Eudialyte Stone: Magic Properties

Eudialyte is a stone that is suitable for mediums and demonologists. Ritual balls can be made from it. In this case, the products acquire an unearthly wonderful shine that is able to enter a person into a strange state. Some attribute this to the presence of strong magical properties, others approach the study of stone from a scientific point of view. In this article, we will talk about what is a stone eudialyte (photo, properties and value).

Title History

In ancient times, eudialyte was known as almandine spar. It is a semiprecious mineral that has not only a complex structure, but also a difficult chemical composition. That is why it is very rare in nature, unlike many other stones. You should know that in an untreated state it emits radiation. Therefore, it must be used with utmost care.

Mineral Eudialyte

Eudialyte has another name - “Sami stone”. This is due to the Sami people, who were the first to find the mineral and began to use it. In addition, the richest deposits of eudialyte stone are located on the Kola Peninsula. It was here that the Sami people lived.

The stone received the name “eudialyte” only in 1818. This happened thanks to Friedrich Stromeyer. He worked as a pharmacist. Frederick not only gave the mineral a "name", but also described it. By the way, in his works a German scientist often called a stone a red leafy pomegranate.

General information

The gem is rare not only in appearance, beauty, but also in composition. In addition, there are not many places on the planet where you can find this mineral. Most often it is found in Canada, Greenland and the Kola Peninsula. Among the main properties of eudialyte stone should be highlighted:

  1. Color (the stone may be red, brown, yellow or purple).
  2. The mineral is characterized by glass luster.
  3. The stone can be completely transparent or translucent.
  4. On the Mohs scale, hardness is 5.5.
  5. Imperfect cleavage.
  6. Eudialyte melts quite easily with gentle heating.
Stone eudialyte photo

Eudialyte can form crystals. However, this happens quite rarely.

Where is it used?

Where can eudialyte stone be used? Mineral can be considered quite valuable raw material. It is used in the extraction of a variety of rocks and metals. It can also be used in jewelry. However, it is rarely sold as jewelry.

Big stone eudialyte

There are unique properties, both magical and healing. Thanks to this, it can be used in lithotherapy or in sorcery.

Industrial use

What about the use of the mineral in industry? Due to its rich composition, eudialyte is a rather valuable source of rare earth elements or zirconium ore. Due to its structure, it cannot be used in decorative art, however, some samples can still be cut. The ideal form for eudialyte is considered a cabochon. If you properly polish the mineral, you can achieve flickering of various impurities.

Eudialyte stone

The mineral is widely used in jewelry as a “double stone." We are talking about products in which two minerals are combined with each other. For example, eudialyte and apatite. With proper processing, a magnificent copy of red-white color will be obtained. Such a stone can become an ornament of any collection.

Use in the medical field

The magical properties of eudialyte stone have found application in lithotherapy. With the help of the mineral, it will be possible to get rid of melancholy. In addition, eudialyte is able to cope with hallucinations and with many anxious conditions. In ancient times, with the help of stone, diseases that were associated with the circulatory system were treated. For example, stone helped cleanse and stop the blood.

In modern conditions, one can often hear advice that a mineral product should be worn so that it is located at the level of the abdomen. Thanks to this, the occurrence of pancreatitis can be prevented and the pancreas can be stimulated. Eudialyte is believed to restore vision. To do this, look at him for a few minutes a day.

According to supporters of eastern practices, eudialyte is associated with the heart chakra. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it next to the thyroid gland, lymph nodes. Do not wear if moles and age spots are present.

Magic and Astrology

In ancient times, the mineral was considered a stone for warriors. He protected them and made them invulnerable, which was helped by magical properties. The eudialyte stone is also suitable for those people who need courage, determination. At the present stage, the gem can also be worn by climbers, firefighters, researchers and all those whose activities are associated with risk.

Eudialyte Magic Ball

Eudialyte is a mineral, properties that help to cope with sorrow, a sad mood. Naturally, putting it on, a person will not feel strong joy. However, longing will disappear. According to astrologers, Virgo is best to wear a gem. Especially women. A great option is a mineral bracelet. For men, the ideal option is a keychain.

A stone is suitable for representatives of such signs as Leo and Sagittarius. The gem will help them find harmony and happiness. In the case of the other signs of the zodiac, the mineral will be just a decoration without any magical and healing properties.

There are magicians, according to whom the stone has a destructive energy. The mineral is able to enhance the influence of other amulets. Moreover, the degree of exposure can be extremely large and uncontrollable. It is likely that for this reason the eudialyte stone was very popular during the heyday of black magic.

Now for the magic balls that mediums often use. According to scientists, people fall into strange states not because of the magical properties of the stone. The reasons for this lie in the radioactive background that is emitted by the mineral.

Eudialyte Talisman

A gem helps a person to hear himself, his intuition. With the help of a stone, he is able to cope with weakness and fear, to go through many obstacles of an emotional nature on the way to the goal. There is an opinion that eudialyte reveals clairvoyant abilities, helps to adjust extrasensory perception. According to some experts, this is not strange. Indeed, one of the largest deposits is located on the Kola Peninsula in the biogenic zone.

An amulet made of mineral is able to enhance any energy. He will give his owner confidence in his own abilities, courage and invulnerability. The properties of eudialyte can be compared with the properties of ruby ​​in the field of increasing sexuality.

Sami blood - eudialyte

Do not constantly carry a stone with you. It is recommended to take eudialyte only in those situations when its help is needed.

Stone care

Mineral requires special care. Otherwise, you can spoil it. It is recommended to keep the gem in a cool place. Do not forget that the mineral melts even near an insignificant source of heat. It is necessary to wash it only with cool water. In this case, do not use cleaners and detergents. And remember that if you treat eudialyte with warmth and care, then he will answer you the same.


In this review, we talked about what is eudialyte stone. Photos, specifications and value are given in the article. It should be understood that its magical properties are quite strong. For this reason, wearing stone is recommended with great care.

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