What is the patron planet of Capricorn?

Capricorn is one of the strongest signs of the zodiac. At first glance, he may seem compliant and modest. But it demonstrates an unbending will and strength, if necessary. Today we will discuss its characteristics in more detail.

capricorn sign

The art of astrology

Characterization of the signs of the zodiac is based on the study of many factors. Including the location of the planets in the sky. The makings of character received by the newborn have a strong influence on his further fate. Particularly noticeable effect is exerted by planets passing in a zodiac circle at a certain period. Each planet has its own characteristic and corresponds to one of the 12 zodiac signs.

The element talks about the talents of a person and his vices. And today we will consider which patron planet Capricorn has. This sign is quite controversial, but very strong and purposeful. His character under the influence of the patron planet will be discussed.

patron planet capricorn

Capricorn's patron planet by birth is Saturn. The planet is cold and strict, incredibly demanding of its "wards." However, Capricorns are accustomed to her and even learned to find a common language with her.

Saturn in Astrology

Saturn is an ancient Roman deity whose cult was incredibly popular in Italy. He was depicted as a figure with a scythe (its symbol is a sickle). According to Roman legends, he overthrew and castrated his own father, and devoured his sons, so that he would not suffer the same fate in the future. Creepy works of art by Rubens and Goya brushes depict Saturn in the guise of an old man devouring his children.

In addition, his attribute is a compass, as he is the god of Time. The Romans represented him as a lame, silent old man who unsuccessfully searches for a mysterious philosopher's stone.

capricorn which planet is the patron

In astrology, one of the gas celestial giants is responsible for the formation of personal values ​​and his own opinion. Saturn is most pronounced in three signs - Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra. In Aquarius, he enhances intelligence, and Libra gives good strategic abilities (by the way, Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was Aquarius). In Aries, Cancer, Leo Saturn is very weakly expressed. This suggests that representatives of these signs do not have clear criteria for evaluating the world. With them they depend on momentary emotions.

Saturn is called the planet of great misfortune, as it poses difficult, sometimes impossible tasks for its β€œwards”. For each Capricorn, the internal core that he got for a reason. Saturn never does anything for nothing. This core is developed in him during the passage of life tests. Therefore, the control of Saturn is more a burden than a gift. However, when Capricorn withstands with honor all the tests prepared for him, Saturn will generously reward him.

Capricorn Characteristic

capricorn zodiac sign planet

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac ( December 22 -January 20). He is portrayed as a goat with a fish tail. Belongs to the elements of the Earth. Birthstone is pomegranate.

Capricorn has a serious outlook on life, commitment and vitality. Ambitious, persistent, hardy, they stubbornly go to their goal and practically do not notice obstacles. They know how to fit into high society and enjoy all its benefits.

True, the minus for Capricorn is that it is very dependent on public opinion.

Capricorn is a workaholic. He has enough energy (Saturn gives it), but not enough time. He is an excellent performer, diligent and responsible. At the same time, Capricorn himself knows how to make the right decisions and, if desired, is able to occupy leadership positions.

Capricorn is an ardent conservative who perceives any changes and updates with hostility. They seem to him inappropriate and meaningless, cause a lot of inconvenience and doubt.

Capricorn running Saturn

Capricorn planet patron by date of birth

Saturn has a strong influence on this zodiac sign. Of course, the general characteristic given in this article cannot accurately describe each Capricorn. Other factors influence the character of a person - the minute and year of birth, the zodiac signs of the parents, and much more.

What is the difference between Capricorn and other signs?

The patron planet of Capricorn, the characteristics of which we are discussing, endows it not only with determination, but also with some isolation, sometimes turning into gloom. Capricorn, for self-defense, prefers not to trust his secrets to anyone and not give in to emotions at all. Among people born under the rule of Saturn, there are many who have communication problems. Their lack of sociability sometimes becomes the reason for a solitary lifestyle and a pessimistic outlook on life. Of course, there are sociable Capricorns. They look at the world through the eyes of realists.

Capricorn has a heavy character, so getting along with family is difficult for him. He is demanding not only to himself, but also to others.

Capricorn's patron planet gives him purposefulness and the ability to achieve what he wants. At this moment, collected, practical and decisive, he is not particularly versed in the means, but acts thoughtfully and carefully.

Capricorn is virtuous and disciplined. And so that he does not go astray and is not mired in dubious pleasures, Saturn constantly throws him life troubles. In this case, the representative of this zodiac sign is deprived of time for immoral behavior.

capricorn character

Positive character traits

At the same time, the patron planet of Capricorn, whose characteristics we are considering today, gives it fidelity and reliability. Relatives and friends can always rely on him. In love, Capricorn is faithful. He is also characterized by noble impulses and the ability to help completely disinterestedly. Even completely strangers can be awarded his gratuitous help.

Capricorn is a zodiac sign, the patron planet of which is the wise Saturn. He also endows his β€œwards” with wisdom. But if Jupiter gives it to Sagittarius, then the wisdom of Saturn must be earned.

Capricorn usually easily endures hardships of life, they look at the world without pink glasses. However, the opposite quality of his character may be the feeling that the world is an insurmountable rock on which Capricorn is forced to climb his whole life.

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