Songwriter and lead singer of VIA "Blue Bird" Alexander Drozdov: biography, personal life, creativity

VIA "Blue Bird" was organized back in 1972. Its founder was a musician from Gomel - Sergey Drozdov. The romantic name of the group perfectly matches further success. After all, at first no one thought about the all-Union popularity, which came pretty quickly. From the first concerts, the ensemble captivates the audience, and after three years the starting plate of the ensemble comes out, the songs of which are memorized by fans by heart. The very first known hit of the team - the famous "Maple". The popularity of the group can be compared with the British Beatles. Millions of fans began to recognize the whole team in person, tickets for their performance were almost impossible to purchase in the public domain.

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VIA "Blue Bird": a biography of Alexander Drozdov

Many fans and journalists believe that Sergei and Alexander are relatives. In fact, the performers are simply namesakes.

Today, Alexander positions himself as a soloist of the Blue Bird team, but in fact he is not. The performer’s team was invited after the band’s revival in 2000. It is noteworthy that one of the first organizers of the team (Robert Bolotny) was initially against this decision. However, the artist was hired, with paired surnames playing an important role in this: the Drozdovs, Komarovs, and Bolotnye (each in the group had two). At one of the concerts, Sergey jokingly called Alexander his son. Later it became a legend thanks to journalists and the public, which sometimes provokes untrue rumors and false information.


VIA “Blue Bird” and the biography of Alexander Drozdov have been tightly connected for several years. The performer himself does not hide his sincere love for the ensemble, includes unforgettable hits of the group in his repertoire. His fans, in turn, respond with gratitude, as evidenced by the growing popularity of the artist.

Via Blue Bird

The artist’s creativity is distinguished by sincerity, carries a positive and emotional message. Melodies and rhymes penetrate the heart and soul of any listener. The singer’s motto is “Good songs for good people”. The artist uses not only compositions known by the famous team, but also writes his own hits. Among them: "Moon", "Alyonushka", "Secret Love", "Well, let it be." These works additionally testify to the outstanding talent of the singer.

Brief information in numbers

The soloist of VIA "Blue Bird" Alexander Drozdov provides such information about himself:

  • Place of residence - Moscow.
  • Height - 190 cm.
  • Weight - 80 kg.
  • Occupation - professional activity in the concert direction, since 1999 - soloist of the Blue Bird ensemble.
  • Hair / eye color - light brown / green.
  • Age - 57 years.

soloist Alexander Drozdov


What did our hero do before he began performing in The Blue Bird? The biography of Alexander Drozdov indicates that he managed to try himself in various professions. The singer served in the army, rose to the rank of deputy company commander, was a military interrogator. In addition, the future artist managed to stay detective in the criminal investigation department. The artist has a diploma of translator from English, reads fluently in Polish. In addition, Alexander studied as a civil engineer. In the 90s difficult years, Drozdov was engaged in sewing clothes, the workshop consisted of 12 workers who made coats. The singer writes paintings that he sells during concerts.


How old is Alexander Drozdov - indicated in the "Brief Information in Figures" section. Next, consider his hobbies. The artist likes to go with his companions on a yacht. However, the singer notes that in one place he is interested in no more than a day, after all the beauties have been studied - he wants something new. In addition, the artist loves extreme sports, swims the Volga. Another hobby of Alexander is quite commonplace. He jogs through the park on Timiryazev, after which he feels a revival and rise of internal forces.

songs of Alexander Drozdov

About scandals

The biography of Alexander Drozdov from “The Blue Bird” is not filled with scandals that the “yellow” press likes to spin. As the artist himself notes, most squabbles are organized by PR specialists and concert directors. A true artist should be exclusively engaged in creativity. In material terms, it is usually justified. If any negative moment occurs, Alexander has a clear principled position - not to answer it the same way.

Oblivion and rebirth of the group

In 1991, the Bolotny brothers organized a tour in the United States. The team went to America in the summer, and in the fall they arrived in a completely different country. It also became apparent that the admirers of the “Blue Bird” have matured, changed their priorities taking into account the onset of the crisis. Nevertheless, the halls continued to fill the audience. For the most part, these were teenagers who did not have a formed outlook on life. At the end of the 91st, the ensemble was slowly leaving the big stage, without pomp and loud statements. A break in creativity lasted until 1999. In May, a concert was held, which can rightfully be considered a revival of the Blue Bird VIA. Soon, Alexander Drozdov also joined the team.

The first to revive the group was announced by Alexander Komarov, despite the fact that he was not a member of the staff. Nevertheless, he was much connected with the work of the ensemble, including organizational and commercial issues. Long work to revive the Blue Bird began in 1997.

In conclusion

The songs of Alexander Drozdov for many years delight fans. For a long time, the singer worked in the Blue Bird team not only as a performer, but also as an author. Now the artist uses the famous concert brand of the ensemble in his solo performances. Despite the fact that he is not currently an official member of the team, his contribution to the development of the group after the revival is significant.

how old is alexander drozdov

Today, the work of the vocal and instrumental ensemble is a classic of an ageless romantic genre, expressively emphasized by high-quality instrumental accompaniment and arrangements. Soloist Alexander Drozdov continues to perform and write beautiful songs in the style of "Blue Bird", delighting fans with an equally high-quality product.

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