Mercury in Cancer: the influence of the planet on the zodiac sign, interpretation of the language of stars, advice of astrologers

How to understand the structure of thinking of a spouse? What guides a close relative in their actions? How to help the child adapt in society and establish contact with him? What profession will fully reveal your own talents? How does the boss think and how to find a common language with colleagues? All these questions in astrology are answered by the position of Mercury in the horoscope. This planet is the closest to the Sun, energetically affects intellectual abilities and sociability in a person’s temperament.

Planet Mercury


Usually in a horoscope, the position of Mercury in the signs of the zodiac coincides with the position of the Sun. Mercury is strongly influenced by Gemini and Virgo. The first he rewards with liveliness of mind, the makings of a thinker, a penchant for languages. Virgo Mercury gives reason, clarity in judgment and pragmatism.

In watermarks, Mercury brings imagery of thinking, the ability to build analogies. Gives talent to quickly remember information, especially related to personal experience. Develops intuitive thinking, this weakened the ability to think logically. Subject to feelings and emotions, malleable, like water. On the example of Cancer, consider the effect of Mercury on the horoscope.

Mercury in Cancer

The sun in this position is usually also in this sign. People with this combination have developed imagination, the line between fantasies and reality is erased when they are left alone. They like to dream, to look inside themselves. They have developed intuition, sometimes too emotional. In a bad mood, they give in to anger and become moody. Often such a person has some unique ability, thanks to intuition, it is prone to occultism and magic, astrology and is interested in psychology.

Mercury in Cancer

Struck Mercury in Cancer gives the individual hysterical notes in character, makes him irritable and petty. Such people tend to fall under negative influence, cease to have their own opinions. Frequent change of mood and a change in decision-making are characteristic. Change the mind to the opposite under the pressure of others. Because of laziness, they become apathetic, they cannot begin to act. Therefore, their fantasies do not become reality.

Character qualities

Positive qualities: provides support to loved ones, emotionally attached to the family, has the ability to remember a large amount of information, there is a rich imagination, a penchant for the arts.

Negative qualities: emotional instability, outbursts of anger, sudden apathy, can become depressed, depending on the opinions of others.

People with this position of the planet often suffer from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and a stomach ulcer are characteristic.

Mercury and Water Zodiac Signs

Water carries secrets, in its depths many mysteries are hidden for people. The element gives the ability to think deeply, analyze events and others. Watermarks are prone to a detailed study of what is happening, they are able to remember everything to the smallest detail. To receive information, Water Mercury must survive it within itself, so it understands the structure of events. Thought forms are expressed by comparison and analogy. It relies on intuition more than logic. Therefore, prone to intuitive decision making.

Cancer sign

Female horoscope

A woman with Mercury in Cancer loves to talk. Often topics are related to family and homeland. The conversation is not in a positive way, he likes to criticize and make comments. In this regard, such women need a small group or one mentor to better perceive information, because in a group with a large number of people, she is lost and does not perceive information properly. A woman with Mercury in the sign of Cancer is a man of habits. If such arise in her life, it is not possible to eradicate them. Opinion about the world is based on the experience gained from parents. It is supplemented by its own lived experience and the elaboration of external events. Thus, emotions and feelings influence the way of thinking. These indicators are subjective and emotionally dependent, so it’s hard to get along with such a person. He is guided by feelings in his actions and does not respond to reasonable comments. It can skip information inside itself, process it, pass through the evaluation criteria and produce the result in the form of its own conclusions. To recall an event in life, a woman returns to that event and first recalls the sensations that she felt that day, what was her mood, etc. That is, it is the emotional color that dominates, and not specific facts. Venus has a greater influence on the sensual component of a woman’s life. Mercury in Cancer is close to the characteristics of the energy of this planet in this case.

Planet Mercury

Male horoscope

A man with Mercury in Cancer is also emotionally attached to events in life. He is inclined to manipulate people, and these manipulations are based on guilt. Acts as a prosecutor. Of the negative qualities: a person of mood. If it is bad, it is capable of sacrificing principles. It becomes petty and vicious, clings to words. It has difficulties transferring information to third parties, as it perceives it through emotions. The average person is easier to perceive through facts.

In communication, prone to a deep understanding of the nature of human actions. Assesses others for their ability to build relationships with loved ones. In the first contact, he monitors the emotions of the interlocutor and keeps his distance. Examines whether a person is a danger to him. A man with Mercury in Cancer does not tolerate criticism. He can become isolated in himself. Relatives of such a person should remember that you can not make fun of his overly emotionally colored speech, just one wrong word is enough to offend him.

Children's horoscope

The teacher of the child with Mercury in Cancer should have an emotional connection with him, maintain interest in the student, the main thing is not to raise his voice in any way and not accuse him of stupidity or negligence. A child with such a combination in the horoscope is sensitive to criticism, closes in on himself and ceases to respond to the teacher in case of screaming or insulting. Parents should pay attention to the child's attitude to the sciences being studied. If the child flatly refuses to attend any lesson or attend it, it is absolutely possible to say that the teacher behaves incorrectly towards the baby and they have no emotional connection. In order to establish the learning process, it is necessary to intervene and explain to the child that the teacher has the right to demand knowledge from students and he has no time to find an approach to everyone. The relationship between the teacher and the student is built formally, and do not take them to heart. Talk to the teacher as well. Explain that you don’t need to raise your voice on a child and make hasty conclusions about his abilities. However, parents should not forget that an emotional baby has a subjective attitude to reality. So, it is necessary to check whether the teacher is really wrong and does not work correctly. A child with such a combination in the horoscope needs more communication with his parents. The best incentive is praise and support. Criticism and abuse will lead to a loss of interest in learning and a loss of trust in parents.

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Retrograde Mercury

In this position, the planet changes course. At the energy level, gives a person excessive suspiciousness. A person with a retrograde Mercury in Cancer builds his life based on the subjective emotional assessment of others. He speaks of his own feelings sparingly, belongs to that class of people who are offended if they say something with a “wrong” expression or intonation that is different from what they expect. At the same time, he becomes secretive, and it is difficult for those around him to guess what he really thinks and what he was offended by.

A person with a retrograde Mercury in Cancer needs to learn to express his feelings in order to study the negative. No need to morally offend and offend others because of their grief. Do not take all unflattering reviews of relatives at your own expense, be careful about the words of an authoritative person. Even the words of a true sage do not always turn out to be true.

Mercury in Cancer


Individuals with a pronounced Mercury in Cancer, sometimes have a hard time. It is difficult to understand their way of thinking based on associations. He is inclined to study the patrimonial branch, the history of the state. Transitional Mercury in this sign makes you emotionally react to what is happening. In such a period, there is a high probability of disruption, sudden isolation and sensitivity to other people's words and actions. In a positive vein, Mercury in Cancer awakens creativity, promotes a craving for self-improvement and the search for answers to innermost questions. Beneficial during this period will affect the appeal to a psychologist. This combination tunes in communication with the family, the resolution of personal issues.

Mercury in Cancer

A detailed horoscope compiled by a competent astrologer will make it possible to discern the location of Mercury in astrological houses. A detailed description specifies the characteristics of the combination. For example, in the 12th house, Mercury in Cancer indicates the presence of secret detractors. Such signs will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of temperament, tendencies and development path. Creating a natal chart will reveal the exact position of the planets at the time of birth. Thus, it will be possible to study in detail and concretely the effect of the energetics of planets on the temperament and human life.

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