With the onset of cold weather, car owners often find that their car’s interior heating system is inefficient. Everything seems to be working, only the air coming from the deflectors is not warm enough. Such a problem may be evidence that the radiator of the heater of the machine is clogged and cannot pass through the required amount of heated coolant.
What to do in a similar situation: replace the heater or try to repair it? Do not rush to resort to radical measures. If the heat exchanger does not flow, it can be restored.
In this article we will talk about how to flush the radiator of the stove without removing it from the car. In addition, we will discuss what tools are best for this procedure.
Why is the radiator clogged
In modern cars, two types of heater radiators are used: copper-brass and aluminum. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are all subject to oxidation and corrosion. Over time, the channels of any radiator lose their throughput due to deposits on the inner walls. Accelerate this process can also:
- low-quality coolant;
- the use of various coolants;
- getting into the system of various debris or active substances, such as oil or gasoline.
Consequences of obstruction of the heater radiator
In addition to the fact that the warm air ceases to flow into the cabin in the right amount, a clogged radiator can cause:
- engine overheating;
- increase in pressure in the cooling system;
- depressurization of the elements of the cooling system;
- failure of the safety valve of the expansion tank, etc.
How to deal with it
The easiest way to get rid of this problem is to flush the radiator of the stove. Its essence is to drive through it a special tool that can dissolve and wash all scale and dirt. There are two ways of cleaning: washing the radiator of the stove without removing it from the car and with removal. The first method does not involve dismantling the heater. It is enough to simply disconnect it from the cooling system. In the second case, the heat exchanger is dismantled, and the whole procedure can be successfully carried out even in the bathroom. We will focus on the first option, since washing the radiator of the stove without removing it is much easier. And given that in some cars it’s not so easy to get to the heater, it’s also faster.
Effective means for washing the stove
Now we will figure out how to effectively flush the radiator channels. Simple water for this, you see, is unlikely to work. Washing the radiator of the stove involves pouring in it means that can destroy the scum formed and deposited on the walls. These tools can be:
- special liquids for flushing the cooling system (factory-made);
- household products for cleaning sewer pipes and descaling (“Mole”, “Comet”, “Tiret”, “Kalgon”, etc.);
- acid solutions (citric, acetic acid);
- alkaline solutions (caustic or soda ash) ;
- drinks such as "Fanta" or "Coca-Cola";
- milk serum.
Do no harm
Independent washing of the radiator of the stove without removing it from the car or with removal - it does not matter, it must take into account the properties of the material from which the element to be washed is made. In no case should you use alkaline solutions for cleaning aluminum heaters. The metal will instantly begin to oxidize, and the situation will only get worse. The same thing happens if you pour acid into a copper radiator. Therefore, for aluminum - acid means, for copper - alkaline.
Universal remedies can be considered “Coca-Cola” or “Fantu” heated to a boil, as well as milk whey, which has a “soft” destructive effect on scale.
If special liquids for washing the cooling system have instructions for use, then with household powders, citric acid and soda, you need to be extremely careful and know the proportions for preparing the solution.
How to prepare a solution
Flushing the radiator of the stove with "Mole" provides for the preparation of liquid based on it. This will require 10 liters of water and 100 g of the specified powder. The powder is poured into heated water, and then thoroughly mixed. After this, it is recommended to strain the resulting liquid (it is possible through an unnecessary female stocking). The same proportions are necessary for the soda solution.
For washing the radiator of the stove with citric acid to be as effective as possible, it will require at least 300 g per 10 liters of water (30 packs of 10 g each). After dissolution, the resulting liquid must also be filtered.
How to wash the radiator of the stove without removing it from the car: instructions
First, drain the coolant from the system, pre-warming the engine. Then we find the inlet and outlet pipes of the heater radiator and, loosening the clamps, we disconnect the rubber hoses from them. In their place, we attach the previously prepared hoses, through which we will pour, and drain our cleaning solution.
Before washing the radiator of the stove without removing it from the car, all dirt that has not yet settled on the walls must be expelled from it. This can be done with ordinary tap water. To do this, pour water (10-20 liters) into one of the hoses, allowing it to flow from the other end.
Only then can you start descaling the heater radiator.
In the first hose through the watering can begin to pour liquid. We lift the end of the second hose slightly, and after the solution flows out of it, we block it. When the stove is completely filled, we block the first hose. We leave the radiator for 2-3 hours, so that the scale has time to acidify. After that, it must be washed with water again. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
After cleaning the radiator of the stove, attach the communication hoses to it. Pour coolant (preferably new) into the system. Start the engine and check the operation of the heater. If the situation has not improved, then it is time to replace the radiator.
Useful Tips
- Do not use water, especially untreated, as a coolant. In the composition of ordinary tap water there are too many different salts, which subsequently settle on the walls of the radiator.
- Do not buy cheap coolants of dubious origin. It is not known what substances are included in their composition and how they "get along" with the metal from which the radiator of the stove is made.
- Replace the coolant promptly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.