Conspiracy for the sale of goods: when and how to read

When things go wrong, people start thinking about other ways to solve problems. This applies not only to personal life, love affairs or family hardships, but also to business. Conspiracies and spells have been known to mankind since ancient times. Many have become so common in our everyday life that we use them without thinking. For example: “Good work has lived for two centuries”, “There is never much good.” Through popular lips are transmitted not only conspiracies and whispers, but also all sorts of beliefs and signs.

dollars in hands

For example, you need to shake the little things for a young month, you can’t go under the stairs, you can’t break the mirrors and look at the fragments, etc. It is interesting that the beliefs vary slightly from area to area, and conspiracies too. In the people of the valleys, they are one, and in the people of the mountains completely different. Living conditions are different. But now many of us live in cities or urban-type settlements. Therefore, you can easily pick up spells suitable for everyone.

It sometimes happens that I’m 100% sure that you are doing everything right, that your prices are lower than your competitors, and the goods are no worse and even better than theirs, and trade does not go on, transactions break down, suppliers fail. At this time, competitors goods fly like hot cakes. And here you involuntarily think that competitors have jinxed it or, worse, cursed.

Or maybe competitors use conspiracies to sell goods? Then you need to do the same. It is unlikely, of course, we are talking about the evil eye or a curse. Perhaps you just need to open the way to trade, and this will help a simple ritual, namely a conspiracy to sell goods. It is easy to notice that some sellers grab goods, while others only have small sales. Two stores can stand in the same places, but the first sold the goods in half an hour, while the second did not.

Even sales skills do not always help. It is in such cases that a conspiracy to sell goods will come to the rescue. On the day you decide to perform the ritual, stand at the dawn, wash yourself with cool water and say:

The day is special for me today - the fulfillment of all desires will happen.

Come to work early so that there are no people nearby. In general, many magic rituals must be carried out secretly from human eyes. Magic is a sacrament and it will not tolerate strangers. Therefore, you always need to clearly convince that no one is watching. And that is why most magical work is carried out at dawn or after midnight, that is, when most people are already sleeping or have not yet woken up.

So, add salt at the entrance and say three times:

I do not sprinkle white salt, but success is strong. Where she showered - there customers will go to my store. Neither one nor two, but will come in droves. And no one will leave me without a purchase. Amen.

Spit over your left shoulder three times and say:

It will be so!

Then sprinkle with salt all the goods that you have left, sentencing 7 times:

I sprinkle good luck on my product so that customers like it so that not a single one goes without a purchase. Amen.

Swipe the salt from the product and let it remain on the floor.

good sale plot

Another way to sell a product

Here is another conspiracy to sell goods. Put on the windowsill, where the light of the growing moon falls, a nickle, and say:

Pyatak, Pyatak Pyatokovich Pyatokov, give me growing luck, so that it was without change.

How to sell a property

Quite often, it happens that people cannot sell real estate, and this is due to the fact that someone from the family has a block on the financial channel. A simple conspiracy to sell goods will not work if you need to sell land or a house.

land sale agreement

In order to conduct the desired ritual, you need to buy a new rag and a new bucket. If you have a very large house, then you need to buy a larger bucket, because you need the water that you pour into it. So, now you are ready to plot for the sale of home and land. To begin, pour clean water into a bucket, and wash all the rooms in the house with this water and a new rag, then pronounce a conspiracy on dirty water:

Four corners, my domina and brownie, I renounce you, lock doors, four corners and brownie. Whoever brings me money for you will take you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Take the spilled water to the road behind the building. It is very important that no one sees you pouring water. Otherwise, the rite will not be valid.

In general, if you ignore love issues, real estate rituals occupy a leading position. Similar rituals are used at all times. They were on a special account in antiquity and are popular in the modern world. A conspiracy to sell houses and land helps not only quickly sell real estate, but also sell it profitably.

There are so many different plots that are related to real estate. Many of them are suitable only for certain situations. So, for example, there are conspiracies that accelerate the sale of estates or land, and there are conspiracies that allow you to sell real estate very profitably and get the maximum profit from the transaction. There are also those that allow speeding up paperwork, that is, they solve bureaucratic issues.

When not enough time

When there is absolutely no time - you have to pay for the rental, seasonal goods, moving is planned, etc., then you can read the plot for a quick sale. Of course, such cases are best avoided, but in life everything happens.

strong plot for sale

For this ritual, you need to take the largest bills that are in the house. Direct them to the thing that needs to be sold, and waving bills, like a fan, over the thing, say three times:

As there is a big bargaining in the market square, everything on sale is what you want: silk, furs, jewelry and (your thing) and I am its seller. The price of the item (price out loud) and whoever sees it will want to buy.

This ritual can be performed with an unlimited number of things. The main thing is that they have enough energy and strength for everything. Moving from thing to thing, notes can not be changed. The main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to accidentally tear money.

What to do if a thing has long been stale?

It's not a problem. There is a strong conspiracy to sell goods that can help sell any stale items. This plot is read in the full moon. While reading, you need to stroke, touch the product to be sold, or to its photo, which also needs to be stroked, imagining how to touch the product itself, how you transfer energy to it:

As a silver moon shines in a dark sky, so my goods are visible in the world, everyone needs my thing. I’ll go out tomorrow (the name of the thing), I’ll show it, I won’t hold it in the first hour. So they want to buy it, that they are ready to pay.

Easy plot for a good sale

Take the patchouli incense stick, set fire to it, and while fumigating it with smoke, condemn:

Leave the goods quickly out, turn around in the wallet of coins ringing.

Despite the fact that the plot is short, and the ritual is quite simple, it is no less effective than everyone else. In rituals and conspiracies the main belief in its effectiveness and the strength of the one who conducts them. By the way, you can not carry out the procedure during an illness.

distance sale plot

Plot for sale in the distance

Most often, problems that need to be resolved from a distance arise precisely with the sale of real estate. Sometimes it happens that you need to read a conspiracy to sell goods, land, apartments, offices at a distance. There is not always the means and time to hit the road to another city for magical work.

The following plot will help even those who are ignorant of magic. The main thing is to have enough faith and strength. Read this plot at dawn three times on a piece of sugar:

As true that this sugar is sweet, so is it that luck will be on my side. As this sugar is white, there will be no obstacles in my way. Help me overcome all obstacles in my business. Bring me luck and joy. Amen.

This piece of sugar must be carried with you, it becomes a talisman that will help you easily solve various bureaucratic problems.

quick sale plot

Salt always helps

Salt has been used in many magical rituals for a very long time. Simple salt has the powerful power of mother Earth, as it is generated by it. Salt is used in rituals of various kinds, but most often in rituals of purification. If you need to clean the apartment or clean the trading channels, then salt will do just fine.

If there is no simple salt, you can use sea salt. The main thing is not to use salt with various additives, herbs, spices. When herbs are mixed in the product, it acquires the properties inherent in these herbs, and an ignorant person will not be able to predict how their presence will affect the result of the ritual.

So, in order to carry out a strong conspiracy to trade in salt, you need to prepare a dense bag of red cloth. Having poured a handful of salt into it, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

Walked through the mountains high, green plains, along the blue seas a merchant with good goods! With a wealth of choice, he surprised everyone he met along the way. He sold his goods kindly and without deception. He spent his whole life on the road and had rich profits. Reliable protection along the way was to him the salt Wizard. As a legacy, a successful merchant left me a slave (slave) of God (God) (proper name) magic salt! With this, the merchant handed me his luck and success. I’ll sprinkle magic salt in front of the counter, but I’ll attract buyers to it, I will sell all the goods for sale and I’ll get profit. Amen!

Tie a bag and carry with you. Every day you need to throw a pinch of salt from the bag before the start of the trading day. After the salt is over, the plot can be repeated. It is read on the growing moon and gives the product attractive energy, allowing you to quickly sell it.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer

Today, it is probably difficult to find a person who would not hear about the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. She is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. She has helped many people solve their problems, which are related to various areas of their lives. The Siberian healer has accumulated a lot of different conspiracies, rituals, spells and whispers, which she generously share with all other people.

Conspiracy to sell goods

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer for the sale of goods are known and effective. For this ritual you need to choose any piece of furniture that will stand in front of customers and which can not be sold in any case! After choosing an item, the following conspiracy is read 12 times:

Just as you will throw my thing at people’s eyes, all people in the market will start throwing at my goods. They will take it into their hands, buy it, give their money to me (name) to the slave (slave) of God (God) to give! The key is my words. The castle is my business. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen.

For quick sale

In order to sell stale goods, you can plot a Siberian healer for a quick sale. She recommends sprinkling the goods with holy water. To do this, you can use, for example, a spray bottle if it is a fabric or a product that is not advisable to wet it, or just drop a couple of drops of water if the product is not afraid of water. And say:

Sun Father glare at my goods, raid people. Give me the money in your hands, and take my goods. Key. Castle. Language. Amen.

Whichever of the conspiracies listed here you choose, always remember that when reading conspiracies, you shift the equilibrium forces of the universe. Any shift in the positive direction will necessarily be followed by a small rollback. It is like pushing a boulder uphill. You push it 5 steps, and then step back one step. Then again push on five steps. The main thing is not to fall and not to drop everything halfway.

You must know for sure that all the consequences of conspiracy are yours, and you are responsible for it. Transfer it to someone else will not succeed. Therefore, before choosing a conspiracy and conducting a ritual, once again make sure that you do not harm anyone or do a little harm, for which you are ready to answer.

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