Domestic magic: how to become a magician?

Probably any child dreams of becoming a magician. Remember how we, being very small and serene people, dreamed of a magic wand that can give us a whole truck of ice cream! But childhood is known for its reverie ... However, let me! And what are we - adults - not children? Indeed, in our hearts each of us hopes for a miracle, waiting for the fulfillment of our cherished desires! But how to achieve this? How to become a magician not in a fairy tale, but in reality?

how to become a magician

Personally, I would like to master some secret spells, have a special gift, be able to foresee the future - my own and any other person, preventing all troubles and misfortunes and setting people on the true path, and generally help all people! Indeed, we could have avoided many irreparable mistakes that await us in the future ... It is clear that childhood dreams of becoming a magician will always remain dreams ... Unfortunately, they will never succeed, but not all is lost! Some people already in adulthood wake up some craving for the unknown, they find in themselves superpowers!

Magic or a special gift?

Superpowers wake up in a person, as a rule, after some cardinal events that happened to him in life: a car accident, an accident. As a result of this, a gift may appear (healing, foresight, and so on). Note that it is a gift, not magic! Please do not confuse these concepts! A person who is interested in how to become a magician will not become him in an accident! If you are a lucky one, and also kissed by God, then with a high probability you will find some kind of ability in yourself. Remember the comedian Svyatoslav Yeshchenko? When his car skidded on the highway and crashed into a tree over the abyss itself, he already felt at the hospital that he had some unnatural power. Since then, he has struck up with humorous television shows. Now he is a healer.

how to become a magician in life

How to become a magician in life?

This is a special science. In principle, there is nothing complicated in it. You only need to be able to overcome your own pride and vanity! After all, wizards differ from ordinary people precisely in that their views on the world are somewhat different. They have a different attitude to certain events taking place in life, they evaluate everything that is happening quite differently. If you are thinking about how to become a wizard for real, then remember the following:

  • everything that is valuable to ordinary people is absolutely not interested in wizards;
  • but what wizards worry about, on the contrary, is not necessary for mere mortals;
  • the glory that an ordinary person cannot do without is not needed by the wizard for nothing.

how to become a wizard for real

True magic is even closer than you and I think! You just need to want to get hold of it! You probably heard about one force acting independently of a person and his consciousness? I'm talking about the power of thought!

Consciousness is material

We model our own situations without suspecting it. This is unconscious and involuntary magic! In another way, it is called household magic. In each of us it is present. Interestingly, for this you do not need to study or train. However, without the power of thought, household magic is negligible. Want to know how to become a wizard? Transform it with a strong-willed effort of your consciousness! Remember the simple truth: consciousness is primary, matter is secondary! Good luck

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