Being a mother is so natural and important for every woman. But sometimes life circumstances are stronger and you have to resort to artificial termination of pregnancy. Sometimes this is due to the age characteristics of the mother or her financial situation. Then the decision is made by the woman herself. Sometimes an abortion is prescribed for medical reasons. But in any case, the question of whether pregnancy is possible after cleaning is relevant for each of these cases.
What is cleaning?
This is an surgical intervention in the uterine cavity. Let's turn to physiology and remember how the female body functions. The meaning of the menstrual cycle is that a layer of special epithelial cells builds up in the uterine cavity. It is needed so that a fertilized egg can be implanted and begin to grow. If fertilization does not happen, the egg descends into the uterus, where it is destroyed. The entire epithelium exfoliates and leaves bloody clots. Menstruation goes, after which the cycle repeats.
By cleansing is meant the removal of unwanted uterine contents, including the fetus and the epithelium that nourished it. Most often, the need for this operation occurs after a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy or uterine pathology. After that, it’s important to give yourself time to recover. Pregnancy after cleansing (meaning the next few cycles) is extremely undesirable, although physiologically possible.
The opinion of experts
Gynecologists every day are faced with the need to advise women on family planning. They know well in practice that it is possible to get pregnant after cleaning very quickly. If there are no complications, inflammatory processes, then literally during the first month a new conception can take place.
But pregnancy after cleaning is undesirable, as it can be accompanied by numerous complications. Despite the fact that a fertilized egg can be successfully implanted in the very first cycle after an abortion, you need to wait until the woman’s body and its hormonal background are fully restored.
The standard recommendation of gynecologists is to refrain from sexual intercourse for a month to protect themselves from possible infections. Pregnancy after cleansing is another problem that is very important to avoid. After this time, another 6 months must be protected by contraceptives recommended by the attending physician.
Individual characteristics
Please note that there is no single deadline for all and cannot be. In each case, pregnancy after cleaning should be planned on the basis of a woman’s examination and analysis of the analysis results. An abortion is a complete operation that is performed under general or local anesthesia. Subsequent recovery depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. In some cases, this can drag on for years to come.
Possible diseases
The greatest danger is not the abortion itself, but its consequences. Most women tend to forget about the diseases that develop after cleansing. Of course, none of the doctors wants to harm their patient, but it is quite difficult to take into account all the factors and accidents. Actually, therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after an abortion, all doctors answer negatively. The first month is very indicative, as it provides an opportunity to assess the consequences. And if a woman hurries to get pregnant again, then the doctors will face a difficult problem. Keep the pregnancy and conduct treatment against her background, or, if this is not possible, again send the expectant mother to an abortion.
Only after you pass the examination and the doctor says that there are no pathologies, you can prepare for conception. Take the necessary vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle. Is it possible to become pregnant immediately after an abortion physiologically? Yes, indeed, this is entirely possible, but all efforts must be made to avoid it.
The reasons that led to the cleaning
This is another important issue. Considering what curettage is in gynecology, we have already touched on the topic of the reasons for referral to surgery. In some cases, this is the desire of the woman herself. In this case, the procedure is performed no later than the 12th week, after which abortion is prohibited, as it can cause serious harm to the woman’s health. Most often, in this case, women refer to a lack of money for raising another child, to youth and the need to continue their education, to too many children already born. In this case, the question of whether pregnancy is possible after cleansing can hardly be considered natural. You just need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations to avoid it.
Another thing is if the cleaning was the result of diseases that led to a halt in the development of the fetus and its death. In this case, the doctor will definitely prescribe treatment and re-examination after a certain time. According to the results of ultrasound, he will be able to see the problem, but not its cause. Therefore, immediately after curettage, it is important to pass histological samples. It is they who will serve as material for determining the cause of a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. Next, a second course of treatment is prescribed. How much you can get pregnant after an abortion will be decided by the attending physician. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the complexity of the disease and progress in treatment.
Highest odds
The question arises: why does one woman become pregnant after cleaning in the near future and have a healthy baby, and the second cannot conceive for years? Pregnancy after cleansing the uterus is a normal occurrence, but in some cases it takes a long time to wait. The highest chances of subsequent successful conception and bearing a baby are women who have had a miscarriage of pregnancy for the first time. Similarly, with the first abortion, if there were no complications, then a short course of rehabilitation will return to this issue.
In any case, you cannot despair. Medical abortion is a necessary measure that allows you to save a woman’s life and health. The possibilities of modern medicine can solve even the most complex problems associated with the reproductive system.
Imminent conception
If cleaning was a tool to get rid of an undesirable pregnancy, then you need to protect yourself immediately. The best choice would be birth control pills that start on the day of the abortion. The first sexual contact can lead to conception. In this case, the probability is much higher than when cleaning is performed for medical reasons.
What should I do if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after cleaning, neglecting the recommendations of doctors? This can be a problem because abortion is contraindicated. You should immediately consult a doctor and seek a solution with him. There are many cases when such a pregnancy proceeded quite safely. But no less than examples, when she became the cause of dangerous complications.
Worse, if a woman becomes pregnant in the first cycle after an abortion and does not want to think about having a baby. Repeated surgery in such a short time is fraught with serious consequences, and usually doctors refuse to take on such responsibility. Medical abortion is also a bad option, because if the fetus does not come out completely, immediate cleaning is required. In general, this is a question that can only be solved in the office after studying the card and performing an ultrasound scan.
Different ways to have an abortion
The essence of them is the same - you need to remove the fetal egg from the uterine cavity. Traditionally, the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity is used for this. But this is not the only option:
- For centuries, herbalists have been picking fees that stimulate uterine contractions and help ladies solve a delicate problem. Unfortunately, there are no statistics on how many women died bleeding.
- Mini abortion. This procedure is different in that it is performed on short terms - up to 6 weeks. The size of the cavity of the uterus and the ovum is still very small, so you can carry out the operation with minimal damage to the vessels.
- Abortion with the help of special drugs.
Hard choice
Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Not the last factor is the price. Often, women, only learning about pregnancy, are interested in how much a vacuum abortion costs. With this procedure, the removal of the fetal egg is performed using a vacuum suction, rather than curettage with a sharp metal curette. During this procedure, cervical dilators are not used, and the fetal egg is sucked out through a small rubber hose.
The simplicity of the operation affects the cost. How much is a vacuum abortion, they will definitely tell you in your clinic. On average, you can call the figures about 4500-5000 rubles. For comparison: an operation at a later date can cost 7000-9000 rubles. Private clinics can be even more expensive.
Pregnancy planning
If at least 3 months have passed after cleaning, then you can think about preparing for a new conception. For this purpose, the Eviplan ovulation test is used. It allows you to build a schedule of your cycle and calculate the most favorable days for future conception. This should not be postponed until the last month, because in order to get reliable data, you need to collect information for at least 3-4 months.
The more stable your cycle, the easier it will be to determine the date of ovulation. Now you do not need to guess and pick up a favorable day. You can even try to guess the gender of the child. It is known that spermatozoa, carriers of the X chromosome, live less, but are more mobile. If you want a boy, then it is worth making sexual intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. With girls, on the contrary, the intimacy should take place at the moment when the egg only enters the fallopian tube.
Instead of a conclusion
Abortion is a difficult and traumatic operation. Moreover, it affects both the physical and mental health of women. But in some cases this is a necessary measure. For example, in severe forms of toxicosis, in diseases of the mother, which are incompatible with the safe bearing of pregnancy. Referral to an abortion can be given to those women who were vaccinated against rubella, being pregnant, but not yet aware of it. Such vaccination leads to severe fetal pathologies.
After the operation, visit your doctor so that he selects a set of rehabilitation measures. After treatment, visit the gynecologist again to confirm the possibility of planning a pregnancy. This is the best plan of action in this situation.