How to cook buckwheat soup on chicken stock?

Basically, when they cook soup in chicken stock, they use noodles. But sometimes they take other pasta and rice.

First recipe

But for a change, you can cook soup with buckwheat on chicken stock. To prepare it you will need:

- 4 potatoes;

- 1 chicken leg;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 onion;

- half a bunch of dill;

- half a teaspoon of black pepper;

- half a glass of buckwheat;

- 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil;

- 1 bay leaf;

- 1 clove of garlic;

- a pinch of salt.


1. Put a well-washed ham in a pan of approximately two liters. Pour it with water and immediately add all the spices and garlic. Cook on low heat for about forty minutes after it boils.

buckwheat soup with chicken stock

2. While the broth is being cooked, vegetables are prepared - washed and cleaned. Then the carrots are rubbed coarsely, and the onion is cut into small cubes.

3. After this, the vegetables should be sent to the pan and fry until golden brown.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

5. Buckwheat must be washed with cold water.

6. When the broth is ready, you need to take out the ham, separate the meat from the bones and send it back to the broth. Potatoes and buckwheat are also added. Cook the contents of the pan for about 20 minutes, until the potatoes are completely ready.

7. After that, send the roasted vegetables to the soup and hold on the fire for a few more minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and let the dish brew a little. That's all, buckwheat soup on chicken broth is cooked.

Second recipe

Some chefs like to experiment with even the simplest dishes. The slightest change in cooking technology can make the taste unusual and more saturated. Buckwheat soup in chicken broth was no exception. Although the recipe is not very different from the usual one, there are still some culinary secrets. To make this soup, you need:

soup with buckwheat on chicken stock recipe

- 0.3 kilograms of chicken;

- 0.2 kilograms of buckwheat;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 onion;

- 2 potatoes;

- Bay leaf;

- black pepper peas;

- sunflower oil (2 tbsp.spoons);

- fresh dill;

- salt.

Step by step cooking instructions

1. First of all, you need to cook the broth. To do this, collect water in a pan and put chicken in it. After the liquid boils, remove the resulting foam until the broth becomes clear. After this, leave the meat to boil over low heat.

soup with buckwheat on chicken broth recipe with photo

2. You need to prepare the vegetables - wash and peel them. After this, grate the carrots on a medium grater. Dice the onions and potatoes into small cubes.

3. Place a skillet on the stove and pour vegetable oil there. When it warms up, add the onion and fry it a little. After that, put another carrot, mix and cover with a lid, leave for five minutes.

4. Put the washed buckwheat on a separate dry frying pan and fry it for about five minutes.

5. When the broth is ready, remove the chicken from it. Separate the meat from the bones and put it back in the pan. Also simultaneously send there all previously prepared ingredients and spices.

6. Still need to cook for about 10 minutes. After this time, cover the pan with a lid. Then remove from the stove and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

7. Before serving the soup on the table, chop the herbs and pour them on top.

Here is a soup. The process of preparing it is not so complicated.

Third recipe

Now consider another version of the soup. You might like this recipe.

how to cook buckwheat soup in chicken stock


- Water - approximately 2 liters.

- Chicken on the bone - half a kilogram, or even a little more. If you cook such a soup for small children, then it is best to take meat that does not have fat, or chicken breast.

- Potatoes - 2 pieces of a small size.

- Buckwheat groats - 0.5 cups.

- The bulb is medium in size.

- Carrot is small.

How to cook buckwheat soup on chicken stock? Step-by-step instruction

1. Chicken bones or soup set pour cold water.

2. Perhaps not everyone knows that in order for the broth to be rich, it must always be poured with cold liquid. Then the meat taste is transferred to the broth. But if you want to have a delicious piece of boiled chicken, then it must be sent to the pan when the water boils.

3. After you need to carefully remove the foam and cook the broth for at least 40 minutes.

4. If, for young children, cook soup with buckwheat on chicken broth, then after boiling the water you need to boil the meat for about 10 minutes and drain the water. Then pour a new one.

5. While preparing the broth, you need to prepare the vegetables - wash and peel. Then grate the carrots finely, and cut the onions and potatoes into small cubes.

6. Pour a little sunflower oil into a heated skillet and put onions and carrots there. When they are a little fried, and the onion becomes golden, add a little water. Then you need to cover and put out for a while.

7. For kids, it is advisable to send these vegetables to the soup with potatoes.

8. When the broth is cooked, remove the chicken from it. If there are bones, then remove them.

9. After, send the washed buckwheat and potatoes to the broth. When all this boils, cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes.

10. After this time, chopped meat and stewed vegetables are added. Together with them spices and some greens are poured (it is possible and dry).

11. After boiling for another 10 minutes, you can remove the soup with buckwheat on chicken broth from the stove. Let it cool slightly, after which you can eat. If desired, can be served with sour cream.

Buckwheat soup on chicken stock. Recipe with photo

Sometimes after a hard day, you want to cook something that does not take much time, and relax. Soup with buckwheat on chicken broth can be considered such a dish. The quick recipe is very simple. For cooking you will need:

soup with buckwheat on chicken broth instant recipe

- 0.3 kilograms of chicken;

- 0.2 kilograms of buckwheat;

- 1 small carrot;

- 1 onion;

- a pair of potatoes;

- some sunflower oil for frying;

- fresh herbs.

Soup cooking process

1. Put the meat in a pan and pour water. Send to the stove, wait for the water to boil to remove the foam. If you miss her, then it does not matter - you need to add a little cold water, and it will rise back up. Carefully and thoroughly removing the foam, leave the broth to boil.

2. Meanwhile, the onion should be peeled and cut into small cubes. After putting it in a previously heated skillet with oil (sunflower). When the onion is almost transparent, you need to add carrots that are peeled and grated. Mix. Then let the vegetables stew for a short time.

3. Peel the potato, rinse it and cut into slices at its discretion.

how to cook buckwheat soup with chicken stock

4. In the finished broth, the meat does not have to be separated from the bone. Just add the prepared ingredients along with the washed buckwheat. And also it is worth pouring spices - salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

5. Then cover the pan and leave for 10 minutes.


Now it’s clear how to cook soup with buckwheat on chicken stock. We reviewed several recipes. You will find the right cooking option for yourself.

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