What you need to know about olfactory media

Communication is always an exchange of certain signs that can be either verbal (with the help of speech) or non-verbal (without its use) in nature. There are three sides of this process: the communicative proper, as well as the interactive and perceptual. The latter characterizes the process of people's perception of each other, during which they study their partner and give him an assessment. The topic of the article is olfactory means of communication, related to nonverbal and responsible for the perceptual side of communication.

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What kind of load do they carry? If verbal communication uses only oral or written speech, then non-verbal means help to establish a certain psychological contact, strengthen or reduce the meaning of words, express emotions and help in deciphering the transmitted text.

olfactory means of communication in psychology

All of them are divided into four types:

  1. The first includes visual aids. Using the movement of parts of the body (kinesik), for example, hands or head, gaze, facial expressions, postures, discoloration of the skin, distance during the dialogue, as well as the appearance (clothing, makeup, etc.), you can convey partner information you need.
  2. The second type should include sound (acoustic) means that allow you to supplement the verbal text by related (intonation, pauses, volume) and non-speech-related sounds (laughter, sighs).
  3. Tactics enhance the emotional coloring of communication. These include handshakes, pats on the shoulder, hugs, etc.
  4. Olfactory means of communication include ambient odors, as well as those that come from a partner. This is clearly demonstrated in the first picture.

Main functions

People reflect non-verbal signals in different ways. It depends on the development of the senses, for example, smell. Olfactory nonverbal means of communication require a good perception of odors. Using partner perfumes can often tell a lot about him to the interlocutor. People who should be able to influence people in their duties use this powerful influence factor.

Olfactory means of communication is ...

It is well known that a word carries only from 20 to 40% of information, but the main burden lies with non-verbal means of communication, which can:

  • Confirm what was said. For example, the delicate aroma of exquisite perfumes from France convinces us that the interlocutor recently visited a European country and she has a great taste.
  • To refute human speech. The smell of sweat and cheap perfumes may not be combined with a story about yourself.
  • Supplement the information. For example, the smell of a stale shirt confirms that the interlocutor did not have the opportunity to go home and spend the night in normal conditions.
  • To focus the interlocutor's attention on significant points. The dialogue partner enthusiastically talks about visiting the bathhouse, exuding the smell of a clean body.
  • Olfactory communication can replace information. So, a man using his girlfriend’s favorite fragrance shows a certain attitude towards her.

The essence of the concept

The very word "olfactory" has a Latin origin and translates as "fragrant", "fragrant". It applies to olfactory perception, which is well developed not only in humans but also in animals, which we dwell on below. The olfactory means of communication include two main types:

  • Ambient smells. For example, in the room there is a persistent smell of tobacco, burnt porridge, etc. All this carries certain information about the owner of the apartment.
  • The smells of man himself, both natural and artificial. They are of particular importance in certain cases of interaction: in the process of intimate communication, in the dialogue between the doctor and the patient, when the mother cares for the newborn.
Olfactory media include environmental odors

Scientists have proven that various odors have a specific effect on the human body. So, the aromas of linden, eucalyptus and birch stimulate respiration, and poplar and lilac oppress it. Pine with its smell can normalize the pulse and reduce pressure. The aroma of lemon balm, vanilla and valerian have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Nonverbal communication of animals

Our younger brothers have better developed sense organs, since the source of their communication is non-verbal communication. The sense of smell in dogs, for example, is many times greater than that of humans. They have almost 50 thousand times more neurons responsible for the analysis of odors. The use of olfactory means of communication helps them identify relatives. They are able to perceive not the general background, but decompose the smell into components.

How do they recognize their own kind? Glands located in the groin, on the paws, in the anus and on the neck are responsible for the smell of animals. Feces and urine also carry additional information. For spreading odor over a large area, animals use land raking. This is done in order to leave sweat traces of the interdigital glands, drawing attention to a specific place. Such labeling - this is a means of communication with relatives.

olfactory nonverbal means of communication

Reflection of odors in humans in the process of perception

Olfactory means of communication in psychology are studied using search research. In this case, the free association technique is used . Subjects complete the image of a specific person by his smell, determining sex, age, social status and even his appearance. There is experience in determining personality traits using similar techniques, but the results are controversial.

Artificial odors (perfumes) that specific individuals use are mainly studied. They evaluated the following parameters: activity, independence, communicative competence, self-control, creativity. The results allow us to give recommendations for building the image of business people.

Olfactory means of communication

For business etiquette

One of the most famous experts studying the influence of smells on the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality is Olga Alexander. She works in Paris and advises the diplomatic corps and European politicians, revealing the intricacies of numerous aromas. It is necessary to use olfactory means of communication with representatives of various countries and faiths. This is called in psychology the creation of an olfactory image. It is important to know which aromas contribute to the disposition of a person, and which, on the contrary, repel them.

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