Silicone paint for the facade: an overview, features and properties, advantages and disadvantages

An important nuance of the cladding of the building is the quality design of the facade. On sale there are many finishing materials that are designed for these purposes. Among the best is silicone facade paint . It is reliable, helps to carry out a fast and high-quality finish.

The properties

Silicone paint for the facade began to be sold recently. At first, the paint and varnish facade materials were silicate and acrylic painting compositions, which became the basis of the novelty. The composition contains silicone resins, which are a binder, with them the paint becomes vapor-proof and resistant to moisture.

silicone paint for the facade

Due to the minimal thermoplasticity, the product is universal for different climatic conditions. The coating does not melt even under the hot sun and does not crack from severe frost. Even the compositions are in harmony with other paints and varnishes, including mineral, latex and acrylic.

When buying silicone paint for the facade, you need to read the composition, since there are silicone materials on sale. They are similar to silicone products, but are half made up of standard paints. Therefore, the resulting components are not completely silicone or silicate. These compounds can be used in the painting of external walls, but their durability is less.

In the silicone paint for the facade there are mineral bases and organic artificial components, due to which the hydrophobicity of the coating is improved. Compared to oil and enamel, silicone products do not create a film during the painting period. Due to the porous structure, the surface is able to โ€œbreatheโ€, due to which it is saved from cracking in frost. When painting plastered walls there will be a matte effect. If you want to mix such a paint with acrylic, then you need to paint the composition in the warm period.


Silicone paint for house facades is considered safe for human health, both in liquid and in solid form. At first, the product was used as a material for painting, but gradually it became not very popular in the artistic environment. But manufacturers of industrial goods drew attention to him. Silicone paint is great for interior and exterior decoration.

silicone facade paints Price

In addition to the lack of thermoplasticity, silicone materials have high protective properties. Therefore, they are used in painting the external walls of buildings, gates, gates. You can apply the composition to the surface of concrete, brick, cement, lime. Silicone coloring agents do not need preliminary preparation of a surface. You can start working at a positive temperature (not less than 5 degrees C and not more than 25).

Before painting, it is only necessary to remove dirt and dust from the surface, if necessary, degreasing is carried out. With this composition, a preliminary antifungal procedure is not necessary, since its components are antifungal. It is only necessary to apply a primer to strengthen the plaster and increase the absorption of the paint. Resistance to alkaline compositions is distinguished from the characteristics of silicone paint, therefore, painting can be done 2 days after plastering the walls.


Silicone products are:

  • protective;
  • primers.

Compositions of funds from group 1 are used for the final processing of walls, plaster, porous cladding. Due to their ability to fill micropores, a durable and reliable coating is created.

stucco silicone facade paint Price

Primer compositions have similar properties. But their purpose is the mechanical preparation of the walls. The base is strengthened with this paint, it penetrates deeply, which ensures moisture and vapor resistance. Both types of silicone-based facade paints are in demand.


Silicone facade paint has pros and cons. Customers appreciate such formulations for many benefits. These paints:

  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to sunlight, so the color remains for a long time;
  • resistant to mold, fungus and other microorganisms;
  • do not deteriorate from corrosion;
  • do not crack, do not wear out, do not melt from elevated temperatures;
  • have many colors;
  • have a matte finish that looks great on different materials;
  • do not have an unpleasant pungent odor.
painting the walls of the facade of the house with silicone paint

Compositions are suitable for painting external walls better than acrylic or silicate. The service life of such funds is 8-10 years, after which the coating will lose properties. There is acrylic silicone paint for facades, which also has such advantages.


Like other materials, silicone paint has disadvantages. The first drawback is the price. High cost associated with the use of quality components. The price of silicone paint for the facade is 500 rubles per 1 kg. And the cost of the suspension is 250 rubles.

The price of silicone paint for the facade on the plaster may be higher, it all depends on the company. These materials are rarely used in painting wooden surfaces. If you still need to paint, then the surface should be pre-treated with special impregnations and primers, and also wait 1 day.

For concrete or lime walls, preliminary work is also needed. First you need to get rid of dirt, fungus, cracks. If necessary, the walls are drained. The primer for the walls must be special, for subsequent processing with silicone paints. The use of conventional types does not guarantee durability.


A popular paint manufacturer is the Tikkurila brand, which offers a wide selection of universal and special products. Brand products have a high cost, but all material costs are justified by the quality of the goods.

The budget line โ€œElkonโ€ is no less in demand, which also has good quality and meets the characteristics of water-based paints. Popular products are brands "Halo" and Dufa, which are considered durable and easy to care for.

acrylic silicone paint for facades

Paints and varnishes of the brand Bolix SZ are popular, based on which there is a porous liquid glass. They are sold in finished form, in sealed packaging - an oval bucket. This paint is sensitive to cold, so its transportation and storage should only be carried out at a positive temperature.

A feature of Bolix SZ materials is the palette. It is limited due to the fact that the coloring pigment is only powder from metals and oxides. The remaining pigments in liquid glass are not able to dissolve. It should be borne in mind that the combination of a base and a pigment increases the refractoriness of paints and their resistance to acid and alkaline environments. There are other manufacturers of coloring compounds, which also have high quality and many colors.


Painting the walls of the facade of the house with silicone paint should be subject to certain conditions:

  • temperature - from +5 to +25 degrees;
  • dry weather;
  • light breeze;
  • direct rays of the sun are undesirable.

The composition is applied manually using a brush or roller, but a mechanical method is also used - a spray gun. If the surface perfectly absorbs the material, the first layer must be applied with a liquid consistency, then the second will lie evenly, without noticeable spots.

A total of 2 layers are required. Although in each case the results are taken into account and the required number of layers is determined. After the first layer, it is necessary to withstand 2-4 hours for drying, and then apply the second. Final drying occurs after half a day.


To make the facade look neat, the surface must be cleaned of dirt in a timely manner. Walls painted with this type of paint do not need special cleaning agents. Dust, dirt, soot from cars are easily washed off during rain. If necessary, you can wash the facade with water from a hose.

silicone front paint pros and cons

Silicone compounds form a coating on the surface that provides protection against mechanical damage. But severe scratches and grooves will be visible. Get rid of such shortcomings will be obtained by tinting. The downside is that the shelf life of the paint is small, and choosing a new coloring composition is quite difficult.

If you canโ€™t find the paint of the same color, you can use the following method. You should take a small can of white paint and mix with a few drops of pigment. The composition is stirred until smooth and the pigment is added dropwise until the desired shade is obtained. Then you need to apply the paint in a less visible place. It is necessary to wait for it to dry. If the smears are invisible against the general background, then the composition will be correct. Otherwise, you must repeat the procedure.

Professionals Recommendations

Specialists advise using paint only during the warranty period. The composition of the materials contains organic compounds that, with the expiration date, lose their properties. Means in which there are fewer chemical components are considered to be of higher quality, but they have a high price.

When choosing a paint, conductivity must be considered. This indicator is important when painting metal products. Inks of different brands may have different conductivity. The consumption of this product for exterior painting is greater than for interior.

silicone-based facade paint

It is possible to paint the surface with silicone paint only after drying. The consistency of such formulations is not suitable for a conventional atomizer. Suitable equipment with a large nozzle and good pressure. These materials are suitable for dilution with other mixtures, but this affects the durability of the coating. Dilution is possible only for internal staining.

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