What is creativity and what types of creativity exist

Nowadays, quite often modern employers are looking for “creative personalities”, often not always understanding who these people are. And not so long ago the word “creativity” became popular, which confuses even more those who are interested in the question of what creativity is. If we talk about creativity, then this is a derivative of the word "create", which means direct creation. And creativity is actually a process of activity. Therefore, it is very important to be able not only to distinguish these concepts, but also to clearly understand their essence. That is why it is much more correct to look not so much for creative people as for creative people .

It is important to realize that if creativity is a process of activity, then it certainly implies some kind of result. And it should be noted that this result should be fundamentally new and unique. Actually, the novelty and uniqueness of the product of activity are the main criteria and indicators of creativity. But now inventing something new is not easy, especially given the amount of information provided to modern society. And answering the question of what creativity is, it is very important to consider the main types of this process.

Types of Creativity

There is no single classification, but the main types can be identified as follows:

1. Artistic work - it is associated more with the aesthetic mastery of reality.

2. Scientific creativity - involves the discovery of phenomena and general patterns of development of the realities of the world.

3. Technical creativity - is manifested in the directly practical transformation of the world.

4. Pedagogical creativity - the search and the actual finding of new in the field of pedagogical activity.

These are the main types of creativity, but, in addition to them, a number of other types can be distinguished: political, inventive, organizational, philosophical, mythological and many others.

It is also possible to classify types of creativity by the number of those subjects that directly delved into the creative process. And then we get individual creativity (involves the activity of one individual) and collective.

If you find it difficult to understand what creativity is, you should pay attention to the fact that now this concept has at least three definitions. And in modern science, creativity is understood as:

  • the process of activity, as a result of which something new appears that never existed before;
  • a product of creative activity, which should be valuable not only for the creator, but also for others;
  • a specific process as a result of which subjective values ​​are created.

Based on these definitions, you can learn what creativity is. It is important to understand how this process relates to any areas of life. So, a person with the ability to work is determined by a number of criteria. Among them are the following factors: physiological, psychogenetic, social, demographic and, of course, a number of personality characteristics.

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to understand that creativity is a specific engine that develops a society in different directions. And without this type of activity, development is simply impossible, no matter what category you take. After all, it is impossible for some young artist to take a brush and paints, rewrite a picture, for example, Aivazovsky and say that this is a product of his work. Yes, this is the result of activities, of course, endowed with an artistic talent of the person (if the picture really managed to be repeated). But, based on the definitions of creativity, we can understand that this or that picture is exclusively a product of the work of the person who created it. And this feature applies to absolutely all areas of activity where a person can show their abilities.

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