Can I drink Citramon during pregnancy from a headache?

No one is safe from headaches, and pregnant women are no exception. You can say even more: they have such an unpleasant feeling even more often. This is due to hormonal changes, as well as an increased load on the whole body. How to expectant mother to alleviate the condition? And if in the medicine cabinet only "Citramon"? Can I drink "Citramon" during pregnancy?

Can I drink Citramon during pregnancy?

The opinion of doctors

Loyal therapists allow the use of this drug in the second trimester of pregnancy. But among them there are those who have a different opinion. When asked whether it is possible to drink Citramon during pregnancy, they answer that it is absolutely contraindicated. This limitation is associated with modern research, and doctors of the old school can continue to prescribe it now. What is the reason, because the drug seems to be completely harmless?

Can I drink Citramon during pregnancy?

Description of the drug

A modern drug under this name contains three substances:

  • Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid is the main active ingredient in aspirin.
  • Caffeine - dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow.

All of them are contraindicated for women who bear babies. It is not surprising that doctors are so categorical in the question of whether it is possible to drink "Citramon" during pregnancy. The drug is a combined analgesic. All its components act together, providing an optimal result.

In what cases is it recommended to take the drug

If migraine bothers you, first of all ask your doctor if you can drink Citramon during pregnancy. This is a painkiller, which quite fully determines its purpose. Most often it is migraine, neuralgia and fever with SARS. It is considered a fairly safe drug. Usually, a person can take one or two tablets no more than three to four times a day, but expectant mothers are a special category.

Is it possible to drink citramone during pregnancy in the early

In an interesting position

Often in the early stages, a woman herself does not even know that she will soon become a mother. Therefore, it may be a habit to take Citramon. In fact, you need to carefully evaluate the effect on the body of each of the above components. To understand whether Citramon can be drunk during pregnancy, let's look at how they can affect a baby’s development over different periods.

In the first trimester

This is the most important question that every mother should ask her doctor. Can I drink "Citramon" during pregnancy in the early stages? In no case. It is during the formation of the nervous system and the laying of vital organs that it is strictly prohibited. The fact is that aspirin in some cases leads to a violation of the development of the fetus. There are proven facts that his intake in the first weeks of bearing a baby increases the likelihood that internal organs are formed with impairments.

Experts in the field of perinatal development note that long-term studies have shown a direct relationship between the use of aspirin and the formation of a cleft lip in a baby. This is only one of the pathologies. In addition, the drug provokes miscarriages. Therefore, doctors are so categorical in their statements. Can I drink "Citramon" during pregnancy in the early stages? Absolutely not. If you want to maintain pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby, then refuse to take this drug at the planning stage. Consult a doctor, he will tell you how it is more safe to relieve a headache.

Is it possible to drink citramone during pregnancy in the early stages

From 14 to 28 weeks

By this time, the placenta is included in the work. This body will now protect the baby from external influences. Medications can partially overcome the placental barrier, but not all. Moreover, now the laying of internal organs has already taken place, and the substance will not be able to affect the formation of the fetus so much. Doctors disagree on whether it is possible to drink Citramon during pregnancy in the second trimester. Some consider this permissible, while others still prefer to avoid prescribing this drug. In any case, you need to listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

Can I drink citramone during pregnancy in the second trimester

From 29 to 42 weeks

Your baby is already very big, and if its development was normal, now nothing can stop him, to be born a healthy and full-fledged person. Most drugs are now considered approved. However, the question of whether Citramon can be drunk during pregnancy in the third trimester remains open. The use of aspirin is also undesirable at this time. The fact is that at this time it causes bleeding. Of course, having been born after 30 weeks, the baby will be quite viable. However, it would be better to wait until he himself asks for freedom. Obstetrician-gynecologists note that taking such medications can cause weak labor. This is fraught with the use of stimulants.

Some doctors today prescribe this drug throughout pregnancy, guided by their own clinical experience. But modern scientific evidence warns against this approach.

Is it possible to drink citramone during pregnancy in the third trimester

How to relieve migraines

There is a whole list of drugs that a future mother should not take. What then should she do and how to relieve pain symptoms? First of all, a woman needs to sleep well, walk in the fresh air and not overwork. Then migraines will appear less frequently. If, nevertheless, the head begins to hurt, be sure to ventilate the room and wipe the whiskey with ice cubes. If symptoms become less noticeable, try to lie down.

Of course, this is all good for those who are at home. If a woman continues to work, she is much more difficult. In this case, you need to look for a drug that will quickly relieve pain. Talk to your doctor. He must find the cause of the migraine.

  • If this is excessive excitement and nervous tension, then valerian will help.
  • With vascular problems, chimes or its analogues are often prescribed.
  • High blood pressure can also play a significant role in the appearance of a headache. In this case, the doctor will also prescribe the appropriate correction.
    Can I drink citramone during pregnancy from a headache?

Emergency help

Of course, when a woman is feeling ill, it’s not the time to go to the doctors and try to find the cause of the problem. But you should call your doctor and ask if you can drink Citramon during pregnancy from a headache. He will not only dissuade you, but also tell you the best medicine. Most often, no-shpu is prescribed for the relief of acute pain. This is an antispasmodic drug that removes the increased tone of the uterus, and therefore is often prescribed to expectant mothers. If there are no contraindications, then it can be used for headaches.

In what cases can no-spa help? Most often, it will become easier from it if the migraine is caused by tension, as well as with vascular headaches.

Panadol for pain relief

If you are expecting a second child, for sure there is a children's "Panadol" in the medicine cabinet. It contains only paracetamol, which is considered completely safe for mother and baby. The effect of this substance has been well studied, so you can safely take it to relieve acute pain. The maximum daily dosage is determined by the doctor, but usually 2-3 tablets. If the pain does not subside, consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe a more potent drug or an additional examination.

Instead of a conclusion

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for every woman. All problems fade into the background, now the main thing is your baby and his health. Mom needs to eat well, sleep enough and worry less. And of course, limit your medication. Even if you drank this drug for many years, and it always helped, you can’t take it without consulting a specialist. Only a competent doctor will be able to determine the safety of the drug for the fetus, as well as calculate the dosage. Pay attention to the fact that each trimester has its own characteristics. What is possible at the beginning of pregnancy may be prohibited before childbirth, and vice versa. In the case of Citramon, it is best to abandon it altogether. There are safer medications for relieving headaches.

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