Placental mask for the face: review, method of use, composition and reviews

Which representative of the fair sex does not dream of a beautiful and well-groomed face skin? Fortunately, today there are many different ways to achieve this. Starting from expensive salon procedures, ending with home care.

Manufacturers of cosmetics for skin care are trying to please every woman. There are so many products on store shelves that it can sometimes be difficult to choose a product on your own.

Today we will talk about face masks, in particular, we will find out what a placental mask is, for what type of skin it is suitable and how to use it correctly.

Placental mask

Why do I need face masks? Types of masks

A mask is a special tool that is applied to the face. It may contain a variety of components that have a beneficial and healing effect on the skin. With a good mask, you can bleach the dermis, smooth out fine wrinkles, moisturize or nourish. There are also tools aimed at complex cleansing. Some masks give instant results and are intended for single use. Others are designed to be applied in whole courses.

Regardless of the type, the mask is always selected according to the type of skin:

  • oily;
  • dry;
  • combined;
  • normal.

Masks are:

  • ready-made formulations from the manufacturer, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store;
  • home cooking.

The composition of the finished masks includes more complex components, including vitamins, panthenol, essential oils, collagen. They are packaged in tubes and jars, like cream, applied to special tissue wipes, distributed in disposable packaging. One of the ready-to-use cosmetic products is the placental mask.

We will not dwell on recipes and methods of using homemade masks from ingredients that are always at hand. It should only be noted that the effectiveness of a mixture of natural components is not inferior to store ones. With their help, you can easily remove age spots, freckles, whiten the skin, get rid of dark circles under the eyes and swelling.

Placental face masks

What are placental facial masks

The main active ingredient of the drug is the placenta of animals. This component has long been known for its amazing properties. It effectively fights against fine and even deep wrinkles, treats damaged and sunburned skin. Special masks are even used in beauty salons to quickly restore the dermis that is injured after chemical and plastic procedures. They are usually packaged in individual packaging intended for single use.

The placental mask in the pharmacy is more often sold in the form of napkins made of a non-woven fabric soaked with a nutritious composition. Napkins have slots for the eyes. There are also mask films, which include gelatin. The advantage of the latter is that the mixture, drying on the skin, is removed with a thin film along with impurities from the pores and dead epidermal flakes. The effect of the impregnated fabric is more superficial.

Placental masks are produced by Plazan, Dizao, TianDe, Shary and other companies.

Placental mask: composition

To prepare the product, an extract from the placenta of the sheep is used. Thanks to a special production technique, the component retains all the beneficial substances. Vitamins, various trace elements, enzymes and amino acids remain in it.

In addition, the placental mask contains:

  • hyaluronic acid with a powerful moisturizing effect;
  • fat from shark liver, which slows down the aging process of the skin ;
  • red caviar extract, which improves metabolic processes;
  • seaweed, saturating the skin cells with amino acids and vitamins;
  • proteins that provide synthesis of elastin and collagen, responsible for tissue repair.

In addition, the placental facial mask, the price of which is indicated below, contains components of plant origin (fruit juices, oils, extracts) that return softness and elasticity.

Placental mask in a pharmacy

What skin are suitable masks based on sheep placenta

On the packaging, the manufacturer always indicates for what age the product is intended. There are anti-aging masks, moisturizing for young skin and universal.

The product has the same positive effect on dry or oily skin:

  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • Eliminates small wrinkles;
  • tightens;
  • relieves swelling and swelling;
  • improves color;
  • relieves irritation;
  • protects from aggressive environmental effects.

Placental face mask Price

Mode of application

To achieve a result, placental facial masks need strict adherence to the rules for their use:

  1. The face must first be cleaned and steamed.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask from the middle of the face, starting from the nose, gradually spreading it in different directions.
  4. After application, it is important to firmly press the napkin to the skin with your fingers.
  5. Usually the mask must be kept for 20 minutes, during which you can not talk and laugh so that it does not move. It is best to take a comfortable lying position.
  6. After removing the mask, a little liquid remains on the face. In no case should you wipe it. On the contrary, all moisture must be knocked into the skin with light taps with the fingertips.
  7. At the final stage, it remains only to wash with cool mineral water and apply a light moisturizer to fix the result.

According to reviews, the effect is noticeable immediately after the first application. But because of the powerful action, you should not use placental masks more often than every other day. The general course of use is at least 2 weeks.

placental masks at the pharmacy

Product benefits

The most effective is the placental-collagen mask. Its amazing anti-aging effect is based on the properties of collagen. The substance improves metabolic processes in tissues, stimulating the production of new cells. It is collagen that normalizes blood circulation, increasing the skin's ability to absorb other nutrients and to be saturated with oxygen. Placental masks do not contain any chemical impurities. And the reviews of women who have at least once tried a cosmetic product are extremely positive. They say that the product has an exceptional anti-aging effect.

placental collagen mask

How much is the tool

Placental masks, the price in the pharmacy for which ranges from 60 to 1 thousand rubles per package, are suitable for women with any level of material income. The cost depends on the composition of the product, brand. There are funds intended for the eyelids, neck, face. Masks of domestic production are not inferior in quality to imported ones, but their prices are much lower and pleasing to the eye.

In pursuit of youth and beauty of the skin, do not confine yourself to cosmetic masks only. To achieve a truly amazing result, it is important to approach your face care comprehensively. Lifestyle, proper nutrition, drinking regimen, lack of bad habits, physical activity have a beneficial effect on the skin condition.

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