White pimple on the gum: causes, treatment methods, prevention

On the oral mucosa there are more than 500 strains of various bacteria. Some species live there permanently. The rest comes with food, water, or from the nasopharynx and skin. Any disturbances in the functioning of the body can provoke uncontrolled reproduction of bacteria dangerous to humans. A symptom of starting a pathological process may be the appearance of a white pimple on the gum.

Gum Education

A beautiful smile is not only perfect teeth. Healthy gums play an equally important role. A change in color or contour, for example, with periodontal disease, is immediately evident.

White pimples on the gums

The fact that gum disease significantly affect the quality of human life was noticed in antiquity. Avicenna also worked on this problem. In his writings you can find chapters entitled "Ulcers, bleeding and cracked gums."

The oral mucosa is sensitive to any damage. Therefore, its health and cleanliness must be carefully monitored. Even small injuries can cause the development of pathologies such as fistula or abscess.

The danger of pathology is that healthy teeth can suffer. And if the disease is left to chance, a small white pimple on the gum can cause intoxication of the body.

The main reasons for the appearance of growths:

  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • complications after tooth extraction;
  • mechanical damage to the mucosa;
  • inflammation of the tooth root;
  • diseases of the internal organs;
  • viruses
  • unprofessional dental treatment;
  • allergy;
  • cold.


The mobile, painless and soft white pimple on the gum in an adult can be a wen. This education is benign. It is able to gradually increase in size. Until the moment the wen begins to disrupt the chewing processes, it will not cause discomfort in the patient.

Factors provoking the development of lipoma:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Frequent mucosal injuries. For example, improperly installed braces or dentures.
  3. Point damage to the mucosa. For example, combustion products when smoking.
  4. Endocrine diseases.

The initial stage of the development of a wen is often confused with stomatitis in the mouth. A white pimple on the gum does not pose a threat to general health in most cases. The risk of lipoma degenerating into a malignant formation can be only if the adipose is constantly injured, and the patient had several cases of cancer in the genus.



A pimple with a white head on the gum may be a pus-filled cyst. It appears as a result of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. The development of pathology can trigger the following reasons:

  1. Running caries and pulpitis. At the top of the tooth root, inflammation forms. The amount of pus gradually increases and he begins to look for a way out. Finally, it penetrates the gingival mucosa and forms a pimple on it.
  2. Poorly sealed channels. Quite often, after treatment, a cavity may remain in the tooth tissue. There is an infection going on. The resulting pus begins to look for a way out.
  3. Perforation of the tooth. Such a situation can occur during root canal filling if the technique is not followed. At the site of perforation, inflammation develops, which leads to the formation of a cyst.
  4. Periodontitis. With this pathology, deep gingival pockets with purulent contents inside can form.
Cyst on the gum

Often, the cyst is opened independently, and pus enters the oral cavity. This leads to the formation of fistulous openings. In the event that the pus comes out completely, the patient's condition immediately improves.

Benign tumors of the oral cavity

In the oral cavity, benign tumors that are not prone to metastasis can occur. The exact reasons for their development have not yet been studied. Among the risk factors, scientists call smoking, chronic mucosal injury, and alcohol consumption.

Types of neoplasms:

  1. Papillomas. Due to the layer of keratinized epithelium, they are whitish in color.
  2. Nevuses. In the oral cavity are rare.
  3. The glands of Serra. These spherical formations of yellow or white color are found in newborns. They do not represent danger. Usually, these white pimples on the gums in infants completely disappear by the end of the first year of life.
  4. Gum fibromatosis. The lesions are painless and dense. They can be located in the papilla of the gums of the upper and lower jaw.
  5. Myoma. This seal develops from muscle tissue.
  6. Epulis. They grow from the gums, most often located in the area of ​​the front teeth.
  7. Neuromas. A tuberous formation encapsulated. May have a whitish or light gray color. Palpation of the gum hurts. White pimples are filled with liquid and can reach a diameter of 1 cm.
  8. Lymphangiomas Usually detected in newborns. Such formations are prone to inflammation.


The appearance of pimples and seals on the gums, palate and cheek mucosa may indicate inflammation of the mucous epithelium - stomatitis. The disease can affect children and adults.

Stomatitis in a child

The localization of the seals can be different: on the gums, mucous membrane of the cheeks and palate. Stomatitis has several forms:

  1. Bacterial. Most often found in children. It is sometimes called the "school pen" disease. A child often puts pencils and felt-tip pens in his mouth, even if they fall to the floor. All this leads to the formation of white pimples on the baby's gums, which then turn into erosion or ulcers.
  2. Viral. Bubbles with a clear liquid appear on the mucosa. The herpes virus provokes the development of the disease.
  3. Fungal. A white coating forms on the mucosa.
  4. Ray. The mucous membrane is compacted, erosion is formed on it.
  5. Chemical. It provokes the formation of ulcers and scars. It develops as a result of a burn of the mucous membrane with acids or alkalis.


The appearance of acne on the gums may indicate the development of an inflammatory process. In this case, the general condition of the patient worsens, the temperature rises, pronounced painful sensations appear in the area of ​​compaction.

In the event that white acne appeared on the gums, this suggests that the process of the formation of an abscess is coming to an end. It is important to ensure that its contents do not enter the bloodstream. Otherwise, it can threaten the patient's life. Therefore, it is impossible to wait until the abscess opens on its own. Seek help from a dentist.

The cause of the development of the abscess can be such factors:

  1. Injury. Mechanical damage to the gums and infection of the tissue.
  2. Gingivitis. The reason for the development of pathology is insufficient oral care and an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Periodontitis Inflammation most often occurs at the roots of the teeth.
  4. Periodontitis. The disease can develop due to a decrease in immunity.

Gum formations in infants

The cause of severe anxiety of parents may be the appearance of a white pimple on the gum in the baby. Often this phenomenon has a physiological cause. In this case, pimples do not need treatment, as they pass on their own.

Neonatal tooth

The main causes of formations:

  1. Accumulation of epithelial cells on the gingival mucosa.
  2. Neonatal tooth. It occurs in 2% of newborns. May have the appearance of a white solid tuber on the gum.
  3. Hormonal crisis. Occurs in infants at the age of three weeks. Small whitish seals can lie not only on the gums, but also throughout the baby’s body.
  4. Feeding. White plaque in a baby often occurs immediately after eating. To remove it, it is enough to give the baby drink a spoonful of clean water.
  5. Candidiasis. A newborn can become infected by the mother during childbirth. In its sky and gums, the fungus will be manifested by the presence of white curdled dots.
  6. Improper care of the baby's oral cavity.
  7. Lack of calcium or vitamins.


In the event that the parents noticed a white pimple on the gum of the child, the baby should be immediately shown to the doctor. In most cases, a doctor will only need a visual examination to make a diagnosis.

Sometimes additional tests may be required. For example, if stomatitis is suspected, the doctor will have to take a swab to determine the pathogen. Depending on its type, treatment will be prescribed. If a cyst is suspected, the patient is sent for radiography.


A method of treating white pimples on the gum can be chosen by a doctor only after a diagnosis is made. Therapy of a wen requires the use of antibacterial drugs and daily rinses. In addition, constant monitoring by a specialist is necessary. Often wen absorb on their own. If this does not happen for a long time, surgery may be required.

at the dentist’s appointment

The first thing the doctor will try to get rid of the usual abscess with the help of drug therapy. Especially if this white pimple appeared on the gum of a child. In the event that taking anti-inflammatory drugs does not work, the doctor will open the abscess.

To remove pus from a cyst, it must be opened. Then, the doctor must determine the cause of its formation. Further treatment is prescribed depending on what triggered its development.

Drug therapy

In the event that after the diagnosis of white pimples on the gum, the doctor comes to the conclusion that there is no need for surgical intervention, medication will be prescribed. It is mandatory to rinse with a solution of baking soda, Miramistin, Rotokan or Chlorhexidine.

A 3% peroxide solution is used to treat the oral cavity. Mundizal gel or Stomatidin helps relieve pain. In the event that there are no such drugs at hand, you can independently dilute 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine in 100 ml of water. The resulting solution to process the mucous membrane.

In the event that the cause of the appearance of white pimples was the herpes virus, the doctor may prescribe ointment "Zovirax" or "Acyclovir". Pimafucin or Nystatin does a good job with the fungus. Stimulates tissue regeneration of sea buckthorn oil or a solution of vitamin A.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that can relieve inflammation and reduce pain in the case of the development of white pimples on the gums. It is recommended to use them only with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, improperly selected treatment can aggravate the situation.

The most effective are the following recipes:

  • Prepare an equal amount of sorrel, calendula, yarrow and dandelion. Grind everything in a meat grinder. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil to the mixture. The resulting mass is applied several times a day to the affected areas.
  • Large fresh aloe leaves and a few cloves of garlic mince. Apply slurry to the abscess for 10 minutes.
  • Grind a large onion. To it add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. Soak a piece of gauze with the mixture and apply to the affected areas.
  • Chamomile infusion can be used for lotions or rinses. For its preparation, a tablespoon of dry raw material is poured with three glasses of boiling water. The product should be infused for at least three hours. Then, gauze is impregnated with liquid and applied to the abscess. And also the infusion can be used to rinse.
Rinse with chamomile


It is not difficult to prevent the appearance of white pimples on the gums. To do this, you must adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Strengthen the immune system.
  2. Keep track of nutrition. Exclude products that can injure the mucous membrane.
  3. Take regular care of your mouth.
  4. After each priming food, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly.
  6. Eat only well-washed vegetables and fruits.

In order to avoid the development of complications, it is recommended to visit a dentist at the first alarming symptoms. The doctor will determine the cause of the problem and help quickly restore oral health.

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