Politician Mikhail Yuriev: biography, photo

Mikhail Yuriev, a politician, entrepreneur, publicist, is a man of interesting fate and, at the same time, quite closed. Let's talk about how a successful businessman became a politician, and then a journalist and writer.

Mikhail Yuriev

Childhood and family

Mikhail Yuryev was born on April 10, 1959 in Moscow. His family was unusual. His father, the famous science fiction writer Zinovy ​​Yuriev, was quite popular on USSR TV, feature films were shot according to his scripts, and for many years he collaborated with the famous Crocodile magazine. However, Yuriev is not his real last name. At birth, he was Greenman, but, wanting to cover up his Jewish origin, he took a new middle name and last name. All his life Zinovy ​​Yuryevich emphasized his Belarusian roots. Mom Mikhail Elena Mikhailovna was a journalist. Therefore, the writing was in the boy, as they say, in blood. Michael grew up as an unusual child, he had many talents since childhood.


Mikhail Yuryev graduated from school at the age of 14, the reason for this is the undoubted giftedness in the sum with high efficiency and determination. The prodigy was pleased to be admitted to Moscow State University to the Faculty of Biology, which he graduated in 1978.

Start of work

After graduation, 19-year-old Mikhail Yuriev comes to work at the Scientific Institute of Molecular Genetics at the USSR Academy of Sciences. For 10 years he was engaged in science, but he did not have any breakthroughs. Perhaps everything was ahead, but then social upheaval began in the country. They hit hard on academic infrastructure, research institutes lost funding and closed en masse, scientists were on the verge of poverty. Such a life did not suit young and active Mikhail, and he decided to become an entrepreneur.

Mikhail Yuriev state


In 1988, Mikhail Yuriev, whose biography changes dramatically with perestroika, like many people in the country, read the law allowing individual labor, and decided to open his own business. He organizes the cooperative Inter, specializing in the production of chemical reagents. That is, he decided to monetize his scientific knowledge, and he succeeded, but soon he has a conflict with partners, and the cooperative breaks up. But Yuriev remains in business, his company began to engage in intermediary operations and very quickly grew into a large manufacturing enterprise. A year later, his company became one of the owners of a plant in Belarus, which produced a food supplement for livestock, lysine, and then acquired several yeast production plants. A year later, Yuriev created the Interprom Production Association, established the Interprom Industrial Group LLP. His business is stable and brings good income, but Mikhail’s fiery energy and enterprise prevent him from stopping there, he intends to go into politics.

Later, Yuriev had business interests in the insurance and banking business. In 2003, his industrial group bought a controlling stake in Azot.

Mikhail Yuriev biography

Political activity

In 1992, Mikhail Yuriev, a politician, businessman, headed the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. He is a supporter of democratic reforms, an adherent of right-wing political views. For 3 years, he has served as vice president of the Union of Industrialists and has been involved in the activities of the Democratic Choice movement. In 1993, he was an active participant in the Russian Business Roundtable, an organization created by banker Ivan Kivelidi. Yuriev was even considered the place of the Minister of Industry in the government of the Russian Federation, and there was good support from industrialists and democrats behind him. But that did not happen. In 1995, according to the lists of the Yabloko party, he ran for the State Duma of the second convocation and won the elections safely. In 1996, he was elected deputy chairman of the Duma. In 1997, Yuriev again went to the polls from Yabloko, but did not go to the Duma.

Later he works in the League of Industrialists and Producers, in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and is a member of the Presidium of the League of Defense Enterprises.

Mikhail Yuryev politician entrepreneur

Journalist Yuriev

In 2000, Mikhail Yuriev dramatically changes his field of activity. He parted with politics, continues to run the business, but it does not take all his time and energy. He decides to follow in the footsteps of his parents and becomes a journalist. He writes in several magazines and newspapers, is a regular contributor to M. Leontiev’s TV show “However,” and broadcasts GlavRadioOnline and Yuryev Day on the radio. The topics of his programs and texts are news of economics and politics, the international situation. His authorial journalistic style is built on irony and sarcasm.

"Third Reich"

In 2007, Mikhail Yuriev, whose status as a businessman totals more than one million rubles, publishes the book “The Third Empire. Russia, which should be. ” By genre - this is political fiction. The author in his anti-utopia tries to present a version of an alternative history of post-Soviet Russia.

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