Classic rotten stump cake recipe

On the eve of the holiday, the hostess has many worries. You need to purchase products and carefully think through the menu, as well as prepare delicious treats. And of course, the cake is the long-awaited climax. You can buy it in the store, but home will always be tastier. In addition, guests will definitely appreciate the originality of performance and decoration. Let's look at the rotten stump cake recipe.

New is forgotten old

Indeed, today much more often at home holidays you can find "Anthill" and "Napoleon". But believe me, there is an option much simpler, while the result will surprise and delight all guests. The rotten stump cake recipe allows you to cook an interesting dessert. If you properly arrange the dish and adhere to the classic recipe, the result will be guaranteed to be excellent. It should be noted that there are a lot of cooking options. Therefore, let's start with the one that has been tested by dozens of hostesses and allows you to get an excellent result every time.

Cook at home

First of all, you need to put on the table all the components of the dish. It is very pleasing that there are no expensive and scarce ingredients, they are all in any store. To prepare the dough, you need flour and eggs, sugar and sour cream. Creams are an experiment that every housewife turns out to be peculiar and unique. But this recipe uses a very light impregnation.

For cream in the classic version, sour cream and jam are required. This is the recipe for the rotten stump cake that can be found in the notebooks of our mothers and grandmothers. In addition, chocolate and dried fruits can be used, because you also need to give an external similarity to a tree stump.

rotten stump cake at home recipe

Product Selection Features

Often, housewives note that the idea of ​​making this dessert came about due to the fact that sour cream or another sour-milk product was “cooked” in the refrigerator. The cake is remarkable not only for its appearance, but also for its undemanding components. Soon you will see for yourself. No need to look for some especially fresh eggs and dairy products. Everything that is already in your refrigerator cannot ruin the taste of dessert.

If you decide to cook this delicacy, you can dispose of kefir a week ago or sour yogurt. They should be used for the test, but the cream will have to look for something more fresh.

Dessert story

The rotten stump cake recipe has appeared a long time ago, for example, someone will remember it from the time of their children's birthdays. The dessert got its original name due to the special loose structure and brown color that distinguishes the cake from the inside.

Today it is difficult to establish who first prepared this dessert. But the man clearly cared about a healthy diet, because the recipe does not use butter - neither vegetable nor cream. It is only needed to lubricate the baking dish. This also applies to cream, there is no oil in it either. This makes the cake surprisingly soft and airy. It can be used in small quantities for people with diseases of the digestive tract, as well as for children.

Cooking dough

Many housewives experience some reverent awe before baking cake cakes. Gentle, airy, they either burn, then do not rise. Especially for these women, this recipe is intended. Cake “Rotten stump” at home is obtained even by inexperienced housewives, and this is not a trivial cake, but a completely original and festive dessert. This is its special appeal.

cake recipe rotten stump with jam


Preparation of the test is carried out in several steps, each of which we will now consider.

  • You will need a deep cup. Since we will use a mixer, it is necessary that the mass does not spill over its edges.
  • Pour three eggs into it and make a glass of sugar. Beat the eggs themselves first, and then gradually begin to add sugar to them.
  • The mixture should increase by 2-3 times.
  • Add a glass of any jam you like best. If blackcurrant, then the taste will be sour. But strawberries and apricots only emphasize the sweetness. Beat until smooth.
  • It remains to add a glass of sour cream and mix well again.

The mixer can be removed to the side. Especially for novice housewives who doubt the correctness of the actions, and there is a recipe with a photo. It is enough to cook the rotten stump cake once so that the process does not cause difficulties anymore.

It remains to extinguish with vinegar 0.5 tablespoons of soda and add to the dough. Dried fruits pre-soaked in water (raisins, prunes) are ground in a blender and thoroughly mixed.

Flour is added last. It will take about 2 glasses. Previously, the flour should be sieved several times and mixed in small portions in the dough. It takes the form of thick sour cream, but it remains fluid.

cake rotten stump step by step recipe with jam

Bakery products

The classic rotten stump cake recipe can be done in many ways. It depends on what end result you want to get. If there is a split mold, then you can bake a cake in it with a single high cake, and then cut into layers and soak in cream.

You can use several molds, in each of which pour a third of the entire mass. So you get three cakes, each of which is already ready for use. And the last option: bake the dough on a baking sheet. In this case, the formation will occur in a slightly different way.

cake rotten stump recipe with photo

Making a cake

The recipe for rotten stump cake with dried fruits allows you to cook not only delicious, but also very healthy dessert. If high cake was baked, it must be cut into several parts and assembled back, forming a stump. The assembly turns out to be interesting if a large cake was baked for the whole baking sheet.

  • You will need to cut it into three strips with a sharp knife. It is important that they are the same size, otherwise the cake will turn out not so neat.
  • Now you need to thoroughly smear the cake with cream. You will need 500 g of sour cream and a glass of sugar.
  • Finally, the most interesting. We begin to fold the first part with a dense roll. When you're done, put a second strip on the cut and continue to fold. So you get a cake that will look very original in the context.
  • It's okay if the strips can break during folding. Cake decorating is still to come, so all flaws will be hidden.
cake recipe rotten stump on kefir


The recipe for rotten stump cake with jam is a classic. You can remove dried fruits at will, it will turn out no worse. The described assembly allows you to best convey the image captured in the name. The upper section acquires characteristic annual rings.

In order for the cake to be well soaked and tasty, it is again necessary to carefully lubricate it with sour cream. Decorate the sides with chocolate, imitating a tree bark. And leave the top light. If you want to show even more originality, draw rings with chocolate or jam. So your stump will look even more natural.

Option on kefir

The rotten stump cake recipe can be changed depending on what you have available. If there is no sour cream, then together you can take kefir. In this case, you get a less nutritious dessert, but it does not become less tasty. To prepare the dough, it is recommended to take 200 ml of kefir, a glass of plum jam, 2 eggs and 160 g of flour. In addition, take 120 g of starch and 130 g of sugar.

All ingredients must be mixed together and a round base is prepared. Bake it at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. After that, it will need to be cut into 4 parts. It remains to soak with sour cream and decorate with chocolate. Plum jam gives a special sourness.

cake recipe rotten stump with dried fruits

Some subtleties

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the cooking process. But it’s worth remembering some secrets to get the perfect Rotten Stump cake. A step-by-step recipe with jam is simple and affordable for every housewife, even for a beginner. And here lies the first secret. The final taste of the cake also depends on what kind of jam you take.

To make the cake color beautiful, it is recommended to use yellow jam. It can be apple, sea buckthorn or apricot. If you want to diversify the taste of the cake, then you can dilute the jam with condensed milk. The proportions are approximately 50/50.

Making a cream is a different story. If sugar is used for it, it is recommended to whip the sour cream when you just put the cake in the oven. After that, put the cream in the refrigerator so that all the grains have time to dissolve. If impregnation is needed urgently, then take powder instead of sugar.

The optimal height of the hemp is 15 cm, a little lower. Therefore, when choosing the shape or width of the strip, it is necessary to proceed from this figure. If you make it lower or higher, it will not look so harmonious and original.

cake rotten stump classic recipe

Instead of a conclusion

Cake "rotten stump" will take its rightful place in your piggy bank of branded recipes. Despite the fact that the cost of the ingredients is relatively low, it turns out a beautiful, original and delicious cake. If you spend a little time on the design, then the result will be very pleased. The dish can be decorated with green grass, and cookies can be planted on the surface of the stump in the form of mushrooms. To make the dessert delicious, you need to saturate it properly with cream.

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