Is it possible to crush acne on the face, how to do it right?

Unfortunately, few people boast perfect porcelain facial skin . Inflammation and acne are very common problems among adolescents. Similar troubles often arise in men and women and in adulthood. However, even people with clean skin know what single acne is, which can appear suddenly before a responsible event and significantly spoil the appearance. There is always the temptation to squeeze out the abscess, because many believe that this is just a cosmetic defect and nothing bad will happen. Is it possible to crush purulent acne? How to do this to minimize the risk of possible complications? And is it possible to crush acne on the forehead? These and many other questions will be answered by this article.

How to squeeze acne safely

What are acne

Acne is a sign of an inflammatory process on the skin that appears when the body begins to fight an infection that penetrates the pores. Matured acne looks like small areas of redness with white purulent heads in the center that contain dead tissue and other inflammation results.

Acne ripening

How acne ripens

At the initial stage of acne maturation, pore blockage occurs with sebum. When the passage closes for the sebaceous masses, they begin to accumulate and stretch the pore. From this, an inflammatory process arises. Gradually, the pimple matures and swells, and as a result, if you do not touch it, sooner or later it will burst, and the internal pus containing leukocytes and bacteria will burst out.

Why acne appears

The causes of acne can be very diverse. The following are the most common ones:

  • Hormones. In adolescence, there is a global restructuring of the whole organism, accompanied by a sharp increase in the level of androgen hormone. Because of it, the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies, and accordingly, clogging of the pores occurs with subsequent inflammation. This, of course, is unpleasant, but quite normal and explainable. Usually the problem of teenage acne ceases at age 20. When asked whether teenage acne can be crushed, doctors most often give a negative answer. The fact is that this can provoke the appearance of scars that will accompany you in adulthood. In addition, women are characterized by such a problem as premenstrual acne. A few days before menstruation, rashes appear, caused by an increase in the level of testosterone in the female body during this period. The same growth occurs during pregnancy.
  • Improper nutrition. Everyone knows the phrase: "We are what we eat." Our skin helps the body cleanse itself through the removal of toxins through the pores. If you abuse fatty, spicy foods, as well as flour and sweets, this will inevitably lead to an increase in the release of sebum, and, as a result, clogging of pores.
  • Bowel problems. Improper nutrition, some diseases, the use of antibiotics can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora. When harmful bacteria become more than beneficial, dysbiosis develops, and this affects the health of our skin.
  • Poor-quality cosmetics. Modern cosmetics practically do not harm the skin, but expired or poor-quality cosmetics can clog pores, interfere with the penetration of oxygen and increase inflammation.
  • Hyperkeratosis Due to a lack of vitamin A or a hereditary factor, hyperkeratosis can develop, which is characterized by excessive keratinization of the epidermis. The skin does not have time to renew. The scales of the outer layer overlap the pores, and an inflammatory process begins to occur in them.

How to deal with acne

To forget about acne once and for all, you need to find out the cause of their appearance. If the matter is in the hormonal shift in adolescents, then it is worth taking acne for granted and not worry about it, since, most likely, they will disappear soon. If the reason lies in improper nutrition, then it is enough to exclude all harmful products from your menu and enrich your diet with skin-friendly food: fruits, vegetables, cereals. With violations of the internal organs, it is necessary to cure the diseases that have become the root cause of the problems, then noticeable improvements in the skin condition will not take long. If it turns out that there are no internal diseases of the body, you should reconsider your facial skin care and, possibly, get professional cleansing cosmetics.

Medical cosmetics

Is it possible to crush acne

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to resist the temptation to squeeze out a pimple, although this is not only unlikely to help get rid of it, but on the contrary, it will lead to new, much more serious problems. Moreover, often people neglect the basic rules of disinfection and touch inflammation with dirty hands. Before you understand whether it is possible to crush acne, we will find out what the consequences and complications threaten us with. When squeezing an acne, the integrity of the outer skin of the skin is violated, as a result of which it is easy to bring the infection into the vessels. This will lead to inflammation and new rashes. As a result, a few more will appear in place of one incorrectly squeezed acne. Very often, in place of a wound from an extruded abscess, ugly scars and spots appear, which become an even greater aesthetic disadvantage than their acne predecessors.

Acne scars

Rarely, but still it happens that a banal, at first glance, harmless squeezing of acne even leads to death. There are areas on the face where the vessels are connected to the vessels of the brain. The introduction of infection into wounds in such places can cause blood poisoning and meningitis, and this in turn can lead to irreversible consequences. History knows several sad examples of people who died from blood poisoning after unsuccessfully squeezing an abscess (for example, the famous Russian composer Alexander Skryabin).

What acne can not be squeezed

The above described area on the face is informally called the "triangle of death." This area includes the nose, lips and the area between them. Acne in this area can not be squeezed out categorically, and if you do this, then with extreme care, observing all the rules of disinfection. By the way, the chin also partially enters this zone, so people who are interested in whether it is possible to crush acne on the chin should know that doing this is very dangerous.

Triangle of death

What acne can squeeze

This question is often asked by people with problem skin and for good reason. For example, is it possible to crush white acne? If the temptation is too great for you, know that only acne with a mature head can be squeezed out. If the pustules have not yet formed, there is no point in touching them, you only delay the long-awaited moment of the pimple disappearance. What rules must be followed in order to avoid infection of the wound and the appearance of complications will be described in the next paragraph.

How to crush acne

Before squeezing a pimple, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, prepare napkins or cotton pads, as well as antiseptic agents. Wash your face and grease a pimple with an antiseptic. This will prevent bacteria from entering the wound. It is better that the inflammation does not come into contact with the skin of the hands at all, so put on special sterile gloves or wrap your fingers with a clean cloth and start the extrusion procedure. Press on the walls of the pimple until its root and all the pus comes out. After this, be sure to disinfect the wound with an antiseptic. If after some time you see that pus forms again under a protracted film, you will have to repeat the procedure.

How to squeeze acne

Acne Prevention

To prevent acne from becoming a problem, periodically do acne prevention. After all, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Watch your diet, try to minimize the use of coffee, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods. Use only high-quality cosmetics, do not be lazy and thoroughly cleanse your skin every day. Regularly undergo preventive examinations by doctors so that in case of development of diseases of the internal organs, begin to treat the disease at an early stage. Avoid stress and take care of yourself, and your skin will say thank you.


If inflammation and a large number of pimples are constantly present on the skin, and there is no excuse for this, such as hormonal bursts during puberty, premenstrual period or pregnancy, then it is worth seriously considering the health of your skin. After all, acne creates not only aesthetic discomfort, self-doubt and lack of complexes, but also indicates possible serious problems in the body. It is best not to wait, hoping that acne will disappear by itself, but to consult a dermatologist. He is likely to give a referral to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. These doctors will figure out if hormonal disorders or problems with the gastrointestinal tract are the cause.

The help of a dermatologist

If the problem is exclusively external, the dermatologist will prescribe therapeutic creams and special pharmacy cosmetics. Squeezing acne in case there are a lot of them, there is no point. It is better to contact specialists and undergo a comprehensive, long-term, but effective treatment. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the problem, and then treat the effects of extrusion for a long time: scars, scars and age spots. If there are no special problems with the skin, and only occasionally a few pimples are concerned, you can try to squeeze them, but it is important to remember that the area of ​​the nose, lips and chin is a zone of increased danger associated directly with the vessels of the brain. Only mature acne can be squeezed out, and this should be done only with clean hands, in sterile gloves, and the area around the pimple must be disinfected with an antiseptic. If you follow all the precautions, you can get rid of acne without terrible consequences for the beauty and health of the skin.

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