Bosch Aerotwin Wiper: Features

Every experienced car enthusiast knows that saving on spare parts for their car is a crime. And even if the purchase concerns such a trifle as wipers, this is not a reason to purchase cheap goods. The fact is that a poor-quality wiper produces a very loud and unpleasant sound during operation, which in a few minutes can cause any driver to lose his temper.

Bosch aerotwin reviews
Moreover, such products scratch the surface of the windshield, and in its place an intrusive strip can form, which no polish can eliminate. Therefore, when buying a wiper should be trusted only to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation. Now many motorists are purchasing German Bosch Aerotwin wipers. They are good in that they can be installed on absolutely any car, be it the new Ford Focus or 20-year-old Lada cars.

During the development, all Bosch car wipers undergo many certifications, tests and inspections. Compared to other products, Bosch Aerotwin remains a leader, even compared to ADAC wipers. Aerotwin car wiper has proven itself to be the best option for a car brush with a bracket.

Bosch aerotwin

In general, this series of wipers is the flagship for the German manufacturer Bosch. Unlike their competitors, they have a high asymmetric spoiler, which improves their performance at high speeds. The aerodynamic design of the brushes prevents them from tearing off at high air resistance. The manufacturer paid particular attention to the composition of the mechanism. The Bosch Aerotwin wiper is made of multicomponent rubber, which includes natural rubber. The brush is made according to the original formula, which consists of an anti-friction coating and a wear-resistant edge. In addition, this part is equipped with a special spring tire, which provides uniform pressure on the surface. Thanks to this, this tool effectively cleans the windshield, perfectly repeating all its bends. Therefore, these wipers serve several times longer than their counterparts.

What do experts say about Bosch Aerotwin car wipers?

wipers Bosch Aerotwin
According to research, Aerotwin wipers received a rating of 5.0 for a high degree of efficiency and reliability. The tests were carried out on a Volkswagen Golf car at a temperature of plus 20 and minus 8 degrees Celsius. In this temperature range, Bosch Aerotwin wipers showed excellent results. Thanks to the special design and composition of the rubber, Bosch Aerotwin car brushes practically do not wear out under prolonged exposure to summer sunlight and severe winter cold. In terms of quality, this wiper burst into the top five and took an honorable 3rd place.


Based on this, several conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, you should never save on windshield wipers. And secondly, when buying wipers for your iron friend, pay special attention to German manufacturers, and Bosch in particular.

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