How to draw a cat on the face. Instructions and recommendations

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to apply makeup on the face. This is usually required for a masquerade. Also, small children are very fond of doing such an activity and decorating their face. This article will tell you how to draw a cat on the face of a child or an adult. During operation, care must be taken to make all lines symmetrical. Let's consider in detail how to draw a cat face in stages.

how to draw a cat on the face

Skin preparation

Before starting work, it is necessary to properly treat the skin. You need to cleanse your face with a cleanser. In this case, the created makeup will last a long time and will not spread at the most inopportune moment.

After washing, moisturize your skin with any suitable cream. If you are going to draw a cat 's face on the face of a child, then use a light baby cream. After the agent is completely absorbed, you can begin to work.

Tone creation

Surely everyone knows that cats come in different breeds. Some have a gray color, while others are owners of red or black wool. Since gray is the most popular color, it will be created on the face.

Take a white base for decorative makeup. Before you draw a cat on your face, try the prepared shade on a separate area of ​​the skin.

draw a cat face

Apply foundation to the skin of the forehead, chin, cheeks and the area under the nose. After that you need to add a gray color. This can be done using ordinary decorative shadows. Take a large blush brush and make gray spots on a white base. Do not worry if the shade is uneven. Feline color is rarely found in the same tone throughout the coat.

Line drawing

How to draw a cat on the face after applying the basic tone? You will need aqua make-up pens or regular decorative pencils. Draw clear lines up to five millimeters thick on your temples. The beginning of the strip should be taken at the corners of the eyes. After that, draw perpendicular lines on the forehead between the eyebrows. Surely everyone saw gray kittens with a similar β€œmake-up”.

Next, you need to process the cheeks. Make smooth lines running from the inner corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the cheek. Remember that all bends must be rounded. Similarly, create decorations on the chin.

draw a cat on the face of a child

The final elements of makeup

When the main work is done, it is necessary to supplement the make-up with finishing touches. Before you draw a cat on your face, think about what color the nose, mouth and mustache will be.

The kitten's nose may be pale pink or black. Draw it with lipstick or a decorative pencil. It should be located at the very tip of the human nose.

After that, draw the points from which the mustache grows. You can do this with white or black pencil - of your choice. Draw clear, circular marks on the area under the nose. Remember that if at the very beginning a white base was applied to this area, it is better to give preference to black elements.

Next, draw a mustache. They can also be black or white. In some breeds of cats, you can find both shades of the antennae. The lines should be clear and thin. To draw them carefully sharpen the pencil.

In conclusion, you need to draw a mouth. The upper lip of cats is usually not visible, this must be remembered when creating makeup. The lower part of the mouth may be pink or black. Draw it with a cosmetic pencil or lipstick.

For maximum effect, you can separately work with the eyes. To do this, you will need cat lenses and false eyelashes. It is worth recalling that for children's make-up it is better to refuse to use these elements, as they can harm the eyes.

how to draw a cat face in stages

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how to draw a cat on your face. This can be done quite quickly with all the necessary paints and decorative products. After the completion of the masquerade, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the face. This can be done using conventional means for washing or baby soap. Next, you need to moisturize the skin and give it a break from paints and decorative products.

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