Corruption in photography - a dangerous occupation

Manifestations of spoilage can have negative consequences of various strengths, expressed in problems of an internal and external nature. It all depends on the type of exposure. The most commonly spoiled photos. This is due to the fact that the customer does not have access to the victim’s personal belongings. But for the sorcerer, this does not cause difficulties, because a good photo makes it possible to qualitatively determine the energy of a person, and attach any negative energy to it.

There are many sources that describe how to spoil a photograph. There are many options for the ritual. Sometimes they take and simply bury photographs of a living person in the grave with the dead man who has the same name, pronouncing spells specific to the given case.

The deceased is often buried with a photograph of the victim. In this case, the best effect is achieved, and the person suddenly begins to hurt and dies. Rapid family loss, cases of suicide are also possible. With any outcome, the victim lives in a matter of days. And, if the work is done by an experienced sorcerer, then the tragic end happens inevitably, suddenly and absurdly. It doesn’t even occur to a person that ordinary photography can change his whole life and destiny.

It turns out that you can damage the photograph yourself in the simplest conditions, using ritual attributes to a minimum. But this does not mean that everything is so easy. To perform this work at home, without special knowledge and skills, on your own is like suicide. This is a very unpredictable and dangerous step. Even if the damage happens, you will soon have to pay triple for the deed. In magic, this phenomenon is called rollback. And, only experienced sorcerers know how to minimize the consequences of the rollback for the customer. Usually the spell is performed by a black magician, while taking into account the specifics of the victim. Despite the simplicity of the method, spoilage is very powerful.

Therefore, do not store photos in easily accessible places for strangers, and don’t give them to unfamiliar people in any case. In general, professional magicians recommend taking less pictures.

It should be clearly understood that a photograph is an energy imprint by which a person can be identified, this is something that any destructive substance can be attached to.

It is more difficult to make damage on the photograph if other people are present on it, if the picture was taken next to massive metal objects. Corruption is best placed on high-quality single photos.

Performing a witchcraft ritual, the magician finds out at the initial stage on whom the damage will be induced. He looks through the energy of a person, determines the strength, independence, perseverance of the victim, what kind of mental connections she has, and what forces she patronizes.

This is very important. If the alleged victim has strong ties with powerful religious communities, then damaging such a person will be very problematic.

When spoiling is performed according to the photograph, the black magician enters a trance state, concentrates as much as possible, and then presents and visualizes the affected area. Usually in such a place a person has breakdowns of the biofield and the aura is weakened. Then the sorcerer sprinkles the photograph with dead water and casts a spell three times.

Each spell has its own text, which depends on the chosen negative program. Suppose, spoiling a photograph for undermining health or for work - it depends on the goals of the customer. After reading the spell, the magician says three times: "The lock and the key to my words." This act fixes the spell program. After the completion of the ritual, one cannot think and remember the victim.

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