Which battery is better - thatโ€™s the question

Answering the question of which battery is better is not an easy event. Your serenity and the preservation of the nervous system depend on whether the choice is made correctly. Going to the store for the battery, you need to understand at home what you want from the new battery. You must clearly know what characteristics are of interest to you.

which battery is better

There is a misconception that the more expensive the battery, the better it is. This is not so, because different types of batteries are designed for different operating and storage conditions. You can talk about which battery is better indefinitely. On the Internet, every seller praises their products, and therefore you can find directly opposite judgments.

Batteries are divided into serviceable and maintenance free. A periodic check of the electrolyte includes maintenance, but in the second case it is often impossible even physically to do it.

Serviced batteries are produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Batteries are divided into two types - calcium and hybrid. The life of the hybrid battery is about five years, it does not harm being in a discharged state.

Calcium battery is the most expensive battery, its battery life ranges from five to seven years, is classified as maintenance free. But discharge to a critical state is strictly contraindicated for him, since after several such cases it is practically impossible to charge it. The advantages include the fact that it has a large starting capacity.

The choice of battery for a car should take into account the internal capacity. Its numerical expression, measured in ampere / hour, shows how much time the battery will be powered by the battery with a constant connection. The higher the internal capacity indicators, the more reliable the launch of your car in winter will be, and vice versa, the lower this indicator, the more problems awaits you in the cold. Therefore, the question of which battery is best for the winter, the answer is unequivocal - a battery with a starting current of at least 600 A and a capacity of 60 a / h and above will do just fine.

which battery is better for the winter

To summarize the preliminary results, which battery is better:

- if frequent use of the car is expected, then you need to choose a maintenance-free calcium battery;

- if the operation of the car is temporary, then your choice is a low-maintenance hybrid battery;

- if the car is actively used in the summer, and in winter it is put on a โ€œjokeโ€, then we select a serviced battery with a low internal capacity indicator.

Today there are many brands of batteries for various cars. When deciding which battery is better, it is more correct to choose a battery from those that have long been manufactured and tested according to the most qualitative criterion - time. Here is a short digression into popular brands:

- WARTA is a German brand of batteries, today they are considered the best, but most of them are maintenance-free batteries. Suitable for car enthusiasts who do not see this as a special problem: set, discharged, threw it away after a couple of years. Suffers from undercharging and overcharging, the price is above average;

battery selection for cars

- CENTER - a good battery, but does not recognize a full discharge. The correct answer to the question of which battery is better for the winter will be the battery of the Center;

- FUEL and MUTLU - these are good quality equivalent batteries with an average cost and a service life of about five years;

- NO NAME is an inexpensive battery, suitable if you need a car for sale, as well as for extreme lovers, since such a battery requires constant care (do not forget to top up the distiller, charge it).

Be sure to look at the date of manufacture when purchasing, and if it is made more than a year ago, it is better to refuse such an acquisition. Of course, there are very expensive ideal batteries, but that's another story.

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