin

How did the obsessed show themselves?

People who fell victim to demons often behaved strangely. Many of them became too angry and irritable, they noticed sharp changes in their mood, there was a mania of persecution, fear of sunlight. Many obsessed had memory problems. Such people could commit murder, robbery, robbery, rape and any other unlawful action and then not remember anything about it.

How to get rid of "unwanted settlers"?

In order to return the unwanted “guest” back to the underworld, many initiates were forced to use a special Latin exorcism spell. The supernatural being lost its original strength, became vulnerable, and then left the body of its carrier and returned to another world. The aforementioned Winchester brothers did exactly the same with the demons.

Exorcism ritual in real life

For clarity, we give an example of the expulsion of an unclean spirit, taken from a real ritual. As a rule, it was carried out by specially trained people, most often monks, who took 2-3 days to prepare before the ceremony. These days they usually recited prayers, confessed, communed, and also asked God to rid them of doubt. During the ceremony, such people came to the house with a prayer book, a crucifix, holy oil and water.

The ritual itself came down to the following scenario: the venue of the rite was first sprinkled with holy water, then they drew a circle with oil; he was also sprayed with water and seated on the chair of the possessed. In the most difficult cases, I mean when the impassive spirit turned out to be too violent, the possessed had his arms and legs tied up so that he could not injure anyone, including himself.

Then the priest began to say a prayer in Latin, periodically spraying a person in a chair with holy water, fumigating him with incense and giving him the sign of the Cross. Sometimes such manipulations had to be carried out several times, until the demon left the carrier’s body. The text of the prayer in this case was approximately as follows: “Exorcisamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas, omnis incursio infernalisadversaria, omnis legio ...”.

There have also been cases in history where the rite of exorcism was carried out in public within the church. During it, many obsessed began to behave more than strange, for example, suddenly got on all fours, barked like a dog, mumbled and made other animal cries.

Elements of Exorcism in the TV series Supernatural

As mentioned earlier, the ritual of exorcism is often found in the series. It is performed with the help of special prayers and spells in Latin. According to the records of John, the father of the hunter brothers, this spell consists of two parts: the first expels the uninvited guest from the “vessel” (human body), and the second returns it “at the place of registration”.

text of exorcism in Latin

The origins of the spell from the Roman ritual

The very expulsion of the demon in Latin from the "Supernatural" is a kind of interpretation of the real Romanesque ritual, common in Eastern Europe in the XIII century. According to many experts, the modern text of the spell is somewhat different from the one used in antiquity. According to them, in its composition you can find only fragments of real prayers and texts from the Bible.

Interestingly, over the years, the ritual itself has been modified. Some of it was lost, something else was being added and added. So, several variations of this rite have come down to our time. However, in most cases, the words for expelling incorporeal creatures were borrowed from a short version of the Roman ritual and psalms 67-68.

exorcism of the demon in Latin in Russian letters

What types of exorcism are found today?

Based on some historical data, it can be concluded that information about the following types of exorcism has reached the modern man:

  • angelic
  • demonic (during it the text of the exile of the demon in Latin was used);
  • telekinetic;
  • Enochian;
  • the opposite;
  • healing.

Rite of exile angel

In some traditions, the rite of the expulsion of an angel is also found. It was believed that these divine creatures, like demons, could penetrate the bodies of people and stay there for a long time. You can perform the rite of angelic exorcism by first calling or luring a heavenly creature into an enclosed space, where you should draw a peculiar circle with holy oil, set it on fire, and then utter a corresponding spell. At the same time, no angel, with the exception of the creatures of the highest ranks (for example, the archangel Michael), can leave the circle.

With a favorable outcome of events, streams of bright white light will come out of the eyes and mouth of the “vessel” and the angel will leave this world. It was this information that was used by the creators of the television series Supernatural. From themselves, they only added a special blade for the angels (a sharp thin bayonet knife) that can act without spells and rituals. However, in this case, for the bearer of the heavenly spirit, everything will end very sadly. We will talk about how the demon is exiled in Latin.

Rite of Exile of a Demonic Creature

According to many modern sources from the field of demonology, an equivalent method was often used when the demon was expelled. So, at first creatures from the other world were called up, and then lured into a special “devilish trap”.

Such a supernatural trap resembled a round pentagram with a number of special characters, written in chalk on the floor, walls or ceiling. Once in this circle, the unclean cannot get out of it, and the exorcist can only cast a spell to expel the demon in Latin (you can write it in Russian letters for greater convenience). However, as shown in many sources, it was necessary to do everything quickly, since the demon could at any moment interrupt the second part of the ritual and find a new “human vessel” for his atrocities.

rite of exorcism in Latin

In other sources, on the contrary, a circle was drawn for a person who drove out a demon, while the possessed one was nearby. This confirmation can be found in Gogol and in a film of domestic production called "Wii".

By the way, the scriptwriters of the series also used a similar idea with borders drawn on the floor, replacing the chalk with salt. It is believed that salt is the material that can stop evil forces.

What's new in the ritual added by the creators of the series?

The creators of the series came up with an iron blade, which acted by analogy with the angelic, and could instantly send the demon to the underworld.

supernatural demon casting spell

Angels could return representatives of evil forces back to hell in one touch, according to scriptwriters. To do this, they put their hand on the forehead of the possessed and perform the expulsion of the demon in Latin. Such letters, as a rule, are not written in Russian letters. However, fans of the series decided to ease their work and redid the text for themselves. And, of course, other representatives of the “highest echelon of power” can return demons back, for example, the King of Hell - Crowley, the Knight of Hell - Abbadon, as well as Lucifer himself.

Exile Demons with Superpowers

In addition to the standard method of exile, as it turned out, there is a telekinetic. For example, there are cases when it was possible to return the infernal messenger “home” with the help of the power of thought. It was these abilities that the hero of the series Sam Winchester originally possessed . The reason for this gift was a kind of intervention of the Yellow-eyed demon, who came to the bed of the little future hunter and sprinkled it with his blood. As a result, the main character managed to exorcise the demon in Latin, without saying a single word out loud. However, this method was not so safe, since Sam had to drink demonic blood to strengthen such abilities, because of which he almost lost the remnants of humanity.

What is Enochian exorcism?

In some settlements, where the Old Believers lived mainly, at one time it was possible to meet the so-called Enochian exorcism. In particular, it was used by parishioners of a church located in Minnesota. It consisted in the fact that the priest cast a special spell in the Enochian language (exclusively divine creatures spoke it) and ordered the demon to leave the human body. A very effective way, but often it was based on the deception of believers.

Reverse exorcism

In one form of exorcism, as the sources say, the whole ritual was based on the theory that a demon banished from its “vessel” is able to return to it. However, for this it is necessary to cast the exorcism spell, starting from its end.

Elements of exorcism in healing a demon

In some tales of demons and angels, you can find information about an unusual rite. Its essence was to give the opportunity to heal the obsessed person and redirect the demon to purgatory for his complete purification. This is exactly the approach that Messrs. Winchesters used when trying to restore Crowley’s demon to its human form. The words from the ritual sounded something like this: "Exorcisamus te, omnis immundus spiritus ... hunk animam redintro ... chandelier, chandelier!".

In a word, in the series “Supernatural”, many different spells and magic rituals are used that have a real background. However, watching the next episode with the expulsion of a demon or an angel, do not forget to not lose touch with the real world.

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