Which is better - "Duster" or "Hover": review, specifications, comparison

Trying to find out the superiority of the Chinese "Hover" or "Duster" from Europe, it should be remembered that the "Great Wall" is a serious SUV with a frame structure. At the same time, the French Renault is included in the category of standard crossovers with a regular body. In other respects, comparing cars is not difficult, since they are very similar in technical indicators and equipment. Here, the main thing for each consumer is to understand what he wants to see in a specific model for himself.

Renault Duster

Used motors

How is it better to choose “Hover” or “Duster” in terms of powertrain parameters? To understand this, you should consider the proposed line of "engines" from both manufacturers. Depending on the configuration, the Chinese SUV can be equipped with the following power units:

  1. For the H3 series, a two-liter engine with a capacity of 115 horsepower is provided. With the installation of the turbine, the power increases to 150 “horses”.
  2. Other versions are designed for modification of H5. The first of them - 4G69S (volume is 2.4 liters, the number of horses - 127, fuel - gasoline).
  3. 2 liter GW4D2 diesel engine with 143 hp

The Renault crossover can also be equipped with three power units:

  1. H4M petrol ICE 1.6 l (114 hp).
  2. A two-liter analogue of the F4R with a power of 143 “horses” on gasoline.
  3. 1.5 liter diesel engine with 109 hp

Efficiency and environmental friendliness of engines

Next, we will compare the “Duster” and “Hover” in terms of “appetites” and technical parameters of the motors. For example, Great Wall with a two-liter diesel "engine" "eats" when changing modes of movement of the order of 9.2 liters of diesel fuel. For comparison, a 1.5 liter diesel “Frenchman” consumes just 5.3 liters.

In gasoline units, the situation is similar. "Renault" is more economical in terms of "appetite." It consumes almost half the amount of gasoline than its "Asian" counterpart (7.8 liters and 13.7 liters per 100 km, respectively). Such indicators are often associated with the relatively low price of fuel in China, which allows the manufacturer to not particularly worry about efficiency.

In terms of emissions of harmful substances into the environment, Hover H5 is also inferior to the "European". If Duster meets Euro-5 environmental friendliness, then Asian hardly fits into Euro-4 standards. Given the increased interest of users in clean air, the superiority of the "Frenchman" at this stage is obvious.

SUV Renault Duster

Diesel or gas?

The Hover diesel is more powerful than the French SUV, but it consumes much more fuel. In addition, the Duster’s diesel engine was modernized by installing a turbine with a modified geometric configuration. This did not reduce the consumption of diesel fuel, but it allowed to increase power by 19 horsepower. Renault gasoline ICE consume less gasoline, which is achieved due to an improved timing with a modified working phase. It is worth emphasizing that the French manufacturer pays special attention to the economy of the “engines” and the purity of the exhaust gases.


The review of “Hover” and “Duster” is continued in the part of the transmission unit. The Chinese SUV in all versions is equipped with a five-mode mechanical gearbox, which aggregates with a 4x4 wheel arrangement. The exception is the diesel version, which also comes with a six-speed manual transmission or a five-speed automatic transmission. An electromagnetic clutch is used to connect the second bridge. If necessary, the rear-wheel drive can be activated mechanically using a convenient key.

The transmission design of the French SUV is reminiscent of the “Asian” device. Many users prefer this particular version, although it does not have a convenient button for connecting the rear clutch. For this purpose, a special lever is provided, which is not surprising, since the crossover is represented by a 2x4 version with a front drive axle. If you do not plan to overcome swamps and quicksands, this option is quite suitable, since four-wheel drive is not so important.

Car Hover 3

Gearbox Features

Many are interested in the question of whether “Hover” or “Duster” have the best functionality and information content of the gearbox. The five and six-band mechanical boxes of the “European” crossover are quite convenient and of high quality. This can not be said about the four-mode automatic analogue. At the moment, Renault does not have a sufficiently good automatic. There is information that the designers of the French concern are going to update the lineup in the near future. It is worth noting that the mechanics of the machine are configured so that a start from a place in the city was carried out from second gear, and when overcoming rough terrain, the first reduced speed comes into play.

A similar operating principle is laid down in the Hover H5 transmission. Although so far the “Asian” has a better position in terms of automatic transmission. The reliability of this unit gives the car an additional plus, however, everything can change the upcoming restyling of the “European”. GW petrol versions are equipped with "mechanics", and with good characteristics.

Salon Renault Duster

Running elements

Let's try to figure out which is better - “Duster” or “Hover” in terms of “hodovka”? Both cars are equipped with independent torsion bars on the suspension unit, oriented to paved roads. Their structural scheme is designed like MacPherson. The French SUV has an independent unit on the rear axle, while the Hover has dependent elements with spring shock absorbers and a stabilizer placed transversely. Such an arrangement improves off-road car patency.

More confident on rough terrain is the H5, although it has moderate ground clearance. This is due to the fact that the declared clearance of 240 millimeters is not maintained in practice, since the parameter measurements were initially carried out incorrectly. Chinese designers take into account the size of the pallet, if this dimension is taken from the "mudguard", it turns out only 190 mm. At "Duster" the declared characteristic of 21 centimeters is maintained.

Auto Hover 5


Both SUVs are equipped with a classic rack and pinion steering system. The difference is that the “Frenchman” has an electronic amplifier. This design allows you to reduce fuel consumption, since the pressure in the hydraulic mechanism is pumped using a separate electric motor, which is much more profitable than the opponent. The Chinese power steering works by means of a belt drive. It aggregates with the crankshaft of the power unit. In comparative terms, the second option is slightly worse.

Salon equipment

Let’s try to find out if the Hover or Duster interior is better. At first glance it seems that both manufacturers decided to save on the interior. In the interior there is no expensive finishes and elaborate elements. Nevertheless, the interiors are equipped with all the necessary details to ensure comfortable driving without distracting accessories. Inside, everything is simple and cheap, but done practical and wisely.

Regarding the trunk, it can be noted that here the Chinese SUV wins significantly. The volume of the compartment is 810 liters, and with the rear seats removed, 2074 liters. In the French crossover, these parameters are more modest - 476 and 1636 liters, respectively. The comparative advantage of the “Asian” in this aspect is obvious.

Salon Hover

Dimensions and equipment

Overall dimensions of "Hover" / "Duster" (mm): length - 4650/4315, width - 1800/1625, height - 1900/1822. Manufacturers of the Chinese SUV decided to save on metal, depriving the car of a tow bar. You will have to buy and install it yourself if necessary. Renault equips its crossover with this element as standard, which gives the car some advantage.

The vehicle from the "Celestial Empire" has another difference. Version H3 is considered the basis for the updated version of H5, which refers to the "luxury" configuration. Here, the owner receives in the standard equipment many useful options. Among them:

  • climate control;
  • ABS system;
  • leather interior;
  • heated seats and mirrors.

Given the equipment of this version, its price is an order of magnitude higher than its predecessor. It is worth noting that the “Renault” in the “luxury” version is not inferior to its competitor, although many users find some elements of the “filling” superfluous, only increasing the cost of the vehicle.

Renault Duster Car


Having studied the technical characteristics of the “Hover” and “Duster”, we can conclude that both cars are worthy representatives of their segment. And one and the other machine with appropriate maintenance works reliably and confidently. If fuel economy plays a crucial role for you, definitely choose a French crossover. If you prefer the spaciousness of the cabin, trunk, as well as power - here the advantage is the model from Chinese manufacturers.

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