Itching in intimate places in women: causes, treatment

We all know that an essential symptom of almost all ailments is pain. It is she who forces many people to pay attention to their health and visit a doctor. However, the body may also give other signals that it is not all right. Among them, itching can be distinguished in intimate places. This phenomenon is not as scary as pain, but also makes you suffer. Itching deprives sleep and peace, reduces performance, kills the desire for intimacy. What does such an unpleasant symptom indicate? Do I need to rush to the hospital when it appears, or can I do with home remedies? What is the risk of self-treatment of itching in intimate places? In our article you will find answers to all these questions.

Why can women have itchy skin in an intimate place?

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but all of them can be divided into two groups. The first includes those that are not related to disease. These include:

  • Non-compliance with hygiene.
  • The reaction of the skin and mucous membranes to the material of underwear.
  • Allergy to pads and tampons.
  • The prevalence of spicy and spicy dishes in the diet.
  • Hormonal disorders caused by taking certain medications, pregnancy.
  • Itching in an intimate place after antibiotics (they kill beneficial microflora, which immediately use pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms).
  • Too violent sex.
  • Unsuitable skin hygiene products (soap, shower gel).
  • Frequent stresses.

If the causes of itching in an intimate place in women are just such, treatment with medications is not required.

How to find out that the genitals do not itch due to illness? To do this, a woman must perform some actions:

  • To begin to wash not from case to case, but every day. It is advisable to use for this means for intimate hygiene. If they are not available, you can replace them with baby soap. It does not include chemical ingredients such as colorants, flavors, perfumes. All that manufacturers put there is chamomile extracts or a series of chamomile extracts. In cases of hypersensitivity of the skin, you can wash yourself without soap at all, using only a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of chamomile. In medical practice, there are cases when women have an itching of the genitals that showed an allergy to chlorinated water.
  • Change washing powder.
  • Replace underwear, for example, synthetics with cotton, thongs with classic underpants.
  • Start using pads and tampons of a different brand.

You can also review your diet, daily routine, and priorities in intimacy.

causes of genital itching

If the cause of the itch is hormonal disruption, you should still visit a gynecologist. The doctor will select corrective remedies that will improve the general condition of the woman and remove an unpleasant symptom. If itching is treated only with "grandmother's" methods, only short-term improvement can be achieved by driving the problem inside.

If all these methods do not help, there is a high probability that the cause of itching in an intimate place is a disease. In such a situation, a visit to a doctor is necessary at least in order to find out which particular illness causes an annoying symptom. Without this, treatment is impossible.

In men, itching in the intimate area may appear for the same reasons, with the exception of pregnancy and panty liners.

Noncommunicable diseases that cause genital itching

Many women are embarrassed to go to the doctor with a problem such as itching in an intimate place. They believe that this symptom is inherent only in sexually transmitted diseases and fear that they will necessarily put an unflattering stigma. In fact, there are many ailments that have nothing to do with intimate relationships, but in which itching of the genital organs is observed. Among them:

  • Bakvaginoz.
  • Thrush (candidiasis).
  • Enterobiosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Oncological diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Inguinal epidermophytosis.
  • Diseases of the urinary organs.
  • Pubic lice.

A gynecologist, whom you must initially contact, will conduct a series of tests. According to their results, he will either prescribe treatment or send him to other specialists - a urologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist. Consider the features of the manifestation of the above ailments and methods for their treatment.


It appears when the balance of microflora in the vagina is disturbed, in which the number of beneficial lactobacilli decreases or completely disappears, and the number of unhealthy gardnerells, streptococci and anaerobic microbes increases. Various reasons can cause bacvaginosis, among which there is also insufficient hygiene of the genitals and hormonal disorders associated with age-related changes (menopause, puberty), with menstruation, with the use of some contraceptives. In addition, too diligent hygienic procedures consisting in daily douching, radiation therapy, taking cytostatics, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids can disrupt the vaginal microflora.

A distinctive feature of this pathology is that both itching in an intimate place and discharge are simultaneously present. Most often they are whitish-gray in color with the smell of fish. Painful sensations during urination are rare, but during intimacy women may experience significant discomfort.

bacagnosis symptoms

If you are annoyed by just such inconveniences, do not try to deal with them with the help of douching with solutions of soda, vinegar or something else. Microbes that have expanded in the vagina must be destroyed, and lactobacilli again populated. This can only be done with medications. To know which antibiotic should be used, the doctor is obliged to take a swab from the vagina and make a backseat. With its help, the composition of microflora is determined. But in practice, the type of bacteria is clarified only in those cases when the classical therapy regimens do not help the patient. How to get rid of itching in an intimate place caused by bacagnosis?

Treatment consists of two stages. In the first, “bad” microbes are killed, and in the second, “good” are settled. The algorithm is as follows:

5 days, Metronidazole (gel) is injected into the vagina


7 days enter 2% "Clindamycin" (cream)


3 days, take Tinidazole orally 1 time per day and at the same time injected into the vagina suppositories, which contain the substance clindamycin.

In any regimen, a Metronidazole tablet is drunk once for the entire treatment.

At the end of this stage, take a break of 2-3 days.

Further therapy includes the following actions:

  • For 5-10 days, “Acylact” (suppositories) is introduced into the vagina in the morning and evening.
  • Orally take "Befilis" (according to the instructions attached to the drug).


This is a fungal disease. His "culprit" is Candida mushroom. It belongs to the group of opportunistic microorganisms and is always present in the microflora of the vagina, as well as the oral cavity and small intestine. The disease begins to develop when the number of fungal colonies gets out of control. The main reason for this is a decrease in immunity. This condition can cause:

  • Frequent colds, hypothermia.
  • Stress.
  • Antibiotic treatment.
  • Many diseases of internal organs of various etiologies.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Obesity.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Smoking
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Stay in areas with adverse ecology.

With candidiasis, itching in intimate places in women intensifies in the evening. At the same time, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor (not fish, as with bacvinosis) may appear. Burning when urinating is often added to itching. The reason for this may lie in genital combs during sleep. Another sign of candidiasis is redness and swelling of the genital organs, and in some women, an additional skin rash.

The diagnosis is made using a smear.

Treatment is carried out on the basis of antifungal agents, which the doctor selects individually for each patient. Drugs of choice for external use (creams, gels, ointments): Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Pimafucin, Lomexin, Kanizon and their analogues.

Drugs of choice for oral use: “Flunol”, “Pimafucin”, “Miron”, “Mikoflucan”, “Fluconazole”, “Diflazone” and their analogues.

Additionally, vitamin complexes and prebiotics are prescribed.


This is one of the types of helminthic infestations. The reasons for its appearance in adults are poor hygiene (dirty hands, unwashed fruit and vegetables). There are many worms parasitizing in the human body. Enterobiasis is caused by pinworms. Their life cycle includes nightly exit from the anus to the outside in order to lay eggs in the perianal folds. This process is accompanied by severe itching in intimate places. Worms provoke it so that the eggs fall under the nails of the victim, and then into the oral cavity. In women, pinworms often creep into the vagina, delivering a lot of discomfort. Finding pinworms on their own is very difficult. You need to go to the hospital, take a scraping from the perianal folds. The treatment for the problem is very simple - you will need to take an anthelmintic drug. Suitable "Vermox", "Dekaris" and many others. The course is carried out twice. The first - immediately after diagnosis, the second - after 14 days. At this point, all the worms will be removed from the eggs in the body. During the period of helminthic infestation, it is necessary to wash off after each trip to the toilet for the purpose of defecation, change clothes every day, and treat all family members.

treatment of itching of the intimate organs

Pubic lice (phthiasis)

Small (up to 3 mm long) insects - pubic lice - cause the problem. You can pick them up from a sexual partner or in a household way - through clothes, a towel, bed linen that an infected person uses. It is very difficult to see lice or their nits with the naked eye because of their negligible size. Signs of infection can serve:

  • Itching in an intimate place.
  • Numerous combs.
  • Orange dots on underpants.
  • Brown spots on the skin are bite marks.

As a treatment, we can advise you to remove all the vegetation from the causative place, which must be treated with one of the drugs for pediculosis: Medifox, Nittifor, Pedillin, Vitar.

At the same time, it is necessary to boil bed and underwear, as well as treat the sexual partner.

Inguinal epidermophytosis

This disease often affects men, but it also occurs in women. Its fungus is called Epidermophyton floccosum. You can catch it in a classic way for fungal diseases - in baths, saunas, a pool, if you do not attach importance to hygiene. The fungus multiplies well in the folds of the skin, where there is increased sweating - in the groin, under the armpits, and in women under the mammary glands. Sometimes it captures the skin around the anus, and in men it extends to the scrotum. Symptoms of the disease are easily recognizable. These are pink spots with a flaky surface, gradually increasing in size. Their edges are clearly limited, and in the center there are bubbles and pustules. When the inflammatory processes in the center of the spot are reduced, the skin is cleansed. Therefore, spots always have the form of rings. If they are located in the inguinal region, near the anus and on the scrotum, there is intolerable itching in intimate places in women and men.

Inguinal epidermophytosis

Diagnosis is by taking a scraping.

Treatment is carried out locally. Drugs of choice: "Lamisil", "Clotrimozole", "Ketoconazole", "Mycoseptin" and their analogues.

With inguinal epidermophytium, baths with decoctions of celandine, chamomile, and a string are very helpful.

Urinary diseases

These are urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the ureters and kidneys. These ailments arise for various reasons, the most common of which is infection by pathogenic microorganisms. With urethritis and cystitis, itching and burning in an intimate place are almost always observed. Other characteristic signs:

  • Sharp pain during urination.
  • Temperature.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pain in the lower peritoneum.

Genital itching in these diseases can begin because urea decay products, which have the property of irritating the mucous membranes and epidermis, are released during inflammatory processes.

If the patient experiences itching and burning in an intimate place, he should contact a urologist to undergo appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

In diseases of the internal organs that cause genital itching, patients should receive the necessary treatment under the supervision of narrow specialties - an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, hematologist, and oncologist. The presence of these ailments is indicated by their characteristic symptoms.

Infectious diseases

Very often, the cause of itching in an intimate place in women and men is a sexually transmitted disease. These include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Mycoplasmosis

All of them in the vast majority of cases are transmitted in intimate proximity with a sick partner. It is very rare to catch a sexually transmitted disease through a towel or clothing items that an infected person used.


The culprit of the disease is a bacterium called chlamydia. It often affects women, due to the characteristics of the vaginal mucosa. Chlamydia can be asymptomatic. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If the signs appear, then not very intensively. Patients may experience itching and burning in an intimate place. Women also have a foul-smelling discharge of a purulent-mucous character, pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, and bleeding between menstruation. In men, chlamydia resembles urethritis and is accompanied by pain in the urethra, scrotum, testicles, lower back. There may be discharge from the urethra.

The treatment of itching and burning in an intimate place caused by chlamydia is carried out only with the help of antibacterial therapy. Drugs of choice: Erythromycin, Roxithromycin, Oleandomycin, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin (taken once), Doxycycline.

In addition to antibiotics, Fluconazole and Interferon are prescribed.

smear test


Gonococcus bacteria “reward” us with this sore. With unprotected intercourse out of 4 women, 3 get sick with gonorrhea (for comparison, only 1 is infected with chlamydia). This disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. Approximately 50% of those infected do not experience any symptoms. In other men and women with acute form, purulent discharge, pain, itching and burning in intimate places are observed. The reason is that the microbe penetrates the mucous membranes of the organs and causes severe inflammation in them. The act of urination is incredibly painful, the patient’s condition is severe, the genitals swell, eczema may develop on the skin, and sometimes there is necrosis of the foreskin.

Treatment is with antibiotics (intramuscularly and orally). Preparations: Ceftriaxone, Doxycycline, Azithromycin.


The bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis brings us this infection. This disease affects people of both sexes, but itching in intimate places is observed only in women. Also, patients experience a burning sensation and pronounced pain during urination due to hyperemia of the mucous membranes. Pus with impurities of blood is secreted from the vagina. The smell of secretions is fishy, ​​which some may mistake for bacagnosis. However, with trichomoniasis, there are ulcerations of the vaginal mucosa, which is a hallmark. In men, the symptoms of this disease often resemble prostatitis.

To make an accurate diagnosis, microscopic studies of secretions, as well as PCR, NASBA, are performed.

Trichomoniasis is treated with shock doses of Metronidazole (tablets inside). Antibiotics, antifungal drugs, immunomodulators are also prescribed. Patients are prescribed a course of physiotherapy, procedures for washing the urethra (microclysters, douching).


This disease causes a whole group of mycoplasma bacteria. According to some sources, there are 4 types, according to others - 11. They can be introduced into the mucous membranes of various organs of the genitourinary system, and therefore the disease occurs in the forms of urethritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, vaginitis. Some women experience itching in an intimate place without secretions or they are so scarce that they do not attach importance. More characteristic symptoms include burning during urination, pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and bleeding in menopause. In men, the symptoms are almost the same. In addition, they may have complaints of pain in the scrotum and groin.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is carried out using PCR, RIF, ELISA.

Treatment of the disease is performed only with the help of antibacterial drugs - tetracyclines, lincosamines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones. The drugs are prescribed by the doctor based on a study of the resistance of bacteria found in a particular patient.

genital herpes

Genital herpes

The cause of itching in an intimate place can be the well-known herpes simplex virus (HSV 2). Curiously, they affected about 90% of earthlings, but only some of them have sexual illness if the virus additionally enters the body during sexual intercourse. In women, the disease is diagnosed twice as often as in men. Causes:

  • Low immunity.
  • Unprotected intercourse.
  • Intrauterine device.
  • Abortion

Sometimes a person can infect himself by transferring viruses with his hands, for example, from the lips to the genitals.

A distinctive symptom is a rash characteristic of herpes on the genitals, as well as in the perineum, around the anus, on the hips. In addition, there are headache, temperature, burning, pain and itching in intimate places in women. Ointments for this disease give an excellent effect. The most commonly prescribed Herpferon. In addition, acyclic nucleosides "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir", "Famciclovir" are orally prescribed

Pregnant and lactating itching in intimate places: causes and treatment

During pregnancy, almost always a woman has hormonal disorders and a weakened immune system. These two conditions are very suitable for pathogenic microbes, which begin to multiply intensively in the microflora of the vagina, which leads to an imbalance. Its manifestations are itching in the genitals, sometimes painful urination, swelling of the mucous membranes.

A woman must follow the instructions of the gynecologist, take all the tests in time, since such a harmless (at first glance) phenomenon, like itching, can be the "first sign" of serious pregnancy complications, sometimes leading to miscarriage.

In mothers who give birth, the vaginal microflora is not restored in one day. Therefore, for some time after childbirth, they will experience itching in the vagina.

If itching occurs, pregnant doctors prescribe a series of tests to find out what was the cause of itching, and according to the results, treatment is prescribed, individual for each woman.

folk treatments

We treat itching in an intimate place in women with folk methods

If the cause of the unpleasant symptom is not an infectious disease that requires mandatory antibacterial or antifungal therapy, you can resort to alternative methods of relieving itching. Here are some of them:

  • Start washing with tar soap.
  • Make propolis ointment. To do this, take propolis 15 g and glycerol 100 g, place the ingredients in a warm place so that their condition becomes liquid, mix well and send them to freeze in the refrigerator. Use this tool as needed.
  • Make a seated bath in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • According to numerous reviews, a very effective treatment for itching in intimate places in women with Vagisil cream, which must be applied strictly according to the instructions.
  • Folk healers advise when itching in the vagina to douch with decoctions of chamomile, calendula and nettle in any combination. Dry raw materials take a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is placed in the evening in the vagina on a swab. You need to tie a thread to it, so that in the morning it is easy to remove the tampon. Sea buckthorn oil can be prepared at home. There are several ways, but we offer the easiest and fastest. You need to take any number of ripe berries of sea buckthorn, squeeze the juice out of them, and pour the cake with olive oil, warm up a little and set aside for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the oil is filtered and used for their own purposes. Store this product in the refrigerator.
  • Use for douching fresh carrot juice diluted with water (1: 2).

In conclusion, I want to remind you that you must first find out the cause of the itching that appeared in the genitals, and only then start treatment. Otherwise, serious health problems can be provoked, including miscarriage, impotence, or childlessness.

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