Exhaust fumes and their danger

In the modern world, it is believed that exhaust gases from internal combustion engines cause the greatest damage to the environment. Recently, however, more and more often conflicting opinions of experts have been heard about the influence of these gases. In our usual understanding, only machines harm nature, leaving generators and plants for heating, water supply and other needs in the background. According to a study by the European Medical Journal, car exhaust is the cause of death of about 40 thousand people every year.

traffic fumes
Recent discoveries of scientists have confirmed the fact that about 6% of all deaths are associated with environmental pollution. A special risk group is considered to be children and the elderly, whose body cannot yet be quickly cleaned of microscopic fuel molecules. Based on all this, the fact that exhaust gases can be harmless is called into question. After all, even a novice driver knows that staying indoors with the engine turned on is deadly.

The first symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:

1) In case of short-term poisoning, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat will begin. Further exposure will result in severe coughing, vomiting and, most likely, loss of consciousness. For patients with asthma and emphysema, such poisoning may be the last.

2) Drowsiness, fatigue and loss of consciousness are also signs of long-term poisoning in small doses.

3) Fuzzy vision, impaired coordination of movements, dizziness clearly indicate that the central nervous system is damaged.

car exhaust
The temperature of the exhaust gases is the root cause of all the harm done. The fact is that the higher the temperature, the faster the combustion products are formed, which leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful substances during exhaust. Quite often, doctors diagnose hypoxia in drivers who are on the road most of the time. Among them truckers, taxi drivers, carriers and many others.

But everything is not as scary as it might seem. Just follow the following tips, and it will save you and your loved ones health:

1) inside the garage or near the house territory, try to leave the car in working condition as little as possible;

2) get high-quality fuel;

3) esl

exhaust temperature
and you live in the private sector, then when installing the fence we recommend making a small gap between the ground and the beginning of the canvas. Since exhaust gases are heavier than air, they will exit at these intervals. If possible, experts recommend making one side of the fence β€œtransparent”, which will speed up the ventilation of heavy gases;

4) Install various diesel generators as far as possible from the living quarters. Design a system to remove gases from your site, even with strong winds. It’s better to spend a few thousand extra than to turn into asthma after 4-5 years.

Remember that any fuel and its fumes are hazardous to health, even outside of automobile engines or generators.

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