A flower bed is not only the main decoration of a country or personal plot, but also an element of pride of the owner. The motley mass of plants and flowers of various heights, which are planted in a certain way, can cause positive emotions. That is why the design of flower beds should be subject to certain rules. Next, it will be described how to make a flower bed at the cottage with your own hands.
The first thing to know: when choosing plants, it is imperative to take into account the local climate. Plants such as alyssum, godetia, clarkia, digitalis, Erica, delphinium, and rose stem are not at all afraid of the cold. And fuchsia, violet, zinnia, pelargonium, dope,
snapdragon, canna and palm need warmth. If you are interested in how to make a flowerbed in the country with your own hands, then you should plant the plants in stripes, alternating types of bright shades with less bright. In the center it is worth placing representatives with a greater height than all the others, and towards the edges the flower garden should gradually become less and less tall. It is very original to place a small tree or shrub in the central part of the flowerbed. If the flower bed is in close proximity to the
country house, then near its wall should be planted the highest plants.
Speaking about how to make a flowerbed at the cottage with your own hands, it is important to note the need to select plants according to the timing of their flowering. Here you should decide what you want more: sequential flowering of different species or that the entire flower bed is dotted with flowers at the same time. If you have chosen a carpet bed where flowers grow simultaneously, resembling a kind of carpet, the best result will be achieved if the plants are close to each other. On the slopes and hills, flower beds of this type look as impressive as possible.
Flower beds and
flower beds with their own hands, photos of which can be seen on various sites and in the thematic literature, look quite impressive due to the fact that they have correctly designed not only the central part, but also the edges. To make the edges look beautiful, you should dig a shallow groove around the flower bed, which must be covered with rubble or sand. Such a border will once again emphasize the beauty of the created composition, separating it from everything else that is presented on the infield. At the same time, flowers will not grow outside the flowerbed in the country. With your own hands you can make decorative borders using stones, bricks or other objects. Bricks can be stuck in the ground so that they form a toothed fence. You can use logs or a picket fence, which will not only look spectacular, but also create the feeling of being in the village. You can also take tires or bottles - this is a cheaper option for framing.
So, in the question of how to make a flowerbed at the cottage with your own hands, there are no special difficulties, so you just have to start working to realize all your wildest fantasies.