Accurate honey: useful properties and photos

Surely many of you have heard of such a flowering perennial, such as psoriasis psorale. This plant has long and quite successfully been used in areas such as cosmetology and medicine. However, it gained real fame due to the fact that from its pollen get nekureevy honey. After reading this article, you will learn about the beneficial properties of this unique beekeeping product.


Origin and composition

Born in Akkureevy honey from Bashkiria. They receive it, as already noted, from psora Kostyanka. This perennial plant, whose height reaches 1.5 meters, is grown on plantations of Central Asia. Its roots and fruits, rich in furocoumarins and essential oils, are used to produce drugs.

Flowering of this plant does not last long - from May to June. It was during this period that the bees began to actively collect pollen from its pale blue inflorescences. Therefore, many Central Asian beekeepers are trying at this time to transport their hives to the area where psorale grows. The honey (nekurey) obtained from it is considered an excellent source of many useful substances. This natural unique product is rich in enzymes, proteins, trace elements, minerals, vitamins, glucose and fructose. Its unusual healing properties are due to the presence of a substance such as psoralen.

honey honey

How to recognize the real product?

Recently, cases of fraud have become more frequent, when unscrupulous sellers give out a fake for real honey, whose useful properties are truly unique. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of this delicacy, you need to know several important nuances. First of all, it should be remembered that real honey is collected in late spring. Fresh, freshly pumped out liquid and clear. However, after a short period of time, it crystallizes, acquiring a very light, almost white hue. The color of this natural delicacy largely depends on the conditions of production and storage. Therefore, it can vary from white to cream.

This unique beekeeping product, in consistency more reminiscent of condensed milk, has absolutely no flavor, but is distinguished by a particularly soft and delicate creamy aftertaste. Unlike other analogs, nekkureevy honey, a photo of which can be viewed a little lower, is not pretended. It leaves no tart or bitter aftertaste. Having tried this product once, you will never confuse it with a fake.

honey nekurey useful properties

Accurate honey: useful properties and contraindications

Like any other beekeeping products, this delicacy is one of the best means to enhance immunity. In its composition there is a huge number of macro- and microelements that contribute to the improvement of the digestive system. It is proved that regular use of this product leads to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood, therefore it is often recommended for people with anemia. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on nerve cells, thereby preventing the development of stress. In folk medicine, Accuray honey is quite successfully used to treat diseases such as:

  • Depression
  • viral infections;
  • psoriasis;
  • skin cancer.

Unlike other honey varieties, this beekeeping product does not cause allergic reactions. But it is strictly forbidden to use for those who suffer from obesity and diabetes. There are no other contraindications for taking acrea honey.

Bashkiria honey

How is this product stored and used

Like any other honey, this delicacy should be stored in sealed glass containers, hidden in a cool dark place. This unique natural product has an unlimited shelf life. Despite the fact that it crystallizes very quickly, its beneficial properties can persist for many years.

This nourishing honey, with a delicate taste, is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, and even in cosmetology. It is part of many different medicines that are effectively used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

nekureevy honey useful properties and contraindications

Accurate honey in cosmetology

This product is not in vain called female. It allows women to preserve their natural beauty, not to resort to the use of hormonal cosmetic preparations. It is part of all kinds of masks and creams that contribute to improving the condition of the skin.

Among other things, nekurey honey is used to restore hair. This product is present in a variety of products that prevent their loss. After using these masks, the curls again become smooth and silky.

honey honey photo

How to use this honey?

First of all, it is necessary to observe the measure. A daily consumption of two tablespoons of this unique treat will benefit. However, regular excess of this norm can lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar. This is due to the fact that the basis of any beekeeping product is constituted by components such as glucose and fructose.

Many experts advise each morning to eat one tablespoon of acrea honey. They claim that thanks to this you will receive an additional charge of vivacity and provide your body with the necessary energy. Those who want to use it as a sedative can recommend a glass of warm milk with honey every night before bed . This simple, but tasty and healthy drink will help to forget about insomnia for a long time.

Paradoxically, a fairly high-calorie nut honey is also used for weight loss. Overweight people can be advised to take a miraculous cocktail every morning on an empty stomach. This drink helps to remove excess fluid from the body. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water and add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to it.

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